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Manchester Knights football/Cheer awards 1 winner each year and present the award at our Annual Banquet to 1 8th grade football player & Cheerleader
Manchester Knights award is given to a boy or girl who is a 8th grader and has participated in the Manchester Knights program for a least 2 years and has demonstrates what it means to be a Manchester Knight
- Leader on and off the field
- Good Academic standing
- Great Teammate
- Work Ethic
- Positive Attitude
- Teamwork
- Coachable
- Has It (coach Term)
The winner of the awards is picked by the executive Board of Manchester Knights.
Past winners:
2011 - Koby Quansah (Football) Kingswood Oxford
2011 - Taylor Acelin (Cheerleader) Two Rivers High
2012 - Noah Figella (Football) Cheney Tech
2013 - Leon Green (Football) Bulkeley High School
2014 - Chaz Jackson (Football) Manchester High
2015 - Corey Williams (Football) Manchester High
2016 - Dashon Gittens (Football) Weaver High
2017- Kyle Grant (Football) Manchester High
2018 - Riley Thomas (Football) Manchester High
2019 - Samuel Belcher (Football) Manchester High
2019- Angelina Campbell (Cheerleader) Manchester High
2020- Due to COVID-19 no award was given