Subscribe to our NewsletterIf ANY first round playoff game is re-scheduled due to rain, it will be moved to Saturday 11/3. Games will begin at 12:00 noon (re-scheduled in the order they are postponed) and will be finished by the end of the day Saturday regardless of whether games are indoor or outdoor. This will be mandatory, no exceptions. If both semi-final series are 2-0 sweeps, the finals will begin on Wednesday 11/7. All semi-final and final games will be moved indoors in the event of a rainout as the season must end by 11/15.
Round One
Monday 10/29
6:30 2v7
7:30 3v6
8:30 1v8
Tuesday 10/30
6:30 4v5
7:30 2v7
8:30 1v8
Wednesday 10/31
6:30 3v6
7:30 1v8 (if necessary)
8:30 4v5
Thursday 11/1
6:30 2v7 (if necessary)
7:30 4v5 (if necessary)
8:30 3v6 (if necessary)
Monday 11/5
7:00 Middle seed v Middle Seed
8:00 Highest seed v Lowest Seed
Tuesday 11/6
7:00 Highest seed v Lowest Seed
8:00 Middle seed v Middle Seed
Wednesday 11/7
7:00 Middle seed v Middle seed (if necessary)
8:00 Highest seed v Lowest seed (if necessary)
Thursday 11/8
7:30 Highest seed v Lowest seed
Monday 11/12
8:00 Highest seed v Lowest seed
Tuesday 11/13
8:00 Highest seed v Lowest seed
Wednesday 11/14
8:00 Highest seed v Lowest seed (if necessary)
Thursday 11/15
7:30 Highest seed v Lowest seed (if necessary)