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Day Date Time Status Score Visitors Home Venue Umpires
Sat3/4/201710:15 am F 17-8 Dodgers  Pirates   Pinto Field
Sat3/4/201711:30 am F 5-1 Indians  Cubs   Pinto Field
Wed3/8/20176:00 pm F 5-1 Rangers  Indians   Pinto Field
Wed3/8/20177:15 pm F 11-3 Cubs  Dodgers   Pinto Field
Mon3/20/20176:00 pm F 0-14 Pirates  Angels   Pinto Field
Mon3/20/20177:15 pm F 7-14 Royals  Athletics   Pinto Field
Wed3/22/20176:00 pm F 9-2 Orioles  Athletics   Pinto Field
Sat3/25/20179:00 am F 3-8 Dodgers  Athletics   Pinto Field
Sat3/25/201710:15 am TBP*N/RBack Concession-4 Parents  Athletics   Manchaca
Sat3/25/201710:15 am F 12-10 Indians  Orioles   Pinto Field
Sat3/25/201711:30 am F 9-7 Royals  Pirates   Pinto Field
Sat3/25/201712:45 pm F 14-6 Rangers  Cubs   Pinto Field
Mon3/27/20176:00 pm F 15-7 Cubs  Royals   Pinto Field
Mon3/27/20177:15 pm F 10-9 Angels  Orioles   Pinto Field
Sat4/1/20179:00 am F 0-4 Indians  Angels   Pinto Field
Sat4/1/201710:15 am TBP*N/RBack Concession-4 Parents  Angels   Manchaca
Sat4/1/201710:15 am F 4-15 Royals  Athletics   Pinto Field
Sat4/1/201711:30 am F 15-7 Rangers  Orioles   Pinto Field
Sat4/1/201712:45 pm F 7-1 Cubs  Pirates   Pinto Field
Mon4/3/20176:00 pm F 14-9 Orioles  Dodgers   Pinto Field
Tue4/4/20176:00 pm F 15-7 Athletics  Angels   Pinto Field
Tue4/4/20177:15 pm F 0-13 Royals  Rangers   Pinto Field
Wed4/5/20176:00 pm F 1-12 Pirates  Indians   Pinto Field
Sat4/8/20179:00 am F 4-16 Pirates  Rangers   Pinto Field
Sat4/8/201710:15 am TBP*N/RBack Concession-4 Parents  Rangers   Manchaca
Sat4/8/201710:15 am F 15-10 Orioles  Royals   Pinto Field
Sat4/8/201711:30 am F 6-7 Athletics  Indians   Pinto Field
Sat4/8/201712:45 pm F 21-12 Angels  Dodgers   Pinto Field
Sat4/8/20171:20 pm TBPN/RIndians  PICTURES   Boys Pinto Outfield
Sun4/9/20171:00 pm TBPN/RAthletics  PICTURES   Boys Pinto Outfield
Sun4/9/20171:20 pm TBPN/RPICTURES  PICTURES   Boys Pinto Outfield
Sun4/9/20171:40 pm TBPN/RDodgers  PICTURES   Boys Pinto Outfield
Sun4/9/20172:20 pm TBPN/ROrioles  PICTURES   Boys Pinto Outfield
Sun4/9/20172:40 pm TBPN/RRangers  PICTURES   Boys Pinto Outfield
Sun4/9/20173:20 pm TBPN/RRoyals  PICTURES   Boys Pinto Outfield
Sun4/9/20173:40 pm TBPN/RPirates  PICTURES   Boys Pinto Outfield
Wed4/12/20175:45 pm TBP*N/RBack Concession-4 Parents  Dodgers   Manchaca
Wed4/12/20176:00 pm F 6-9 Rangers  Angels   Pinto Field
Wed4/19/20176:00 pm F 6-15 Pirates  Orioles   Pinto Field
Thu4/20/20176:00 pm TBPN/RCubs  PICTURES   Boys Pinto Outfield
Sat4/22/20179:00 am F 8-7 Orioles  Cubs   Pinto Field
Sat4/22/20179:20 am TBPN/RAngels  PICTURES   Boys Pinto Outfield
Sat4/22/201710:15 am F 15-2 Angels  Royals   Pinto Field
Sat4/22/201711:30 am F 6-11 Dodgers  Indians   Pinto Field
Sat4/22/201712:00 pm TBPN/RBack Concession-4 Parents  Orioles   Manchaca
Sat4/22/201712:45 pm F 8-10 Athletics  Rangers   Pinto Field
Mon4/24/20176:00 pm F 4-8 Cubs  Indians   Pinto Field
Tue4/25/20176:00 pm F 8-22 Royals  Dodgers   Pinto Field
Tue4/25/20177:15 pm F 12-3 Cubs  Athletics   Pinto Field
Wed4/26/20176:00 pm F 21-6 Rangers  Royals   Pinto Field
Sat4/29/20179:00 am F 16-2 Athletics  Pirates   Pinto Field
Sat4/29/201710:15 am TBP*N/RBack Concession-4 Parents  Pirates   Manchaca
Sat4/29/201710:15 am F 10-8 Angels  Cubs   Pinto Field
Sat4/29/201711:30 am F 7-18 Dodgers  Rangers   Pinto Field
Sat4/29/201712:45 pm F 9-4 Indians  Royals   Pinto Field
Mon5/1/20175:45 pm TBP*N/RBack Concession-4 Parents  Royals   Manchaca
Mon5/1/20176:00 pm F 9-11 Orioles  Angels   Pinto Field
Wed5/3/20176:00 pm F 17-16 Pirates  Dodgers   Pinto Field
Sat5/6/20179:00 am F 8-9 Indians  Rangers   Pinto Field
Sat5/6/201710:15 am TBP*N/RBack Concession-4 Parents  Indians   Manchaca
Sat5/6/201710:15 am F 9-10 Dodgers  Cubs   Pinto Field
Sat5/6/201711:30 am F 20-6 Angels  Pirates   Pinto Field
Sat5/6/201712:00 pm TBP*N/RBack Concession-4 Parents  Cubs   Manchaca
Sat5/6/201712:45 pm F 8-9 Athletics  Orioles   Pinto Field

* Game not included in standings

Status:F Final Score (Visitors-Home)   Note: Select a team above to show W/L/T status
TBP To Be Played
CAN Canceled
PPD Postponed
SPD Suspended
FFT Forfeit
FFT-L Forfeit Loss
FFT-W Forfeit Win
N/R Score Not Reported