Waterfield Match 2 of 2nd Round Robin.

October 22, 2014
Waterfield Match 2 of 2nd Round Robin. 
Oct 22, 2014.  Garrison golf club. 
Gord/Nick vs Rob/Glen 
A cold north wind sweeps across the leave covered course.  Glen and Rob 
trod to the first tee; Rob after a sleepless night and Glen in a 
self-induced Robaxiset coma. 
The first 5 holes are a blur. Rob/Glen down 5.  Decide to relax and 
enjoy one of the last days of golf before the dark winter. 
Hole 6 is tied by Rob against the normal par by Gord. 
Hole 7 halved by Rob's par after Gord's bird attempt missed. 
Hole 8 won by Rob's nervy par. 
Hole 9 Rob's bird wins hole. (wry smiles exchanged......) 
(snack bar closed) 
Hole 10  Won with Rob's net par. 
Hole 11 Halved with Glen's par.  Both Nick & Gord missed birds by a dog 
Hole 12 Halved with pars all around. 
Hole 13 Won by Glen's par.  Playing long into the wind, Glen's tee shot 
screamed at eye level across the lake, hit the bank 1' past the water 
and rolled to 12'.   Gord's tee shot long and short-sided against a 
tight back blue pin. 
Rob/Glen now only 1 down.  Not for long. 
Hole 14    Gord's brilliant bird gets them back to 2 up. 
Hole 15    Glen and Rob to normal pars.  Nick from right hits trees 
and/or ruff. (3 times)  Crosses the bridge and finds his first ball but 
cloaked in the trees.  Gord uncharacteristically sends 2nd shot to right 
rough.  Both end up with brilliant and remarkable bogies. Rob/Glen down 1. 
Hole 16 down wind.    All drives in play. Nick to 140 out!!   Nick to 
left trap.  Nick to 1' from left trap.  Nick punishes the trap with 4 
sharp blows and helicopters club towards OB but gets caught up in tree. 
Very quiet now.  Glen manages a 2nd shot to left fringe 15' below blue 
pin.  Par net bird conceded after chip and missed putts.  Match even!!!! 
Hole 17 Halved with Rob's par. 
Hole 18 Glen & Rob have reasonable drives. (Rob at ditch) Gord's drive 
in right rough with crappy lie.  Nick to left OB but has a stroke. 2nd 
drive over ditch in middle.  Glen and Rob's 2nds to inside 100. Nick's 
4th well right pin high.  Gord's 2nd shot plays with willow tree.  At 
this point the author forgets details beyond Rob's 3rd shot which is 3' 
from pin and eventually conceded. Victory recorded for Rob/Glen 
We do thank Gord and Nick for a fine match and wish them all the best 
against our true enemies...........