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The NAJF Board of Directors has made the decision to leave our Hockomock Pop Warner Football affiliation. NAJF has been a key organization within the league for many years but unfortunately the direction of the league doesn't line up with ours. Most notably the increased weight for older/lighters which in some cases increased by 16-25lbs over the previous 5 years. Our opinion is these changes are not in the best interest of player safe...ty. We have decided to affiliate with American youth football “AYF” beginning with the fall of 2018, which is a grade based system rather the age/weight based. This means in place of Unlimited, B, C, D and mites we will have 8th grade, 7th grade, 6th grade, 5th grade. There will be a 4th grade mites team and 2/3rd grade will be a mites team. This change also eliminates weight restrictions which means regardless of weight (light or heavy) anyone can play in their particular grade. Cheer is slightly different with 8U/ 10U/ 12U/ 14U because the teams tend to be smaller so there is a little more flexibilty.
Players will still begin at age 7 and Cheer is now age 6.
As part of AYF we will play in the Baystate League. The Baystate league is a very strong and well run organization that better aligns with our vision of safety and competition for both football and cheer! Please feel free to view their website at www.bsyfcc.com joining NAJF in moving to Baystate are Attleboro, King Phillip, Franklin, Canton and Mansfield. I know you may have questions regarding this change and I will be happy to answer any of them. Please email me directly at Paul.rofino@comcast.net or for cheer Lisa Champagne at lchamp22@aol.com
Thank you! We are looking forward to a successful 2018 season and a successful relationship with AYF and The Baystate League going forward.
Your child¹s health and safety is our highest priority ¬ nothing else comes close.
With your involvement and through new and exciting teaching resources, we look forward to our finest season to date in 2018.
North Attleboro Junior Football