2019 Post Game Summaries


Wednesday, September 4th 

The Indians opened up a 3-1 first-half lead only to watch the Falcons come roaring back to knot the score. A goal by sophomore Ali Carpentier with 5:48 remaining in regulation propelled the Indians to the hard fought win in Wednesday’s season opener.  “Ali went into the game and did exactly what she was told to do – she is so coachable,” Rock North coach Heather Whalin said of her sophomore who came off the bench to score the game-winner. “She went in at left mid. My assistant Theresa Delahanty was telling the girls – ‘You need to overlap at the top and get that shot in.’  “Ali overlapped right to the top of the left upper side of the goal. The goalie cleared it right to her, and she slammed it right back in. It was beautiful.” Early on, there was nothing to suggest that the Indians would need Carpentier’s late-game heroics as they opened up a 3-1 lead, thanks to a pair of goals by sophomore Riley Clark and a goal and two assists by Rebecca Ripans. Sarah Scott also had an assist in the game. Pennsbury interrupted the Indians’ run when senior Casey Glynn connected on a strong corner shot to make it a 2-1 game. With 18 seconds remaining in the first half, junior Kayli Williams scored, and it was 3-2 at the intermission. “We dominated the whole first half, and we should have scored so much more than we did,” Whalin said.  The Falcons weren’t done yet, and junior Maddy Spratt made things real interesting when she found the cage with 23 minutes remaining, knotting the score 3-3. That score stood until Carpentier delivered the game-winner. The Falcons, according to coach Traci Curtis, had possession on their offensive end in the closing seconds, but time ran out before they created an opportunity. Whalin once again lauded the play of her rookies. “My sophomores came through again – they’re killing it,” the Indians’ coach said or Bella and Ali Carpentier and Riley Clarke. “Rebecca Ripans also had a really nice game. She has really been coming through, and those sophomores are really getting it done. I’m really excited because I wasn’t planning on that. They’re gamers.”


Curtis had nothing but good things to say about her team’s performance.

“The Falcons story is being written from scratch with each passing day and is going to be a page turner,” the Falcons’ first-year coach said. “Coming off a 6-0 non-league loss to Souderton on Friday, Pennsbury proved that there will be a new chapter and they are only getting started.  “Hosting Council Rock North, the first league game, at home was a great way to set the tone for what's ahead and the Falcons knew it would be indicative of where they stand in the mix.” Curtis went on to laud the performances of several players. “Everyone contributed from the goalie all the way up to the forward line,” the first-year coach said. “Defender Hannah Aker was extremely strong in the back along with Casey Glynn, Nicole Joniak, and Sammie Tosh. Goalie Keira Korzeb worked hard to guide the defense and keep the ball out of the cage. “Contributions were made at across all grade levels - sophomores Liz Jordan and EB Rafferty made a lot happen in the midfield in addition to junior Sophia Hitchingham, and freshman Jaclyn Gorgo kept plays alive with her aggressive style and field hockey IQ. This team has heart, grit, and determination and they are only getting better. We are extremely proud of what happened out there today. They played with joy and that is what makes the story a great one.” “They have some very skilled players,” Whalin said of the Falcons. “Number 33, Casey Glynn, played great. She played awesome. Kayli Williams was super fast – she played really well.“ Council Rock North (2-0, 1-0 SOL) will host Harry S Truman on Saturday at 10 a.m., and Pennsbury (0-2, 0-1) will host Springfield Township in a non-league game on Monday.

Council Rock North      3-1   4
Pennsbury                 2-1   3



Tuesday, September 10th



Pennsbury’s field hockey story continues and it now includes the first tally in the win column. It did not come so easily as Bensalem arrived pumped and ready to play the game from the moment they stepped off of the bus.  The Falcons, on the other hand, stepped onto the field a bit sleepy and a little out of sorts. It was a back and forth game, with Bensalem dominating and denying goals with strength and determination. They played some great hockey. Pennsbury had many opportunities, including twelve penalty corners, but did not score their first goal until there were nine minutes left in the first half making it 1-0. Cammie Stuhlmuller tipped it in off of an assist from Maddie Spratt. Bensalem did not let down and answered with a goal on a corner with six minutes until the half.  The teams entered the break tied 1-1 and the battle was just beginning.  The Owls continued to deny the Falcons until Kayli Williams assisted Maddie Spratt half way through the second half (2-1).  And then the game changed a bit. Pennsbury found their groove on some great sparks of inspiration from Liz Jordan, Nicole Joniak, Celia Dolan,  Jaclyn Gorgo, and Kayli Williams.  Maddie Spratt scored her second goal (unassisted) of the game with five minutes left making it 3-1 and then Celia Dolan added another with only three minutes left for a final score of 4-1. Goalies, Keira Korzeb and Haley Derr, put in a great combined effort to protect the win and prove to be a consistent strength in the cage.  Despite the slow start and a little haphazard performance in the first half, the girls found a way to rise above, connect, and finish the game with great force. Everyone contributed across positions and grade levels and the final moments of the game were an awesome visual of what it looks like to fit the pieces together.  Each day is new and every game carries with it many lessons to take away and apply on and off the field. The Falcons will continue a four game week on Thursday and begin a long stretch of traveling - there is so much more hockey yet to play. 


Thursday, September 12, 2019



It was not your typical start today in the Panther’s stadium.  The pre-game routine was shifted as the JV was scheduled to play first and then soon into that first game, the sun disappeared and the torrential rains fell. The Pennsbury and Tennent Varsity players stood and watched the JV squads finish in the saturating rain…and then it stopped.  Pennsbury’s JV came out on top 2-1 and set the tone for their soaking wet teammates.  The Falcons and the Panthers did not let the weather or later playing time affect them at all. After a quick warmup, they wrung out their uniforms and stepped onto the field ready to go. For Pennsbury, it was definite progress from previous games as they started on fire and had immediate offensive opportunities. Those opportunities didn’t pan out as Tennent’s goalie was an absolute brick wall and she continued that caliber of play throughout the entire game.  If there was an MVP, it would have been her, hands down.  The Falcons had breakaways, shots, scuffles in the circle, and much more, but never got one over the white line. Pennsbury goalie, Keira Korzeb, did an outstanding job keeping the ball out of her cage as well.  The game was exciting from the start and a evenly matched battle that was still 0-0 at halftime.  The second half was much of the same, but the excitement heightened when Tennent had two penalty corner opportunities after the clock ran out at the end of regulation. With the score 0-0, the teams were staring overtime right in the face.  The Panthers first corner was disrupted with a foul on PHS and resulted in a repeat try.  The second attempt was blocked by the incredibly strong fly effort of PHS senior, Casey Glynn - she executed the task perfectly and sent the Falcon’s into their first overtime experience of the season. Both teams had played incredible hockey for 60 minutes and the energy was awesome, the vibe was upbeat on both sides and really a fun environment. In overtime, the Panther’s had possession first and in less than a minute worked it down the field and found a way to get one passed Korzeb.  Tennent closed the book with a 1-0 win. It was great hockey and fun to watch from start to finish. Key contributors for the Falcons included: Nicole Joniak, Sophia Hitchingham, Hannah Aker, and Kayli Williams. We are extremely proud of what happened out there today, especially with needing to adjust to the turf as a grass team.  Having the loss on our record is minimal compared to the spirit, efforts, unity, and heart that showed during the entire game - it was a win in so many other ways.  We are continuously working to put together combinations on the field that will allow us to finish offensively - the answer will be in honing all of those little extra tactics, techniques, skills, and application of field hockey IQ.  Pennsbury travels to North Penn tomorrow for their fourth game of the week.


Friday, September 13, 2019



The Falcons arrived at their fourth game of the week carrying with them all of the lessons learned from the previous three.  With a couple of girls absent from the line up there was ample opportunity to utilize a variety of players across the board and it helped to have fresh legs for the end of the week and another turf game.  North Penn’s crisp passes and strong stops made the Falcon’s have to work hard for everything they got. The Knights scored shortly into the first half and then the scored remained 1-0 for a long time. Haley Derr started in goal for the Falcons and did a great job moving aggressively in the circle, being agile, and a strong leader in the cage. Pennsbury’s defense continues to be extremely strong and reliable with the cohesive unit of Nicole Joniak, Casey Glynn, Sammie Tosh, and Hannah Aker. Reilly Monach notched a defensive save today and Sophia Curtis also contributed in the backfield. They held the Knights for quite awhile. We are so proud of the way the defense is working together and adjusting to each team they face.  North Penn made the score 2-0 in the second half, but the Falcons didn’t flinch and continued to play hard, work together, and find ways to problem solve. Goalie Keira Korzeb played an outstanding game in the second half denying a number of shots and helping the Falcons to stay encouraged.  Pennsbury had plenty of offensive opportunities, but did not connect until Cindy Budzinski put herself in the perfect place on the right post and tipped a pass right through a small sliver in the corner of the goal with 45 seconds left in the game.  It proved to not be enough time to earn the ball back and try to force a corner at the end.  Other strong contributors today included Julianna Martin, Jaclyn Gorgo, and Sophia Hitchingham. The story seems to be on repeat for the Falcons - hard fought, close, one goal games, showing an abundance of progress and still much to improve. It is a pure and true depiction of what it means to BUILD from the inside out.  Pennsbury is on the road again on Monday to face Council Rock South.  


Monday, September 16, 2019



There are some things that just cannot be coached. Believing as individuals and as a team that you are capable, worthy, talented, and strong comes from within and on this particular Monday afternoon, Pennsbury struggled with that positive mindset. Those things can be modeled, discussed, and encouraged, but unless there is true belief that sinks in, it is difficult for a team to overcome a challenging game. Council Rock South came out ready to dominate and that is what they did. The score was 3-0 going into the half after South got a corner and scored with only 26 seconds remaining. The Falcons had a few moments of inspiration in the second half, but they allowed CR South to control the game and the score reflected exactly that.  Keira Korzeb and Haley Derr fought hard in the goal for PHS and Nicole Joniak and Hannah Aker played their  typical consistent defense throughout the game. Sophia Hitchingham worked hard in the center to distribute, set up momentum, and provide offensive opportunities. With Pennsbury being down 5-0, Julianna Martin scored the Falcons’ first goal with a great shot from the outside.  Her determination and effort in keeping possession up the left side contributed to that finish. Maddy Spratt added another goal later in the half off of the combined contribution of Sophia Hitchingham and Kayli Williams.  There are definitely small victories to take from within this loss and we are working hard to use those sparks to help us to move forward.  The focus for the Falcons will be on working as a cohesive unit to improve their 1-6 record. That is something we are very proud of in our team - we do not look to one single player to fix it all or do all of the work - we rely on everyone contributing and taking responsibility for their role and carrying out that role to the best of their ability in any given moment.  The Falcons will head to Truman on Wednesday and then travel to Neshaminy on Friday as they continue their long stretch of away games.  


Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Pennsbury 9,  Truman 0


The Pennsbury Falcons had a fire in their gut coming off of a big loss on Monday.  They found a way to unite, connect, and finish with seven different players finding the back of the cage throughout the game.  Celia Dolan started off the scoring at the 28 minute mark, but Truman did a great job holding it at 1-0 until the final minutes of the first half.  They did a lot of nice things out on the field and were definitely determined to fight hard.  Maddie Spratt, Jaclyn Gorgo, and EB Rafferty scored three quick goals to make it 4-0 going into the half.  The Falcons focus at the start of the second half was to move the ball on angles, utilize the back ball, manage the clock, take quick free hits, and force corners.  What we were most proud of was the variety of ways the girls scored and the work they did in utilizing the depth of the entire team.  As we forge ahead and try to improve, we will continue to capitalize on the opportunity to hone skills and work on finding the most effective formula for success. There is still so much to learn and so much growing to do regarding hockey and mental mindset.  Other scorers included Julianna Martin, Liz Jordan and Kayli Williams. Truman continued to play strongly all the way through  the game with really nice, big hits and a lot of hustle.  Pennsbury will travel to Neshaminy on Friday.  


Friday, September 20, 2019

Neshaminy 5, Pennsbury 1


Pennsbury’s goalie Keira Korzeb was on fire from the start. With 24 saves in the game and that same number of penalty corners to defend, it was an awesome victory for her as a goalkeeper allowing Neshaminy only five goals in the sixty minutes.  We made sure that she knew that she did win in the cage. It was fun to watch her play today. The Falcons struggled defensively to start being forced back on their heels as Neshaminy kept coming down the field strong.  They scored two goals within four minutes of each other and then another with six minutes left in the half. Pennsbury midfielder, Celia Dolan, answered back finding the back of the cage with a little less five minutes left in the first half, making it 3-1. That spark allowed the Falcons to come out energized in the second half regrouped and renewed and they forced a couple of penalty corners, but could not convert. Not converting on those opportunities is tough. We could not capitalize on any of those moments. Neshaminy made it very difficult for us to create offensive opportunities. They are an extremely smart, strong, skilled, fast, and disciplined team. You have to work beyond hard to earn anything from them as an opponent.  Pennsbury was able to come out on top in small moments, but that is not enough against that kind of power.  The Falcons will continue to push forward, learn from every game, and do the work necessary to get better every day.  They travel to CR North on Monday for their second meeting with The Rock.  


Monday, September 23, 2019

Council Rock north 2, Pennsbury 1 - OT


It was a true heartbreaker for Pennsbury. The ultimate battle that resulted in a loss, but a loss that in no way reflects the amazing hockey the Falcons displayed throughout the entire game. Pennsbury dominated the first half especially, getting on the scoreboard first with a goal by Maddy Spratt (assisted by Sophia Hitchingham) and went into half time with an 1-0 lead.  It was the best hockey they have played all season.  The girls played confidently and with strength, intelligence, and poise and we are sure CR North was not expecting that from us. The Falcons’ offensive opportunities were abundant with breakaways, one on ones, and fantastic ball movement, but they couldn’t connect and were forced to cling to the 1-0 lead until CR North answered back quickly into the second half making it a 1-1 tie.  The Falcons continued to dominate offensively, led by Kayli Williams, and the standout defense by Nicole Joniak, Casey Glynn, Sammie Tosh, Hannah Aker, and goalie Keira Korzeb held North, but the score remained 1-1 in regulation. Halfway through overtime, North found the back of the cage and it was over. It happened very fast and there are still questions surrounding  the events of the final moments, but what Pennsbury walked away with was joy about their performance and how far they have come this season. We could not be more proud of the team as a whole. We will continue to move forward and take each moment as it comes. The Falcons host Abington on Friday and it will be a GOLD OUT game as they fundraise for PHS Mini THON.  


Listening to Heather Whalin tell it – the Falcons didn’t win Monday’s game, they survived “We were tired,” said the Indians’ coach, whose team was playing its 10th game in a grueling 14-day stretch. “We were tired. We came off of Friday against (Council Rock South) and Saturday the huge win over Spring-Ford.  “Today I was just trying to drag them through the game. Pennsbury brought it. They played a fantastic game from beginning to end. They put pressure on. The coaches made adjustments. They did a great job, and they should be commended.” The Indians scored a pair of second-half goals to erase a 1-0 deficit to the Falcons. “They outplayed us,” Whalin said of the Falcons. “Number 10, Kayli Williams, is fantastic. She’s so fast and has great stick skills. You either have speed or stick skills. She has both. “Keira Korzeb, their goalie, made a phenomenal split save that people shouldn’t make and she made in the first half. We survived the game today, we didn’t win it.” For the Falcons, this loss was a hard one to swallow.  “It was a true heartbreaker,” Pennsbury coach Traci Curtis said. “The ultimate battle resulted in a loss, but a loss that in no way reflects the amazing hockey the Falcons displayed throughout the entire game. Pennsbury dominated the first half.  “It was the best hockey we have played all season. The girls played confidently and with strength, intelligence and poise, and we are sure that CR North was not expecting that from us.  “The Falcons’ offensive opportunities were abundant with breakaways, one-on-ones and fantastic ball movement, but we couldn’t connect and were forced to cling to the 1-0 lead.” The Falcons got on the scoreboard with a goal by Maddy Spratt (Sophia Hitchingham assist) with 9:17 remaining in the first half. It was the only goal of the first half.  “It was a beautiful goal,” Whalin said. “Our team stopped and she just whaled a beautiful shot on goal.”  Just over two minutes into the second half, the Indians evened the score when Sarah Scott turned a Lindsey O’Brien pass into a goal during corner play. Neither team scored the rest of the way, and the stage was set for overtime.  “We continued to dominate offensively led by Kayli Williams and the standout defense by Nicole Joniak, Casey Gylnn, Sammie Tosh and Hannah Aker held North.”  “They really put the pressure on us,” Whalin said of the Falcons. “They played a really great game. They are an intense team.  “I really didn’t think we would pull it out. We just happened to put the pressure on, and we scored at the 12:38 mark of overtime on a corner.”  Riley Clarke turned a Scott pass into the game-winner.   “It happened very fast, and there are still questions surrounding the events of the final moments, but what Pennsbury walked away with was joy about their performance and how far they have come this season,” Curtis said. “We could not be more proud of the team as a whole. We will continue to move forward and take each moment as it comes.”  “Pennsbury is young, but they are up and coming,” Whalin said. “They played a fantastic game from the goalie all the way up, and they had intensity the whole time. They were stepping to the ball the whole time, and they really had that momentum going.   “We were lucky to survive the game. We didn’t win it, we survived it. It was really positive for our league to see how strong they came out today. They’re well-coached, and they played a great game.  “I knew we were exhausted, but I was proud of them that they were able to pull out the win. They put the pressure to us the entire game. There was never a moment where I thought, ‘We got this.’ I thought, ‘We have to survive this.’”


Council Rock North (7-4, 4-3 SOL) will travel to Harry S Truman on Thursday, and Pennsbury (2-8, 2-5) will host Abington in a non-league game Friday. It will be a GOLD OUT game that will be a fundraiser for PHS Mini THON.


Friday, September 27, 2019

Pennsbury 3, Abington 1


The excitement of today’s game for Pennsbury has been building up for weeks, but the focus was not completely on the hockey or on the opponent - their focus was on the cause. The Falcons chose this day as their GOLD OUT GAME to raise money for PHS Mini THON and pediatric cancer. On this beautiful day they were winners both ON and OFF the field.  Wearing bright gold tie dye “For The Kids” tshirts, Pennsbury came out and set the stage at their field for an energized environment. The first goal of the game came thirteen minutes in from the outstanding effort of Kayli Williams on the right wing. She kept getting the rebound of off shots and defensive outlets about five times in a row and finally was able to cross it to the stroke mark for Cammie Stuhlmuller to tip in. The Falcons took the lead 1-0 and never let down.  Kayli Williams scored the second goal about five minutes later on an amazing cross ball from Cammie Stuhlmuller.  Kayli just tipped it beautifully up into the net past the goalie. She was in the perfect spot.  She has been playing incredible hockey and contributing so much to our success lately. It is really fun to watch her play. The Falcons held the score 2-0 into half time and dominated play with additional superb efforts from Casey Glynn, Hannah Aker, and the consistent strong defense of Nicole Joniak.  Casey’s hits in the center were on today and she was placing the ball really well using the whole field.  She sets us up wonderfully for many great moments. Maddy Spratt scored the third goal in the second half assisted by Cammie Stuhlmuller.  We are so proud of the growth this season, but are definitely not content.  We expect more, want more, and will work for more. We have things to improve on including our corners, and that is exactly what we will continue to do. Our stops were strong today, which is something that we have focused on a lot at practice. Right now we need to hone individual skills that will contribute to the greater good. The girls are finding each other, working together better, and we are settling into a nice groove.  It is a new chapter for us and our story is not over.  There is more to come from this group and we are having tons of fun finding our potential and putting it out there.  The Falcons will travel to Bensalem next week on Wednesday and then host Tennent on Friday.


Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Pennsbury 2, Bensalem 1



The Bensalem Owls came out ready to play. They were fierce, hungry, and determined to give Pennsbury a run for their money and that is exactly what they did.  Bensalem dominated the entire first half with aggressive play, strong stops, and smart hockey - it was evident that they have been working hard and have made tremendous progress. They were on fire from the first whistle. With Pennsbury barely stirring from a long weekend sleep, the Owls scored first with 12:22 left in the first half and held onto that lead into half time.  The Falcons were literally in hibernation. It was not until more than half way through the second half that the Falcons connected on a tip in from Maddy Spratt.  Kayli Williams did the work necessary to feed the ball to forward, Sophia Hitchingham, who crossed it to Maddy.  That tied the game 1-1 and was a spark that we had been waiting for the whole game. It was the catalyst for Pennsbury taking over from there and dominating the rest of the time.  They produced offensive opportunities and penalty corners, wearing the Owls down. Sophia Hitchingham tipped in a goal off a beautiful penalty corner shot from Casey Glynn with 9:36 left in the game. The Falcons led 2-1 and held the Owls until the final buzzer.  It was not great hockey on our part and Bensalem deserves to be applauded for their performance.  The Falcons will continue to look for ways to fine tune tactics and techniques, hone individual skills, and stay strong in their depth in every layer on the field.  Falcons will face William Tennent at home on Friday for their second battle of the season. 


Friday, October 4, 2019

Pennsbury 6, Tennent 1



The Falcons’ story continues to be a page turner and this week’s chapter was titled,  “A Tale of Two Teams”!  After Monday’s sleepy performance against Bensalem, this incredible squad came together and arrived ready to fight. After losing 1-0 in overtime the first time they played Tennent, Pennsbury was looking for a much different outcome today. They got off to a tremendous start, scoring three goals before the clock hit the 23 minute mark.  Kayli Williams connected first on an assist from EB Rafferty during a corner play.  Less than a minute later, Cammie Stuhlmuller scored unassisted. Maddie Spratt added the third at 23:51 assisted by Jaclyn Gorgo.  We were extremely excited as we watched all of the pieces come together in those moments. We have talked a lot about winning small moments, applying individual skills for the greater good, and implementing all of the tactics, techniques, and strategies that have been talked about since August. Today they did it all. We are so proud of them.  Kayli Williams and Cammie Stuhlmuller each added additional goals making the score 5-0 going into the half.  Stuhlmuller was on fire today and did the job we asked her to do absolutely perfectly.  It was so great to see her succeed in that  capacity and she did it in a selfless way for the team. What was so impressive was how the girls were scoring - they were connecting on small passes, using great stick skills, and earning corners as well.  Deflections, unassisted goals, and hard shots were all used throughout the game to score. Celia Dolan found the back of the cage on an assist from Stuhlmuller in the second half to tally the Falcons’ sixth goal of the game.  Tennent put one on the board with 5 minutes left in the game for a final score of 6-1.  Pennsbury found a  way to work around the goalie, create options on offense, and were backed up by a very strong, solid, and consistent defensive unit in Glynn, Joniak, Tosh, and Aker.   Pennsbury is keeping one foot in front of the other and looking to capitalize on each moment as they come.  Monday they will host CR South and look to put up an improved performance the second time around.  It is so much fun watching players work from the inside out and reach potentials they never thought they could. 


Monday, October 7, 2019

Council Rock South 3, Pennsbury 2



Pennsbury lost the game according to the score, but it was a win for them in many more ways than one. Back in September, when the Falcons began their story and first faced CR South, they lost 6-2. Today reflected heart, progress, better skills, improved field hockey IQ, and utilizing strengths on every layer of the field. Everyone contributed in their own way and that is what we love about this team. Rock scored first with 12 minutes left in the first half and Pennsbury kept it 1-0 into halftime. This was a huge victory for us as we played smarter, patient defense, disallowed their strong players to control the game, and made adjustments to hold them down. We are so proud of our defensive foursome of Joniak, Glynn, Tosh, and Aker - they work really well together and are extremely coachable. Our girls took away options for South and definitely handled the ball a bit better than them in the first part of the game.  We created offensive opportunities, but again, were just a step short in finishing. The Falcons had a bit of a let down in the second half as South scored two more goals making it 3-0 and it looked like Pennsbury was falling into old habits. However with 11 minutes left in the game, the tides turned when freshman, Jaclyn Gorgo, started talking and directing in the center and set up a great goal for Maddy Spratt. Gorgo continued to be a great spark in the center along with adjustments made with Casey Glynn, giving us tons of offensive momentum.  Casey was given a job and did it perfectly and that is what we love to see in our players. That was another win for us in the moment.  Maddy Spratt connected again with 4 minutes left in the game on a great reverse stick hit past South’s goalie from the left.  The Falcons were now down 3-2 with time left to try and even it up.  Being in this situation felt like a huge victory for us as it was evident that the Falcons are a force to be reckoned with. Sophia Hitchingham and Kayli Williams were also huge contributors today.  After a time out with possession of the ball and 1 minute remaining, Pennsbury put it all out on the field, but could not make it happen and it ended with a final score of 3-2 in South’s favor. Today was a victory through a loss and will give us momentum as we continue forward.  We are living out our philosophy of becoming improved versions of ourselves in as many ways as possible and that is really nice to watch happen.  The Falcons host Truman on Thursday and it will be their Senior Recognition game and then they travel on Friday to face Hatboro-Horsham for the first time. 


Thursday, October 10, 2019

Pennsbury 6, Pennsbury 1



It was a beautiful day for field hockey and the Pennsbury Falcons took advantage of every moment.  The game against Truman was the highly anticipated Senior recognition game - a time to celebrate the seven seniors’ field hockey journey and honor their hearts as amazingly strong young women. After pre-game festivities including trumpeters from the PHS band, seniors Casey Glynn, Julianna Martin, Cindy Budzinski, Keira Korzeb, Nicole Joniak, Celia Dolan, and Sammie Tosh took the field with bright smiles and high energy kicking the Falcons into gear and helping to enter halftime with a 3-0 lead.  Junior, Kayli Williams connected first on an assist from Sophia Hitchingham and then Budzinski scored on an assist from Martin about a minute later.  Junior, Maddy Spratt, added another goal on a beautiful cross from Glynn.  Senior, Nicole Joniak, played incredible step up defense and moved her way into the offensive end to provide a great assist for Maddy Spratt to open up the second half.  With the Falcons ahead 4-0, the focus shifted to maximizing improvement in the small details of the game - challenging ourselves against the clock, talking more, taking fast accurate free hits, switching fields, forcing penalty corners, and then fine tuning corner plays. There is always room for learning, growing, and improving in every situation and that is what we were emphasizing today. Julianna Martin notched a goal, assisted by Hitchingham and Budzinski added her second of the game during a corner to round out the scoring for the Falcons. Truman worked hard, stayed positive, and never let down, scoring a goal with six minutes left in the game making the final 6-1.  They are definitely an improved team and it was great to see their skills progress and confidence boosted since our first meeting.  It is imperative to celebrate other teams and champion one another as we are all in this for the same reason - to grow the game.  It was great to see that in Truman and know those girls have worked hard to get where they are. Pennsbury’s story continues Friday as they travel to Hatboro Horsham and reach higher and higher.


Friday, October 11, 2019

Hatboro Horsham 2, Pennsbury 1


There is heartbreak in almost every story and today was the second time this season it was woven into Pennsbury’s book. Hatboro-Horsham set the tone and it took the Falcons a little while to adjust to the fast-paced, frantic playing style the Hatters had to offer. Early in the first half HH made the score 1-0 and that was the catalyst for Pennsbury to use a timeout right away.  We needed to focus on our game and drown out all of the other distractions.  After the timeout, the girls came together and found ways to win many small moments and it paid off as they tied the game 1-1 with 3:14 left until the half. Sophia Hitchingham tipped in a strong corner shot from Casey Glynn and that spark fueled the Falcons going into halftime.  It was a very back and forth game with big hits and strong stops on both sides. Pennsbury had some breakaway opportunities that weren’t finished, which is somewhat of a repeat story for them this season.   The high energy continued throughout the entire second half and it looked as though over time was inevitable.  With 47 seconds left, the Hatters had possession and called a timeout giving Pennsbury an opportunity to formulate a defensive plan. We went into that moment very confident we could hold them and take it into overtime, but unfortunately due to much confusion surrounding the events of the final seconds, Hatboro Horsham earned a penalty corner and a scuffle in front of the keeper ended up with them scoring the winning goal about 2 seconds before the final buzzer blew.  Overtime vanished in front of our eyes in those seconds and even though we will never know if we would have won the 7v7, the heartbreaking part is that we didn’t get that chance.  There are many, many reasons for that and some of the big reasons were out of our control.   Pennsbury will host Neshaminy on Tuesday and then travel on Wednesday to face New Hope Solebury.      


Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Neshaminy 4, Pennsbury 0



Today’s match up against Neshaminy was the final home game of the season for the Falcons,  however, this particular afternoon was about so much more than field hockey.  With pink ribbons in their hair, Pennsbury players promoted breast cancer awareness with a “PINK OUT” theme.  In addition, during the pre game warm up, the Falcons took a moment to show respect and convey sympathies to the Skins for the sudden loss of their beloved Coach Doc just a few weeks ago.  Pennsbury players gave the Neshaminy girls and coaches red carnations, pink ribbons, and stickers for them to place on their sticks to keep Coach Doc’s memory close to them while they play.  The Falcons came out strong and prepared for the challenge of facing Neshaminy’s power. We were so proud of how well they worked together to hold the Skins scoreless until only 5 minutes left in the first half.   They entered the half down 1-0.  We consider that a win for that small moment. We will take those victories and carry that with us as we continue to grow and learn.  Goalie Keira Korzeb was on fire and denied a barrage of shots, moving in the goal cage with flexibility, quickness, and aggressive clears. She definitely set the tone for her team and played an excellent complete game. The defense did a great job of staying strong and gaining possession.  Nicole Joniak racked up another defensive save and provided such a spark in the back field.  She is extremely consistent, reliable, and has gained so much confidence this year.  Casey Glynn and Hannah Aker were able to get big hits into the midfield as well, but Pennsbury just struggled producing long lasting offense. We got one corner opportunity, but didn’t create anything out of it.  After halftime, Neshaminy adjusted, picked it up another notch and made it very difficult to produce. They are a strong, disciplined team who knows how to get the job done in any situation. The Skins went on to score 3 goals in the second half making the final score 4-0.  Considering Neshaminy had 21 shots on goal and 16 penalty corners and the score was 4-0, Pennsbury was proud of their performance for the day and know exactly what it will take to get their game to the next level.  The Falcons are set to play their final game against New Hope Solebury tomorrow afternoon.  We wish Neshaminy the best of luck as they enter into playoffs.  They have risen above adversity and truly put their hearts on the field. 


Thursday, October 17, 2019

New Hope 5, Pennsbury 0



The Pennsbury Falcons turned the final page of their book today as they fell 5-0 to New Hope Solebury.  An extremely talented New Hope team scored 2 unanswered goals in the first half making it 2-0 before the break. The Falcons worked hard to create offense, but it was tough against New Hope’s strong sticks and dominating coverage all over the field.  The second half brought much of the same as Pennsbury fought, but barely made it into the offensive circle.  The Lions tallied up 3 more goals before the buzzer, shutting out the Falcons and keeping a clean slate in their goals against column.  We have had an amazing season of growth and that is the victory we are most proud of - we have all come out better versions of ourselves in many ways than when we started and that was our ultimate goal.  We wish the very best to our seniors, Casey Glynn, Sammie Tosh, Keira Korzeb, Nicole Joniak, Julianna Martin, Cindy Budzinski, and Celia Dolan.  Best of luck to all playoff teams in their post season journeys!