Holt Jr Ram Football

Parent/Guardian and Athlete Code of Conduct

Holt JR Rams Football strives to provide a safe, fun learning environment for our youth football players. We will do our best to create an opportunity for all kids to work together as a team toward common goals.  Our focus is on developing the athlete and teaching proper, safe football skills while having fun. We emphasize sportsmanship, teamwork, responsibility, commitment and respect.  Holt JR Rams Football will not tolerate verbal or physical abuse of its volunteer coaches, referees, or players from any Parent, Player, or Spectator.

The Holt JR Rams Board of Directors reserves the right to remove a player from the program due to a violation of the code of conduct by either the Athlete or a Parent/Guardian.


Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct

1.   I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all participants, coaches, officials, board members, and staff at all league events including games and practices

2.   I will support all coaches, board members, and others working with my child, in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all. 

3.   I will never ridicule or yell at my child or other participants for making a mistake or losing a game. 

4.   I will have my athlete to practice on time and I will be there to pick up promptly at the conclusion of practice.  I will not make the volunteer coaches wait on me.

5.   I will teach my child that doing one’s best is more important than winning, so that my child will never feel defeated by the outcome of a game. 

6.   I will remember that children participate to have fun and that the game is for them, not the adults. 

7.   I will ask my child to treat other participants, coaches, board members, parents, and spectators with respect, regardless of race, sex, creed, or ability. 

8.   I will, along with any guest of mine, refrain from any vulgar, lewd, or obscene language or gestures while participating in, or watching any league events. 

9.   I will refrain from using drugs, alcohol or tobacco products while attending a Holt Jr Ram Football event.

10.I will respect the coaches’ right to coach. I will offer no interference whatsoever during the course of practice or games. Should I have a concern, I will wait for the appropriate time in which to consult with the coach, or turn my attention to the Holt JR Ram Board of Directors, to express my concerns. Any game or practice issues concerning playing time, positioning or management, will not be addressed by the coaching staff for 24 hours following the game.