Subscribe to our NewsletterThe Section 2 playoff tournament was held Saturday July 27th at Oakdale Park
Congrats to #2 seed Steel City Angels who won the Championship!
Game 1. McCoy's 11 Game 2. Pisci's 8
Zippy's 0 Fireballs 3
Game 3. Mugshots 11 Game 4. SC Angels 10
Pisci's 6 McCoy's 9
Game 5. Fireballs 5 Game 6. Pisci's 21
McCoy's 2 Zippy's 6
Game 7. Mugshots W Game 8. Pisci's 8
SC Angels L Fireballs 1
Game 9. SC Angels 4
Pisci's 2
Game 10. SC Angels 11
Mugshots 1
Game 11. SC Angels 12
Mugshots 2