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# Name
13Cohen Aquilina, 70lbs
51Dominic Barbuto, 119lbs
23John Barrett Dillard, 140lbs
36Grady Brooks, 97lbs
8Christian Burch, 80lbs
11Kyler Cook, 78lbs
9Miles Curry, 58lbs
15Eli Duncan, 85lbs
5Maxwell Farrier, 65lbs
6Jaxon Garner, 93lbs
38Hunter Hargis, 117lbs
18Andrew Keller, 91lbs
12Christopher Keller, 98lbs
4Gage Koontz, 65lbs
99Breckan Lang, 70lbs
27Luxan Lang, 76lbs
2Isaac McClelland, 76lbs
75Zemir Moorhead, 97lbs
1Grayson Puliiam, 81lbs
7Bentley Pulliam, 75lbs
19Jase Rath, 78lbs
80Cooper Rhodes, 65lbs
20Max Robards, 63lbs
50Duncan Roberts, 133lbs
41Corbin Rosendahl, 83lbs
10Leo Sanchez, 64lbs
16Eli Seifert, 74lbs
90Keir Sharp, 83lbs
3Matthew Tarone, 63lbs
71Karl Tonnessen, 70lbs
35Finn Vermilion, 76lbs