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Philadelphia Eagles

David El has won the "Fox Award" and has made improvements every year. Can moving to the NFC East with the Philadelphia Eagles be the change needed to improve his run for the playoffs?
88 M BARTOUM 00000.000000000.00000000
25 J BOSTIC 00000.000000000.00000000
58 T COLE 00000.000000000.00000000
20 B DAWKINS 00000.000000000.00000000
10 F DUNBAR 00000.000000000.00000000
52 B GARDNER 00000.000000000.00000000
57 C GOCONG 00000.000000000.00000000
66 T HALICK 00000.000000000.00000000
42 J HEFNEY 00000.000000000.00000000
74 T HERREMANS 00000.000000000.00000000
90 D HOWARD 00000.000000000.00000000
10 D JACKSON 00000.000000000.00000000
93 T LAWS 00000.000000000.00000000
84 G LEWIS 00000.000000000.00000000
71 J MAYBERRY 00000.000000000.00000000
72 M McGLYNN 00000.000000000.00000000
5 D McNABB 00000.000000000.00000000
00 B MILLER 00000.000000000.00000000
30 B MITCHELL 00000.000000000.00000000
99 AVERY SMITH 00000.000000000.00000000
63 B SMITH 00000.000000000.00000000
86 BRAWN SMITH 00000.000000000.00000000
47 KENDALL SMITH 00000.000000000.00000000
44 KEVIN SMITH 00000.000000000.00000000
26 D STALEY 00000.000000000.00000000
23 T VINCENT 00000.000000000.00000000
36 B WESTBROOK 00000.000000000.00000000
70 L WILSON 00000.000000000.00000000
Total 110000.000000000.00000000

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