Gate Fee - $5.00 (No Bills over a $20 will be accepted.)

·         Wristband – A wristband will be given to all who pay and must be put on before leaving the gate area.

·         If you lose your wristband you will have to purchase another one.

·         If a Board Member sees you without a wristband you will be asked to leave the park without a refund.

·         DO NOT HARASS THE VOLUNTEERS AT THE GATE!!!!! You will be escorted from the fields!!

·         If you have any questions, concerns or disputes you can address the Board of Directors at the next meeting. (The Board meets each Wednesday – Check the website for times and locations.)

·         Drop-offs and Pick-ups – If you are dropping a player off or picking up a player do so at the front gate. (You will be charged to come in the fields – so make arrangements before hand)

·         Bags- All bags MUST be clear!!! Diaper bags and fanny packs MUST be CLEAR. Clutch purses or wallet purses are not permitted unless it is clear!!!!

·         Badge- Badge must be worn at all times (if given one)!! No Badge = No Sideline

·         Food – There is NO outside food allowed at the fields. You are allowed to bring in one drink per person.

·         Team Snacks – The Leader or Coach must bring in the team snacks. All others will be stopped at the gate.


·         Dress Code- Proper Attire!! Please ensure clothing is appropriate, being that children are present!

·         Animal- Animals are NOT permitted in the park, unless documentation is provided!!!

·         Smoking – There is no smoking allowed in the park. NO cigarettes or cigars, electronic cigarettes or pipes.

·         Alcohol – Alcohol is not permitted in the park.

·        Firearms- Firearms are not permitted in the park.  NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!

·         Bleachers – You may bring something to sit on the bleachers as they can become hot on a warm day. Also if you need shade you may bring an umbrella – umbrellas can only be used on the top 3 rows of the stands.

·         PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU OR YOUR CHILDREN ARE NOT UNDER THE BLEACHERS – Signs are posted. This is a safety issue. Board members will patrol the areas. We encourage you to keep your children with you at all times.

·         Do not stand on the rails – Everyone needs to be seated in the bleachers. This is for your safety as well as allowing the people behind you to see the game and the cheerleaders.

·         Fields – The parents are not allowed on the field at any time. Only registered personnel may be on the sidelines. (The visiting team will have 3 adults to run the chains. – “Chain Gang” may not coach or cheer while on the sidelines.

·        Home/Visitor – Please stay on the side of the field that is designated for your team. A Board member will ask you to move if you are on the wrong side and failure to do so will get you removed from the park.