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Good Luck Cody Pride Teams in Casper This Weekend!!!

June 1, 2016 – 11:45 AM

Cody Pride 10U and 14U teams will be travelling to Casper this weekend to compete in the 3rd annual Summer Kickoff fast-pitch softball tournament. Cody 10U opens up Pool-Play on Saturday against the Gillette Blue Jays at 9:35 AM. Pride 10U will also face a familiar foe in the Worland Wildfires at 1:35 PM on Saturday. The 14U team will face the Gillette Blue Jays 14U in their first game of the tournament at 12:15 PM. Pride 14U will play Douglas 14U and Worland 14U later in the day on Saturday. Bracket play schedules for Sunday will depend on how the teams do on Saturday. GO GET 'EM LADIES!!!