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Seoul Wanderers FC

# Name Position GPPTSGACE
1 Steven Coffey GK 700000
1 Bruce Solace SK 000000
3 Alexander Beanland L/RM 700000
5 Mehdi Oussid CM 200000
6 Armando Gamez GK/CD 511000
7 Robert Doloran L/RM 911000
8 Steve Jantosik GK/SK 311000
9 Eduardo Macedo SK 831200
10 Hongsik PArk CM 832130
11 James Wiggans everywhere 101431100
12 Greg Iaacs L/R/CD 100010
13 Tyler Perkins L/RD 600020
14 Addell Damin L/RM 310100
15 Clinton Kesselring CD 620200
16 Chris Bonnet SK 000000
17 Vincent Floyd GK/L/RD 422000
19 Andy Kempster bench 854100
20 Kiung Lee L/RM 100000
21 Joe Rhew L/R/CM 800000
22 Teasik Min SK 531200
23 Emanuel Pupa SK 91310310
24 Chris Dodson CD/CM 431200
25 Ben Dominici CD/CM 000000
26 Scott Niehorster CD 000000
31 Neil Goddard CM 400000
32 pedro  LB 300000
32 Zach Couch CB 200010
33 peter dawson CD 200010
34 Simon Williamson CD 621100
Total 1154282690

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