Subscribe to our Newsletter2 raffle tickets were given to each soccer player to sell by Tuesday September 3rd. This is our primary fundraiser. The raffle tickets are $100 each. There is one winner - to be drawn at the girls varsity soccer game on September 6th. The winner receives the following:
Patriots: Section 111 Seats 5 & 6
Celtics: Loge Row 24 Seats 1-4
Bruins: Loge 11 2 Seats Center Ice
Red Sox: 9/27/19 Game 4 Seats & Parking DELL/EMC Club
The dates for the Celtics, Bruins, and Patriots games are negotiable/TBD. The date for the Red Sox game is 9/27/19. 100 raffle tickets will be sold. The sports tickets were donated, so 100% of the proceeds go to the girls soccer program.
Girls can sell to anyone, although parents, grandparents, other relatives, are good people to start with. Individuals can also go in on the raffle ticket together and split the sports tickets if they win.
Checks should be made payable to HHS Girls Soccer Boosters.
Checks and ticket stubs should be placed in an envelope and handed to Jay/Hillary Murphy, Kevin/Stacie Quilty, or Kristin/Al Parnell or one of the captains - Phoebe, Emma, or Jess. You can provide the checks and ticket stubs to us at the scrimmages on 8/27 or 8/29, to the girls at any of the practices, and a Booster parent will also stop by the high school before and after practice on Thursday 8/29 and Tuesday 9/3 to collect stubs and checks.
We need all sold and unsold tickets, as well as checks back by September 3rd at the latest. That way we have a couple of days to try to sell any unsold tickets before the drawing.
Thanks for your help!