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Incheon FC

# Name Position GPPTSGACE
01 Luke Evans 700000
02 Andrew Dobie 700010
04 Harry Brooks 400000
05 Pete Walsh 400000
06 Roddy Dunphy 500001
07 David Kim 500000
08 Josh Billingham 400010
09 Daebeom Jung 433000
10 Josh Brooks 564200
11 Bryan Park 000000
12 Jacob Morris Defence 511000
13 Lewis Philips Defence 100000
14 Jesus Lara 400000
15 Guilherme Amadei-Imai 100020
17 Heo Hyun 100010
18 Chris Davies 311000
19 Michael Wilson 800010
20 Sunil Koo 963310
21 Jesse Garcia 500000
22 Benjamin Chhetry 600010
23 Tommy Ryan 621100
24 Ricardo Silva 200000
25 Ty Trojanowski 731200
26 Richard Barker 300000
27 Jihoon Ko 300000
28 Yisrael Peretz 122011
29 Simon Douglas 310100
30 Sinta Tiruneh 400000
31 Meseret  311000
32 Jin Young 100000
33 Brian Claggett 000000
34 Starr Chase 200000
35 Phil Yoon 100000
38 Danny Jones 100000
41 Jeong Young 111000
97 Hamza Zad Gul 200010
99 Teraun Marcus 410100
Total 12281810102

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