Day Date Time End Time Status Score Visitors Home Venue Umpires
Tue6/4/20246:00 pm F 14-0 Cambridge Lee Rec  Cottage Grove AL   Huston Park Field 1
Tue6/4/20246:00 pm F 3-6 Columbus Black  Jefferson Smiles by Turley   Jefferson Riverfront Park Diamond 1
Tue6/4/20246:00 pm TBAF 0-10 Lake Mills Bank O  Marshall Stuntebeck   Marshall Converse Park Field A
Tue6/4/20246:00 pm F 6-0 Columbus Red  Marshall Chadwick   Marshall Converse Park Field B
Tue6/4/20246:00 pm F 0-12 Deforest  Waterloo Van Holtens   Waterloo Firemen's Park Upper Diamond A
Wed6/5/20246:00 pm L - FFB 0-0 Cambridge Badger Bank  Columbus White   Kiwanis Park Diamond 4
Wed6/5/20246:00 pm F 3-5 Waterloo KPress  Marshall Chadwick   Marshall Converse Park Field C
Thu6/6/20246:00 pm F 2-4 Columbus Black  Fall River White   Fall River Prairie Street Athletic Complex Field 2
Thu6/6/20246:00 pm F 14-0 Jefferson INDECO  Deforest   Fireman's Park Field 1
Thu6/6/20246:00 pm F 0-6 Fall River Red  Columbus Red   Kiwanis Park Diamond 4
Thu6/6/20246:00 pm F 11-4 Cambridge Lee Rec  Columbus White   Kiwanis Park Diamond 6
Thu6/6/20246:00 pm F 0-11 Marshall Callahan  Marshall Chadwick   Marshal Reach Dane- Marshall Early Learning Center Diamond 2
Thu6/6/20246:00 pm F 6-1 Jefferson Smiles by Turley  Marshall Stuntebeck   Marshall Converse Park Field A
Thu6/6/20246:00 pm F 6-3 Cottage Grove AL  Lake Mills Bank O   Wallace Park Park 1
Thu6/6/20246:00 pm F 1-9 Waterloo KPress  Waterloo Van Holtens   Waterloo Firemen's Park Upper Diamond A
Sat6/8/202410:00 am F 6-1 Cambridge Badger Bank  Cambridge Lee Rec   Camrbidge Nikolay Middle School Diamond 1
Sat6/8/202410:00 am L - FFB 0-0 Columbus Red  Columbus Black   Kiwanis Park Diamond 4
Tue6/11/20246:00 pm F 3-0 Fall River White  Cambridge Lee Rec   Camrbidge Nikolay Middle School Diamond 1
Tue6/11/20246:00 pm F 5-5 Columbus Black  Fall River Red   Fall River Prairie Street Athletic Complex Field 1
Tue6/11/20246:00 pm F 12-10 Marshall Chadwick  Cottage Grove AL   Huston Park Field 1
Tue6/11/20246:00 pm F 6-11 Waterloo Van Holtens  Jefferson Area Dental   Jefferson Riverfront Park Diamond 1
Tue6/11/20246:00 pm F 0-7 Deforest  Columbus White   Kiwanis Park Diamond 6
Tue6/11/20246:00 pm F 7-2 Marshall Stuntebeck  Marshall Callahan   Marshal Reach Dane- Marshall Early Learning Center Diamond 2
Tue6/11/20246:00 pm F 10-2 Jefferson INDECO  Lake Mills Bank O   Wallace Park Park 1
Tue6/11/20246:00 pm F 9-0 Jefferson Smiles by Turley  Waterloo KPress   Waterloo Firemen's Park Lower Diamond B
Wed6/12/20246:00 pm F 3-15 Marshall Callahan  Waterloo Van Holtens   Waterloo Firemen's Park Upper Diamond A
Thu6/13/20246:00 pm F 2-18 Waterloo KPress  Cambridge Badger Bank   Camrbidge Nikolay Middle School Diamond 1
Thu6/13/20246:00 pm F 10-4 Fall River White  Fall River Red   Fall River Prairie Street Athletic Complex Field 2
Thu6/13/20246:00 pm F 10-6 Marshall Callahan  Deforest   Fireman's Park Field 2
Thu6/13/20246:00 pm F 13-4 Jefferson Smiles by Turley  Jefferson INDECO   Jefferson Riverfront Park Diamond 1
Thu6/13/20246:00 pm F 3-7 Deerfield NelsonYoung  Columbus Red   Kiwanis Park Diamond 4
Thu6/13/20246:00 pm F 5-3 Cambridge Lee Rec  Marshall Stuntebeck   Marshal Reach Dane- Marshall Early Learning Center Diamond 2
Thu6/13/20246:00 pm F 12-3 Columbus White  Lake Mills Bank O   Wallace Park Park 1
Thu6/13/20247:30 pm F 0-10 Marshall Chadwick  Jefferson Area Dental   Jefferson Riverfront Park Diamond 1
Tue6/18/20246:00 pm F 0-13 Deforest  Cambridge Lee Rec   Camrbidge Nikolay Middle School Diamond 1
Tue6/18/20246:00 pm F 2-15 Waterloo Van Holtens  Fall River White   Fall River Prairie Street Athletic Complex Field 2
Tue6/18/20246:00 pm F 7-8 Fall River Red  Jefferson INDECO   Jefferson Riverfront Park Diamond 1
Tue6/18/20246:00 pm F 15-1 Cambridge Badger Bank  Columbus Black   Kiwanis Park Diamond 6
Tue6/18/20246:00 pm F 8-5 Cottage Grove AL  Marshall Callahan   Marshal Reach Dane- Marshall Early Learning Center Diamond 2
Tue6/18/20246:00 pm F 5-3 Waterloo KPress  Lake Mills Bank O   Wallace Park Park 1
Tue6/18/20246:30 pm F 2-6 Deerfield NelsonYoung  Marshall Chadwick   Marshall Converse Park Field A
Tue6/18/20247:30 pm F 1-9 Jefferson Area Dental  Jefferson Smiles by Turley   Jefferson Riverfront Park Diamond 1
Wed6/19/20246:00 pm L - FFB 0-0 Marshall Stuntebeck  Columbus Black   Kiwanis Park Diamond 6
Thu6/20/20246:00 pm F 3-7 Waterloo Van Holtens  Cambridge Lee Rec   Camrbidge Nikolay Middle School Diamond 1
Thu6/20/20246:00 pm F 2-12 Lake Mills Bank O  Cambridge Badger Bank   Camrbidge Nikolay Middle School Diamond 2
Thu6/20/20246:00 pm L - FFB 0-0 Columbus Black  Deerfield NelsonYoung   Deerfield South South Field
Thu6/20/20246:00 pm F 0-7 Marshall Chadwick  Fall River Red   Fall River Prairie Street Athletic Complex Field 1
Thu6/20/20246:00 pm FFT 1-0 Waterloo KPress  Deforest   Fireman's Park Field 2
Thu6/20/20246:00 pm F 17-1 Jefferson Area Dental  Cottage Grove AL   Huston Park Field 1
Thu6/20/20246:00 pm F 11-1 Jefferson Smiles by Turley  Marshall Callahan   Marshal Reach Dane- Marshall Early Learning Center Diamond 2
Thu6/20/20246:30 pm F 3-4 Columbus White  Marshall Stuntebeck   Marshall Converse Park Field B
Mon6/24/20246:00 pm F 10-1 Fall River White  Deerfield NelsonYoung   Deerfield South South Field
Tue6/25/20246:00 pm F 1-14 Deerfield NelsonYoung  Cambridge Badger Bank   Camrbidge Nikolay Middle School Diamond 1
Tue6/25/20246:00 pm F 12-1 Fall River White  Cottage Grove AL   Cottage Grove Community Park
Tue6/25/20246:00 pm F 1-13 Lake Mills Bank O  Fall River Red   Fall River Prairie Street Athletic Complex Field 2
Tue6/25/20246:00 pm F 1-16 Deforest  Jefferson Area Dental   Jefferson Riverfront Park Diamond 1
Tue6/25/20246:00 pm FFT 0-0 Cambridge Lee Rec  Columbus Red   Kiwanis Park Diamond 4
Tue6/25/20246:00 pm F 6-10 Marshall Chadwick  Columbus Black   Kiwanis Park Diamond 6
Tue6/25/20246:00 pm F 5-3 Waterloo Van Holtens  Marshall Stuntebeck   Marshal Reach Dane- Marshall Early Learning Center Diamond 2
Tue6/25/20247:30 pm F 8-6 Columbus White  Jefferson INDECO   Jefferson Riverfront Park Diamond 1
Wed6/26/20246:00 pm F 2-1 Fall River Red  Deerfield NelsonYoung   Deerfield South South Field
Wed6/26/20246:00 pm F 6-5 Jefferson Smiles by Turley  Columbus Red   Kiwanis Park Diamond 4
Thu6/27/20246:00 pm F 0-10 Lake Mills Bank O  Cambridge Lee Rec   Camrbidge Nikolay Middle School Diamond 1
Thu6/27/20246:00 pm F 2-4 Marshall Stuntebeck  Fall River White   Fall River Prairie Street Athletic Complex Field 1
Thu6/27/20246:00 pm F 15-1 Columbus Red  Deforest   Fireman's Park Field 2
Thu6/27/20246:00 pm F 8-0 Cambridge Badger Bank  Jefferson Area Dental   Jefferson Riverfront Park Diamond 1
Thu6/27/20246:00 pm F 6-5 Columbus White  Marshall Callahan   Marshal Reach Dane- Marshall Early Learning Center Diamond 2
Thu6/27/20246:00 pm F 6-7 Deerfield NelsonYoung  Waterloo KPress   Waterloo Firemen's Park Upper Diamond A
Thu6/27/20247:30 pm F 1-21 Cottage Grove AL  Jefferson Smiles by Turley   Jefferson Riverfront Park Diamond 1
Tue7/2/20246:00 pm L - FFB 0-0 Marshall Stuntebeck  Cottage Grove AL   Cottage Grove Community Park
Tue7/2/20246:00 pm F 9-6 Columbus White  Marshall Chadwick   Marshal Reach Dane- Marshall Early Learning Center Diamond 2
Tue7/2/20246:00 pm L - FFB 0-0 Marshall Callahan  Lake Mills Bank O   Wallace Park Park 1
Tue7/2/20246:00 pm F 8-1 Fall River Red  Waterloo KPress   Waterloo Firemen's Park Lower Diamond B
Tue7/2/20246:00 pm F 5-8 Jefferson INDECO  Waterloo Van Holtens   Waterloo Firemen's Park Upper Diamond A
Wed7/3/20246:00 pm F 6-3 Jefferson Area Dental  Columbus White   Kiwanis Park Diamond 4
Wed7/3/20246:00 pm L - FFB 0-0 Jefferson INDECO  Columbus Red   Kiwanis Park Diamond 6
Mon7/8/20246:00 pm F 0-12 Deerfield NelsonYoung  Jefferson INDECO   Jefferson Riverfront Park Diamond 1
Mon7/8/20247:30 pm F 8-2 Fall River White  Jefferson Smiles by Turley   Jefferson Riverfront Park Diamond 1
Tue7/9/20246:00 pm F 4-6 Columbus Red  Cambridge Badger Bank   Camrbidge Nikolay Middle School Diamond 1
Tue7/9/20246:00 pm F 11-1 Columbus White  Deerfield NelsonYoung   Deerfield South South Field
Tue7/9/20246:00 pm F 7-2 Lake Mills Bank O  Deforest   Fireman's Park Field 2
Tue7/9/20246:00 pm F 7-8 Cambridge Lee Rec  Jefferson Smiles by Turley   Jefferson Riverfront Park Diamond 1
Tue7/9/20246:00 pm F 2-9 Waterloo Van Holtens  Columbus Black   Kiwanis Park Diamond 4
Tue7/9/20246:00 pm F 9-6 Fall River Red  Marshall Callahan   Marshal Reach Dane- Marshall Early Learning Center Diamond 2
Tue7/9/20246:00 pm F 14-1 Jefferson Area Dental  Waterloo KPress   Waterloo Firemen's Park Upper Diamond A
Tue7/9/20247:30 pm F 3-11 Cottage Grove AL  Jefferson INDECO   Jefferson Riverfront Park Diamond 1
Wed7/10/20246:00 pm F 4-1 Cambridge Badger Bank  Fall River White   Fall River Prairie Street Athletic Complex Field 1
Wed7/10/20247:30 pm FFT 0-0 Columbus Black  Jefferson Area Dental   Jefferson Riverfront Park Diamond 1
Thu7/11/20246:00 pm F 2-8 Jefferson INDECO  Cambridge Badger Bank   Camrbidge Nikolay Middle School Diamond 1
Thu7/11/20246:00 pm F 5-3 Marshall Callahan  Deerfield NelsonYoung   Deerfield South South Field
Thu7/11/20246:00 pm F 7-0 Jefferson Area Dental  Fall River Red   Fall River Prairie Street Athletic Complex Field 1
Thu7/11/20246:00 pm F 1-10 Marshall Chadwick  Fall River White   Fall River Prairie Street Athletic Complex Field 1
Thu7/11/20246:00 pm F 1-11 Deforest  Marshall Stuntebeck   Marshal Reach Dane- Marshall Early Learning Center Diamond 2
Thu7/11/20246:00 pm F 4-6 Cottage Grove AL  Waterloo KPress   Waterloo Firemen's Park Lower Diamond B
Thu7/11/20246:00 pm F 4-1 Columbus Red  Waterloo Van Holtens   Waterloo Firemen's Park Lower Diamond C

Status:F Final Score (Visitors-Home)   Note: Select a team above to show W/L/T status
TBP To Be Played
CAN Canceled
PPD Postponed
SPD Suspended
FFT Forfeit
FFT-L Forfeit Loss
FFT-W Forfeit Win
N/R Score Not Reported
FFB Forfeit by Both Teams