Glen Ellyn Raiders Code of Ethics

The player emotion and physical health is more important than winning.
Organize practices that focus on individual and team skill development that are also fun and challenging.
Lead by example, behavior should demonstrate fair play and sportsmanship.
Treat players, parents, and officials with respect.
Give feedback to players in positive constructive way.

Support and respect your teammates and coaches.  No verbal or physical abuse or disrespect will be tolerated.
Have a positive attitude.  Be disciplined, dedicated, work hard, and have fun.
Do not argue with officials.
Attend all practices and games when possible.  Notify coach in advance if unable to make it.
Remember that basketball is a great sport to learn life skills that you will use the rest of your life.

Support the players, coaches, and the team.
Arrange for players to attend all games and practices when possible.  Notify coach in advance if unable to make it.
Respect the officials - they are human beings who make mistakes.
Respect the coaches and Raiders board members - they are volunteers.
Discuss concerns with coaches in private.