***July 13th E1 Friendly***


YAZZZZ QUEENS!!!!  So we played vs older girls again, BUT MY SPECIFIC REQUEST, PLAY US VS STRONGEST TEAMS PLEASE!!!!!  If I just wanted you girls to win, I would have left you in 14s last year, but you get NOTHING out of playing 7th & 8th graders.....so playing 18s as 14s did you some good, this Summer, yes we are playing familiar Teams, and yes playing vs OLDER TEAMS continues to make you stronger..... I was questioned if we were competitive, I actually must have given puzzled look to question as he smiled at me and said, "I guess you are"....yes you are competitive, you won 2 games vs Teams others think you have no business on the field with, but playing vs younger girls and girls your own age has never been what brings the best out of you girls!!!!!!  And most important, we did it short handed, missing 2 KEY players, you still held your own!!!!! I have to single out a few of you girls, as you played just a little bit better, and it put us over the top when according to others, we shouldn't have been there.....

WEEKEND MVP:  KOOLAID - she caught in 10 inn, THAT'S A LOT in that HEAT, ATTA GIRL!!!!!

KFC- She was BEAST playing Shortstop, she threw out an Arizona runner from parking lot!!!

Turbo - She handled the circle with precise LOCATION, only 1 run in 5 inn!!!!! (5-8 hitting)

Tazz- Solid lead off hitter, and though she started slow pitching, was clutch vs Arizona last game

Turtle- hit clutch LAZERS including Hit & Run for a TRIPLE!!!!! (4-7 hitting)

Pep - quality AT Bats in every game including bunt vs LV...(3-5 + 2 bunts)

T Bird - hitting out of 4 hole not easy, but hopefully gained valuable knowledge 3-6 2- SAC FLIES

Squinky - hitting higher in lineup means different pitches, 2-6 with 2 SAC FLIES 

YES ALL 8 MADE BIG CONTRIBUTIONS, AND YES I'M PROUD OF WHAT YOU ACCOMPLISHED, If I was any other Coach, you wouldn't have shown what you could do, as you are a 15u Team, which means they didn't have your division, which means you wouldn't play, but you stepped up AGAIN, and rather than chase TEAMS that are as YOUNG as you GIRLS, we will continue to PLAY UP AND GAIN VALUABLE EXPERIENCE,  YOU MAY USE IT SOMETIME, LIKE MAYBE IN HIGH SCHOOL????? Job well done ladies, CYA ON THE DIAMOND......and oh ya, HELLO fellow softball friends, hope these girls could entertain you, hope to also cya on the diamond.......