2018 FCBL League Rules

Amended: May 20, 2018

Article Index

No.   Category                                                                                    Rules

I          Teams, Managers, Player Responsibilities                          1, 2, 3, 4

II         Rules (interpretations)                                                         1, 2

III       Ball Fields, and Equipment                                                     1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

IV        Schedules, Forfeits, Protests                                                1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

V          Umpires (rainouts, games started, 1 umpire)                   1, 2, 3

VI        Rosters, Contracts, Players                                                  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

VII       Conduct                                                                                  1, 2

VIII     Games and Postponements                                            1, 2, 3, 4

IX        Playoffs                                                                                   1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

X          Courtesy Runner, Designated Hitter                            1, 2

XI        Grievance Committee                                                            1

XII    Final Statistics                                                                     1


Amended and Approved by:

Ryan Encapera (League President, Mgr Mitch’s Bail Bonds)

Ray Orndorff (Treasurer, Mgr Mill Run)

Bobby Finn (Coach, Better Edge)

Tom Sankovich (Jr) (Umpire Agent)

Chris Edenfield (Umpire)

Alex Adams (Manager California)

Nick Groover (Manager Uniontown)





Article 1 – Teams, Managers, Player Responsibilities

1 –       All new teams entering the FCBL starting in the 2007 season will owe a franchise fee of $200.00. All Franchise fees are to be paid to the League President/Treasurer prior to the opening of the season. Any money owed to the League must be paid before the final meeting entry date before a team can join and that includes Money owed from previous seasonsThe County League will open on Thursday May 31, 2018.  

2 – The manager of a player’s new team must see that the player returns his uniform or pays off any debt to the team he previously played for before he is eligible to play. Teams should submit a list of players who owe a debt to a team to the League President and Commissioner.

3 – All managers will review the ground rules during the pre-game home plate meeting.

4 – Managers must cooperate on all pre-game activities, which include exchanging lineup cards. The Umpires will receive a Carbon Copy of your team’s game line-up with first and last names of all players and subs.     

Article 2 – Rules (interpretations)

1 – No Rule Changes will occur during the season, and the schedule will not be extended.

First Play Date is Tuesday May 22, Last Play date is Friday July 13

Playoffs will begin Sunday July 15 unless season is extended because of weather.

2 – The Major League Rules will govern all games not covered by our League Rules.

Article 3 – Fields and Equipment

1 – Two new baseballs (AD Starr Pro 600, Wilson A1010, Rawlings RON, Diamond D1 Pro, Worth MLR) are to be furnished by the home team for each game. The home team must supply (2 new baseballs) and additional baseballs to complete the game and those baseballs must meet the Umpires approval.  Umpires keep 4-6 in bag to keep game moving.

2 – The home team’s diamond shall be scraped and lined off to the foul lines and in playing condition if possible. This is due to the fact that some teams use the same fields as High School and other summer leagues and they play before County League games.

3 – All teams must be properly dressed in baseball uniforms (team caps, jerseys, pants, socks, stirrups (optional if the pants are ankle length), and baseball shoes. Managers and Coaches must wear the team uniform (cap, pants, jersey/coaching pullover) to coach the bases.

4 – Bats used in the FCBL are wood, metal-wood, and/or composite wood bats. Any player caught altering the baseball bat will be ejected from the game, and in addition to the game ejection will serve a one (1) game suspension.

5 – Batting helmets must be in proper game condition and are at the discretion of the game Umpires. Hitters must wear a batting helmet whether it is an earflap type or half helmet when batting and all players must wear a helmet when running the bases.( Note: player may choose to wear a no ear flap helmet)


Article 4 – Schedules, Forfeits, and Protests


1 – All League games are to begin at 6 pm on weekdays, with a 15-minute grace period. Sunday game times vary, but again with a 15-minute grace period. Otherwise a forfeit penalty will be in effect. Double-Headers start at 1 or 2 pm, with a 15-minute grace period. Game 2 grace period is again 15 minutes to 1:30 pm or 2:30 pm. The maximum time between the start of the 2nd game of a double-header is 30-minutes.

2 – If a game is rained out, it must be rescheduled on the calendar within five (5) calendar days, if not, the home team must notify the League President to get the game scheduled. The President will monitor the rainouts and check to see if the Managers are getting them rescheduled.

3 – The Home Team manager must contact the League President and Umpire Commissioner, and the opposing manager as soon as possible if a game is rained out; preferably 90 minutes before the start time (4:30 PM weekday for a 6:00 pm game).

If a game is rained out 30 minutes before start time and the umpires are on site, they must be paid travel fee $20

4 – All regular season games must be played. Games that are not played at the end of the season will constitute a $130.00 fine per team. Monies owed to the League from these fines will be paid before teams can participate in the Playoffs.

5– A Team beginning a game with 10 or 11 players present, which suffer a game ending injury to a player after a substitution is made, may re-enter the substituted player to continue the game.


6– If a protest should be filed, it must be filed in writing within twenty-four (24) hours of the completion of the game in question with the League President. Both Managers must sign opposing team’s scorebook. Umpires will also sign both scorebooks. A fee of $50.00 must accompany each protest filed. The President and Grievance Committee will rule upon all protests within one (1) week, if possible. The Umpires must be present if called upon. If the team filing the protest shall win the protest, the $50.00 will be refunded. The decision of the President and Grievance Committee and Commissioner shall be final.


7 –       Any team that accumulates a total of three (3) losses due to forfeits, will be dropped from the League and cannot participate in the playoffs.

–       The team forfeiting the baseball game is responsible for the $130.00 for the Umpires.    If the Home Team pays the $130.00 for the forfeiting team, the $130.00 must be paid back to the League President before the forfeiting team can play their next game.

            If a team forfeits before the teams arrive for the game, the forfeiting team must pay the league $130 for umpire fees before playing their next game.


Article 5 – Umpires (rainouts, games started, and 1 umpire)

1 – Rain out pre-game that did not start, Umpires are to be paid ($20.00).

2 – Games that are started but rained out- game started $20.00 and $5.00 per inning if rained out per Umpire until game is official (Losing Team Bats in 5th Inning) any game rained out and not official must start from the beginning.

3 – Sixty ($65.00) dollars will be paid to each Umpire (May 20, 2018)

If only one Umpire shows up the Umpire will be paid ($65.00). The Home Team is then to contact the League President, and the Umpire Commissioner to inform them that only one Umpire showed up for the game. All Umpires will be paid before the game starts, preferably at the home plate pre-game meeting. In all Playoff games, both Umpires will be paid sixty ($65.00) dollars. 

The League will supply the baseballs for the best of 7 Championship Series.

4 – Finals Umpires- For the Finals the Home team will pay $130 for umpires and league will pay $30 for each game. Three man umpire crew will be paid $160 total for 3 umpires.

5- No Umpire will be on an FCBL Roster and Umpire in the County League. 

(A list of Umpires will be submitted to the County League Managers.)

Article 6 – Rosters, Contracts, and Players

– Each team can carry any number of players on their roster.

Only 30 players can be on the roster for the playoffs. Manager does not count toward the 30 players. Roster for each team is open until the end of the regular season.

2 – For players to be eligible for the Playoffs they must have officially been entered in the lineup for four (4) games.

 (Courtesy Runner does not qualify for an appearance)                      

All Managers are automatically eligible without 4 appearances.

3 – Players cannot leave a team in the FCBL for another team in the FCBL after Monday June 25. (All uniform and financial obligations must be settled as well)

4 – The manager alone has the power to add or remove players from their roster.

The contract release form will be used to release a player from a County League team. This release will take place before the signing deadline of the June 25. This form is to be completed and sent to the League President before the player is “Officially Released”. The League President will contact both teams when he receives this completed form. Only then will the player be eligible to play for the new team. All financial obligations or uniforms must be met before a player can

5.  – FCBL Re-Entry Rule – Same as the High School Re-Entry Rule

6. - Roster positions and appearances will be verified by League Website. All teams must enter their roster and stats to the league website.  www.leaguelineup.com/fcbl2018                              

Each manager will get a username and password for their team.

7. Drafting of PlayersWhen a County League team drops out of the League prior to the signing deadline (June 25), the players of that team are free to sign on with any County League team. Players on teams that drop out of the League after the signing deadline will constitute a “Player Draft” in reverse order based on the current County League team’s winning percentage and this must take place before July 4. There will be no “Player Drafts” after the July 4th deadline.

– Any player drafted or signed by the MLB or any other professional baseball organization may be replaced on a roster up to the last day in June.

Article 7 – Conduct

1 – Throwing equipment will be grounds for AUTOMATIC EJECTION from the ball game. The Umpires are to contact the League President concerning all ejections. The League President will determine if any further action against the ejected player will be in effect once he gets the Umpires report.

2 – PROFANE, ABUSIVE, THREATENING LANGUAGE, GESTURES, and Harassment by Electronic Communication before, during or after the game, will not be tolerated or permitted. Consequences for the above mentioned is an AUTOMATIC EJECTION by the Umpire.  

Note: Once determined by an Umpire to eject a player, the Umpire may declare a 

GRADE 1 EJECTION, which does not warrant a suspension.

GRADE 2 EJECTION, at which time the player ejected is suspended for the next game. The League President and Grievance Committee can determine the severity of the offense to warrant more than a one (1) game suspension. A second (2nd) offense is an AUTOMATIC EJECTION and a three (30 game suspension (consecutive games). After the second (2nd) offense, the offender must appear before the League President and the Grievance Committee to determine his status. A third (3rd) offense is banishment from the League for that year. The League President is to be contacted any time a player is ejected from a ball game for any reason.

Article 8 – Games and Postponements

1 – Any team needing  to postpone a game must first notify the League President and give the reason for the postponement. If the request is valid, the team requesting the postponement will then notify the opposing manager and the Umpire Commissioner. All this must take place three (3) days before the regular scheduled game. The lone exception is in the event of a death.

2 – All games will be scheduled seven (7) innings.

3 – There is ten (10) run rule in the FCBL after 5 innings. (Amended May 10th, 2015)

4 – A point system has been established for wins and tie games: each win totals two (2) points, and tie games totals one (1) point for each participating team.

Article 9 – Playoffs (amended May 21, 2017) 

All teams in 2017 will make the FCBL Playoffs. Both the 1st and 2nd place Regular Season Team will receive a 1st Round Bye.

1st Round- (Best of 3 Series)   3vs6    4vs 5   (Best Regular Season Record team has home field advantage for game 1 and 3)  

Tenative Start Date: Sunday July 23- Tuesday July 25

SemiFinals- (Best of 3 Series) Reseed based on Regular Season Finish (1 will play highest Seed, 2 will play the lower seeded team) Best Regular Season Record will host game 1 and 3.

Tenative Date:  Wed July 26 or Thursday 27 thru Sunday July 30

Finals- (Best of 5 Series) Team with Best Regular Season Record will host games 1,3,5

Tenative Date: Sunday July 30 or Monday July 31 thru Sunday August 6

 1 – During the Playoffs, a one (1) game forfeit will be in effect. If a team forfeits one (1) game for unnecessary reasons or uses an ineligible player, they are eliminated from the Playoffs; they also lose monies owed and the opposing team wins. The League President and Commissioner will consult Grievance Committee if needed to postpone a game.

– Any teams ending up in a tie for Playoff positions, the tiebreaker goes as follows:

1.      Head to head regular season record

2.      Most runs scored in head to head regular season play. 

3.      Fewest runs allowed

4.    Coin flip

3 – In case of a Playoff deadlock in a three (3), five (5) or seven (7) game series, the 3rd, 5th, or 7th game will be played on the field that finishes higher in the regular season standings. Games ending in a tie stay at the same playing site for the next game.

4 – Suspended baseball games in the FCBL playoffs will be completed on the same field the next available playing date.

5 – All weekdays in the FCBL Playoffs have a game starting time of 6pm


Article 10 – Courtesy Runner and Designated Hitter

1 – A team may use a “courtesy runner” for their catcher during the course of the game so as to speed up the contest. However, the catcher should be ready to start the next inning with no delay. The Definition of a “courtesy runner” is a player who has not made an official appearance in the game, and it does not have to be the same player every time. This rule is optional.

2 – Last Batted Out Courtesy Runner-  in order to speed up the game, a team may use the last player batted out to run for the catcher. If a team has more than 11 players they CANNOT use Last Batted out Courtesy Runner.

A team may use a LAST BATTED OUT COURTESY Runner only if they have:

A.      only 9 players

B.      10 players and use DH or EH

C.      11 players and use both DH and EH

3- The Designated Hitter in the County League can be used for any player in the lineup. Once the “designated hitter” plays a defensive position, the player he was hitting for is now removed from the baseball game, and may not reenter. Note: The “DH” and the player he is batting for are locked into the same position in the batting order.

4 – EXTRA HITTER (EH) – Managers will now be allowed to list a PLAYER as an EH in the Batting Order. The EH may BAT in any of the Ten (10) Batting order Positions if the Manager chooses to do so, but not MANDATORY. If a player is used in the EH Position he may go in on DEFENSE. (Position Change) Note: If an INJURY occurs when a team only has TEN (10) players present for the game, and the Manager uses the EH, the EH can go in the game for the Injured Player on Defense, remaining in the EH Batting Order Spot on original lineup, but an OUT will be RECORDED for the INJURED Player’s spot in the Batting Order.


Article 11 – Final Statistics/ League Awards

1 – The League website – www.leaguelineup.com/fcbl2018

 will be used by all managers for recording game by game STATISTICS.

Managers will have one (1) week after each game to upload game box scores.

Statistics will be tallied by the leaguelineup system.

Team Rosters will be monitored by the President and League Statistician on league website. For a player to appear in a game they must be on the Team Roster online.

League Statistician** Nick Damico - email (damicon@calsd.org)

Regular Season Individual awards will be presented at Game 1 of the Finals

Award- (criteria)

Hitter of the Year (voted on by Commissioner and Managers)

Pitcher of the Year (voted on by Commissioner and Managers)

Batting Champion (highest batting average must play in 70% of team games)

HR Leader (player with most Homeruns)

Strikeout Leader (player with most Strikeouts)

Pitching Wins (pitcher with most wins)

Mr. Baseball (voted on by Commissioner and Managers)

Rookie of the Year (voted on by Commissioner and Managers)

League MVP (voted on by Commissioner and Managers)

Fayette County League All Stars- best player by each position (voted on by Commissioner and Managers) *each team will have at least 1 player on All Star Team

Article 12      Grievance Committee

An objective group of baseball people will be nominated by the league to serve as a Grievance Committee. They will rule on any situation not covered by league rules.

Grievance Committee 2017

Tom Landman

Chris Edenfield

Gilbert Floyd

Doc Franks


Article 13      Media

1-     Teams are responsible for entering their boxscore/stats to the league website as soon as time permits but no later than 7 days after game has ended.  All team stats must be complete by Last regular Season playing date for playoff rosters and league awards.


2-     Winning team is responsible for reporting scores to local newspapers.

News papers will take scores from 8:30 PM till 10:00pm

Herald Standard 1-800-261-7147

Connellsville Courier (724)366-2738

Mon Valley Independent (724)314-0040