Subscribe to Team Calendar

The DC Baseball website has been configured to allow team schedules to be synchronized to your home computer or smart device.  To subscribe to a team calendar, navigate to the schedule section from the website home screen, select schedule then select the team schedule you would like to subscribe to. 

Once you have selected the team in the drop down menu, select Subscribe(iCAL) from the bar directly above the schedule.  A blue message box will be displayed that includes a link that can be copied to your browser as well as a Subscribe hyperlink that can be clicked directly from the smart device.  Once you have selected the link, follow the instructions on your device.  This will ensure the team schedule will synchronize to your laptop or smart device.

You can also subscribe to get schedule reminders by selecting the "Get Schedule Reminders" option from the schedule screen.  You will be prompted to provide an email address to which reminders can be sent.  You will be prompted to setup an account.  Follow the setup instructions provided on screen.