Day Date Time Status Score Visitors Home Venue Officials
Thu3/21/20247:00 pm F 36-60 Will Evarts-Red  Troy Burbank-Black   St. Catherine's
Thu3/21/20248:00 pm F 61-55 Doug Quardt-Grey  Gregg Somma-White   St. Catherine's
Mon3/25/20247:00 pm F 50-42 Dante Brown-Lt. Blue  Will Evarts-Red   St. Catherine's
Mon3/25/20248:00 pm F 43-51 Troy Burbank-Black  Doug Quardt-Grey   St. Catherine's
Mon4/1/20247:00 pm F 53-46 Gregg Somma-White  Troy Burbank-Black   St. Catherine's
Mon4/1/20248:00 pm F 50-53 Dante Brown-Lt. Blue  Doug Quardt-Grey   St. Catherine's
Thu4/4/20247:00 pm F 55-44 Will Evarts-Red  Gregg Somma-White   St. Catherine's
Thu4/4/20248:00 pm F 41-47 Dante Brown-Lt. Blue  Troy Burbank-Black   St. Catherine's
Mon4/8/20247:00 pm F 55-49 Dante Brown-Lt. Blue  Gregg Somma-White   St. Catherine's
Mon4/8/20248:00 pm F 44-51 Will Evarts-Red  Doug Quardt-Grey   St. Catherine's
Thu4/11/20247:00 pm F 32-54 Gregg Somma-White  Doug Quardt-Grey   St. Catherine's
Thu4/11/20248:00 pm F 49-30 Troy Burbank-Black  Will Evarts-Red   St. Catherine's
Mon4/15/20247:00 pm F 63-52 Doug Quardt-Grey  Troy Burbank-Black   St. Catherine's
Mon4/15/20248:00 pm F 59-66 Will Evarts-Red  Dante Brown-Lt. Blue   St. Catherine's
Thu4/18/20247:00 pm F 67-57 Dante Brown-Lt. Blue  Doug Quardt-Grey   St. Catherine's
Thu4/18/20248:00 pm FFT 0-0 Troy Burbank-Black  Gregg Somma-White   St. Catherine's
Mon4/22/20247:00 pm F 51-47 Troy Burbank-Black  Dante Brown-Lt. Blue   St. Catherine's
Mon4/22/20248:00 pm F 67-52 Gregg Somma-White  Will Evarts-Red   St. Catherine's
Thu4/25/20247:00 pm F 56-52 Gregg Somma-White  Dante Brown-Lt. Blue   St. Catherine's
Thu4/25/20248:00 pm F 76-45 Doug Quardt-Grey  Will Evarts-Red   St. Catherine's
Mon4/29/20247:00 pm TBPN/RGAME 1: Playoff 1st Place  GAME 1: Playoff 4th Place   St. Catherine's
Mon4/29/20248:00 pm TBPN/RGAME 2: Playoff 2nd Place  GAME 2: Playoff 3rd Place   St. Catherine's
Thu5/2/20247:00 pm TBPN/RCONSOLATION GAME: Loser Game 1  CONSOLATION GAME: Loser Game 2   St. Catherine's

Status:F Final Score (Visitors-Home)   Note: Select a team above to show W/L/T status
TBP To Be Played
CAN Canceled
PPD Postponed
SPD Suspended
FFT Forfeit
FFT-L Forfeit Loss
FFT-W Forfeit Win
N/R Score Not Reported