This site has not been updated and will be removed from the LeagueLineup network shortly. If you'd like to keep the site active please log in to the administration section.

Online Registration Process:

  1. Webrowse to
  2. Either login or if you have not created an account before select the option to 'Don't have an account? Create one Here.'
  3. After creating an account login.
  4. To add a player select the option 'Participant - Register as a Participant'.  Add your daughter's including name, address, phone number (your own if you do not want to use your daughter's), email address (your own if you do not want to use your daughter's) and birth certificate (this is necessary).  Also select the Division or age group for your daughter.
  5. Add every daughter who is registering with BJGHA under this same login.
  6. If you are part of the coaching staff select the option 'Coach/Staff Registration' and complete the form similar to the Participant.