Day Date Time Status Score Visitors Home Venue Umpires
Sat8/3/202410:00 am F 4-7 Wolves  Knights   Frontier HS Kofi Brooks  Brian King 
Sat8/3/202410:00 am F 10-11 Valley Cats  Dragons   Whalley Field John Griffin  Tony Curd 
Tue8/6/20246:00 pm PPDN/RDragons  Dirt Dogs   Spec Pond Joe Hart  Tony Curd 
Tue8/6/20246:00 pm PPDN/RValley Cats  Wolves   Szot Park John Griffin  Stu Clark 
Sat8/10/202410:00 am PPDN/RValley Cats  Wolves   Frontier HS Joe Hart  Brian King 
Sat8/10/202410:00 am PPDN/RDragons  Dirt Dogs   Whalley Field John Griffin  Tony Curd 
Tue8/13/20246:00 pm F 2-13 Dragons  Dirt Dogs   Spec Pond Tony Curd  Geoffrey Cordeiro 
Tue8/13/20246:00 pm F 11-6 Valley Cats  Wolves   Szot Park Stu Clark  John Griffin 
Sat8/17/202410:00 am F 0-6 Knights  Dirt Dogs   Frontier HS Brian King  Tony Curd 
Sat8/17/202410:00 am FFT 0-9 Valley Cats  Dragons   Whalley Field Geoffrey Cordeiro  Stu Clark 
Tue8/20/20246:00 pm F 2-14 Dragons  Knights   Whalley Field Kofi Brooks  Geoffrey Cordeiro 
Sat8/24/202410:00 am F 1-8 Knights  Dirt Dogs   Whalley Field Kofi Brooks  Tony Curd 
Tue8/27/20246:00 pm F 4-3 Dirt Dogs  Knights   McKenzie Field Joe Hart  Tony Curd 

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Status:F Final Score (Visitors-Home)   Note: Select a team above to show W/L/T status
TBP To Be Played
CAN Canceled
PPD Postponed
SPD Suspended
FFT Forfeit
FFT-L Forfeit Loss
FFT-W Forfeit Win
N/R Score Not Reported