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Cavs 2006

  • 0-3

73 Scott Baker 000.0000000.0000000
62 Dustin Behn 000.0000000.0000000
72 Andrew Bespolka 000.0000000.0000000
16 Clay Blincoe 000.0000000.0000000
19 Josh Buswell 000.000011010.01000000
24 Chris Chastain 000.0000912614.02500000
40 R.J. Clevenger 000.0000000.0000000
41 Frank Cole 000.0000166.0600000
34 Phil Curley 000.0000000.0000000
21 Evan Dayhoff 000.00001924212.77050000
80 Justin Frazier 6366.01023133.0300000
30 Jon Gardner 000.0000000.0000000
71 Mark Gilliece 000.0000000.0000000
45 Adam Granic 000.0000000.0000000
20 Matt Greene 1267005.6418779576.31700000
25 Brandon Grimes 000.000011111.01100000
53 Josh Harrison 000.0000000.0000000
85 Zach Hemphill 000.0000000.0000000
32 Tyler Kennedy 231.500333511.72500000
52 Branden Klahre 000.0000000.0000000
77 Jordon Leppo 000.0000000.0000000
81 Bobby Louder 000.00002115.5600000
83 Mike Mason 000.0000000.0000000
23 Mike Matthews 000.0000000.0000000
22 Jack McCarty 8202.51092157.513000000
86 Nick McFadden 000.0000000.0000000
42 Jesse Meetre 000.00003853914.25950000
84 Miguel Nillen 000.0000000.0000000
61 Richard Payne 000.0000000.0000000
70 Ben Poole 000.0000000.0000000
17 Matt Rennie 000.000024020.03110000
75 Phil Riddle 000.0000000.0000000
18 David Ringold 45-24-0.51111000.0000000
63 Derek Ritgert 000.0000000.00015100
76 Mason Robertson 000.0000000.0000000
51 Eric Schmitz 000.0000000.0000000
44 Andrew Sweigert 000.0000000.0000000
66 Dan Szcygielski 000.0000000.0000000
33 Greg Tellish 853524.110752168.0900000
82 Trevor Terpening 000.000048621.54210000
78 Ben Weaver 000.0000000.0000000
31 Devin White 000.0000000.0000000
43 Roger Yohn 22773.5107000.0000000
Total 29411644.09197794119712.71301215100

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