Birdville Hawks Soccer Banquet!


Invitations were sent home this week with all players for our Annual Soccer Banquet coming up on April 28th. I have attached a copy of the invitation and rsvp. We will have a table set up in front of the cafeteria tomorrow Friday, April 12th during all four lunch periods. All players will have the opportunity to turn in their rsvp and purchase tickets for their guests attending. Tickets are free for all soccer players, coaches/spouses and $25 each for all guests attending. The deadline to RSVP is on Monday, April 22nd. Tickets will need to be purchased in advance and will not be sold at the door. Please feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions or need to make any arrangements. Looking forward to seeing everyone soon!

Thank you,

Yvonnie Tijerina

Upper 90 Booster Club
