Subscribe to our NewsletterOpening Day Meeting- Football
August 1, 2023 – 06:00 PM
Welcome to the South Eastern Youth Football Association! We’re so glad to have you with us for the 2022 season. We’ve been working hard in the off season to prepare. Below are a couple of important pieces of information. Please read them carefully. We try to keep the website up to date as much as possible so please check it if you have any questions…most can be answered on the FAQ tab.YOU CAN ALSO CONTACT US THROUGH OUR FACEBOOK ( https://www.facebook.com/SEYFARAMSFOOTBALL) PAGE OR VIA E-MAIL AT SEYFARAMS@GMAIL.COMFirst, the season begins August 3rd with a parent & player meeting at 6:30PM on the hill by the KDHS practice field1.) Copy of your child’s birth certificate (not needed if your child played for SEYFA last season)2.) The appropriate YCYFA physical form for your child’s age group (our website, forms and handouts page). If your child has had a physical within the last year, your doctor will likely sign it. Otherwise patient 1st does $15 sports physicals.3.) YCYFA Code of Conduct (our website, forms and handouts page)4.) SEYFA agreement to participate (our website, forms and handouts page)5.) Proof of residency and school attendance (Spring report card OR district transportation form) If an exemption is needed please contact us ASAP.At the meeting, you will get to meet your child’s coaches, Practice will start immediately following the meeting and last until approximately 8:00pm. The first week is heat acclimatization so your child should wear: shorts, T-shirt, cleats, and bring plenty of water. Plan on practices being Mon-FRI 3 or 4 days depending on the coaches preference... from 6-8pm. Equipment will be issued that first week. (A deposit check will be required…it will NOT be cashed unless the equipment is NOT returned at the end of the season.)By the second week, your child will have been given a helmet and shoulder pads. They will need to acquire the following equipment: black football pants, groin protector, mouth guard, cleats (no toe cleat is allowed and they must be plastic), a practice jersey (old T-shirt that will fit over the shoulder pads works fine). Many players opt to purchase padded under shirts and shorts, gloves, arm pads…these things are optional and are by no means required.Practices continue 4 days a week until school starts, then will drop to Mon, Tues, & Thurs or Fri evenings from 6-8pm. Games are typically Saturday, with younger teams playing first. More detailed information about the season and schedule will be given at the parent meeting so please plan to attend.