United COED Softball Umpire Rules

2020 United COED Softball Umpire Rules


1.       A team shall consist of 10 players on the field made up of 6 males and 4 females. There can never be more than 6 males on the field, but there can be more than 5 females. All players must have signed the Waiver Form before they can play…

a.       Roster Lineup with 4 females:

1. Female

2. Male

3. Female

4. Male

5. Female

6. Male

7. Female

8. Male

9. Male

10. Male


2.       There must be 9 players to start a game (3 must be female with the out at the top of the lineup). If this is not accomplished, it will be declared a forfeit., 3 must be female. Leadoff (Female) will take auto-out. Please review the example lineup below:

a.       Roster Lineup with 3 females:

1. Female (OUT) - Not Available

2. Male

3. Female

4. Male

5. Female

6. Male

7. Female

8. Male

9. Male

10. Male


3.       (SUB RULE) Only if a team is short players… A team can only sub a player on another roster to be eligible to play.

a.       If a team is short  9 players, they can sub one FEMALE from another roster to make 10

b.      If a team is short  8 players (must have at least 3 females currently on the roster), they can sub one MALE from another roster to make 9... CANNOT pickup 2 males from another roster to make 10

c.       No team can pick up 2 players from another roster to make 10

4.       Batting order will alternate male-female or female-male. Exceptions will be when playing with more women or less than 10 players. Two females can bat back to back, but the males cannot. Top 8 batters in the Line-Up must be “alternated” … a female must lead off.

5.       If a man pitches a woman must catch and vice versa. Must always have at 1 one female in the Outfield. (even if a team only has 9 players and 3 are females).

6.       Players must play at least 5 games prior to the playoffs to be eligible.

a.       Lineup cards must be given to the Umps prior to start of game.

b.      Only players who played in the Game should be listed on the Lineup card

                                                                           i.      Lineup cards must be accurate, ONLY list the First or Initial and Last name of the player who played in that current game… Legible handwriting is required

                                                                         ii.      Examples:

·         Joe Smith

·         J. Smith

7. Run Rule is 20 runs up after 3 innings, 15 runs after 4 innings and 10 runs after 5 innings. Home team shall bat.

8. No stealing bases, No Leading off the base, player cannot leave the base until the batter contact the ball.

9. Courtesy runners are allowed. They shall be declared before the game begins unless an injury occurs during the game. The last batter out shall be declared the courtesy runner. Only 2 runners allowed per game. Only a Male can run for a male & a Female for a female.

10.  A team can bat a maximum of 12, only if 5/6 females are in the lineup

                                * Lineup options with 12 batters (5 female)

6 Females in the Lineup

5 Females in the Lineup

1. Female

1. Female

2. Male

2. Male

3. Female

3. Female

4. Male

4. Male

5. Female

5. Female

6. Male

6. Male

7. Female

7. Female

8. Male

8. Male

9. Female

9. Female

10. Male

10. Male

11. Female

11. Male

12. Male

12. Male


            11. NO METAL CLEATS… Only Plastic or molded.       

12. The league will supply each team will be supplied with a core.40 Softball, restricted flight ball.

            13. ALL PITCH COUNTS START AT 1 AND 1. Courtesy foul is NOT allowed.

            14. Extend Home plate rule will be in effect:

                A. Strike Zone: The strike zone is defined by an extended home plate whose width is the normal plate width and whose depth extends approximately 2.5 feet behind the front of the plate. Any pitch landing partially or wholly in this area is a strike…
                  B. Arch dimensions:10 feet High/6 feet Low… If the ball hits any part on Home Plate, it’s a STRIKE!!!!!

-          The runner must tag the home plate to score, cannot tag the mat.

15. All bats (wood) will be provided by the team. 100% Wood Bats ONLY, no composite bats! A bat list will be provided to Team Captains

16. Addition of the Demarini Corndog 2.0, Easton Hammer Softball Bat, 2020 Worth Mayhem Alloy Slowpitch Softball Bat for Female use only, PINK Grip

17. Umpire Fee $70.00 per game = $35 per team, 2 Umpires per game.

18. Only the Team Captain can question an Umpire’s call on the field.

19. If a player is thrown out of the Game, 1st offense is a 1 game suspension, 2nd offense, the player will be removed from the LEAGUE.

20. If a male is walked with 2 outs, the male gets 2 bases, only if a female is next to bat in the lineup. The female who is next up at bat has the option to Walk or Hit. On a walk to a male batter, 2 outs (intentional or not) the male batter will advance to second base, all base runners will advance to the next base forced to, on a walk to a male batter.

21. The Runner must tag the outside base (1st), which will be Orange. The runner/Batter can tag either bag on a hit to the Outfield.

22. Both teams must confirm the game score with Umps between innings.

23. When a female batter is at bat, the Outfielders must remain 40ft from the Infield. Lines will be marked on the field/addition of cones. Players must remain 40ft until the female batter makes contact!!! 

 24. No cursing/confrontation with the umpire or the opposing team. Fighting or Abusive Conduct will result in immediate ejection from the tournament. Ejected players must leave the field ASAP!

              25. FORFEITS:

a.       If a team forfeits after the deadline, they (Forfeit Team) must pay for both teams' umps fees. ($70)

26. Final score must be texted or emailed to League for confirmation.

27. 15-game season, the player must play in at least 6 games to be playoff eligible.

28. Duration of Games will be 1 hr and 15 minutes maximum: (No new inning will start after 1 hr. - 10 minutes, the home team will not bat if AHEAD pending the time limit).

Umpires will “Hurry” the teams to take the field between innings to avoid delays and reassure the completion of the games. No 15 min courtesy “Grace Period” will be granted.


               29. Captains Responsibilities:

                -   To notify team members of all league rules, to make sure the rules are observed, and to make sure all team players meet eligibility rules. 

                -   Each manager shall see their team is ready to play at the scheduled time.  

                -   Each will complete the lineup cards correctly

                -   Winning Teams captain must text the league the final score.

               30. No team can play with 5 defensive players on the infield

              31. REMINDER:  DRINKING OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IS PROHIBITED AT SCHOOL FIELDS (Hamden Middle or Dunbar Hill.  If a team is caught drinking in the field of play which consists of the area defined by the umpires before the game the team will be given a warning.  If any player must be spoken to again, they will be ejected.