Riverside Comm College Friendly


Our goal this friendly was to go and compete vs strong competition along with seeing what it was like to play on a college softball field....Coach Aaron was good with passing along valuable info to the girls as to the objectives to succeed in the game, importance of stretching and "Mentally" getting ready for a game.....and it showed when we came out, the approach was different, it was "on point"....yes we made a couple of mistakes early, but we overcame as we were told it wasn't the end of the world, overcome them and continue to stay focused one pitch at a time and change the outcome with the positive attitude......it really did lead the way in game 1, down 3-0 to a quality team, it ended with us up 6 runs at the end.....what I did notice, and I made changes on the fly, girls came to me and "requested changes"...my thought was Coach Aaron just messed with my game plan, but i made the changes that were requested, one thing I know more than anything, is our girls can play several positions, and I am confident in them to get the job done......normally I would have left them where they were, but it made it easy on my end to sit girls and make adjustments......game two was a complete 180 from game 1....once 1 player complains of being tired, thinking game was too long, watching the clock, yup, we are in trouble...we came out flat, 8 runs on 3 errors, 4 walks and 2 hits....chasing 5 runs after 1 inn.....simple message was sent by players after the inn, "we are playing bad because we are playing with NO energy"...she could not have been any more CORRECT....we were flat before the game and it carried over to the first inn.....we made changes once again, girls actually fought through their mental fatigue, and we were a different team, only 1 more run the rest of the way..... our bats kept going strong, and we turned a 5 run hole into a 3 run victory.....having stayed to clean our mess in the dugout, Coach Aaron verified something I have told the girls well over a thousand times.....they can play with anyone by their "Mental Approach"....and their "softball smarts" in their approach is what makes a difference.....he told me they were "aggressive", "Selective", and "communicated" the plays before it happened.....he was glad I didn't go to the mound to tell them how to play, and that the strategy was spot on....but most impressive, we executed the plan....."Smartest Player" always the best player, it can't be repeated enough.......yes it took us an inn to get going, but getting going was something I've come accustomed to witnessing out of this group.....he also mentioned something that I took as a HUGE compliment..."though your girls are young, they are disciplined at the plate, they could strongly compete with my team, and that is saying a ton for girls this age".....Something I have repeated in our practices, warm ups, and games a thousand times, come to the game "Mentally Prepared", and you can compete with anyone!!!!...we had a defense competition with the Primetime and the Mayhem squad.....players from our end that shined, T Bird for outfield.....KoolAid for Outfield....and Turtle for Outfield.....it was good to see our girls shine in the first session, but only had 5 girls participate in the 2nd session, so congrats to the "Winners", and those that participated in the 2nd session....job well done, cya on the diamond.....

We out hit other teams 29 hits to 11 hits....we will compete in lots of games doing this.......

Team batting avg: .554 (Sic!!!!!!)

Kfc -.660

Pep -.550










Game 1 vs Primetime

We lose the flip and get underway.....8 pitches from Tazz and we make 3 sweet plays, TBird runs down line drive in left field, Tazz snags line drive right back at her, and Gemini throws to Turtle and we are back in the dugout....Tazz then 1bs on a 7 pitch at bat, Turtle grounds out, KFC out on a line drive to pitcher, Gemini hits ground ball to short, 3 down, but we had quality swings, we were aggressive at the plate, and this always a good sign......they then had a good inn, line drive 2b, we make an error on routine throw, follow with a 3b and a 1b, we are now chasing 3......we answered back, after a ground ball out, Turbo smashes line drive past 1st base, KoolAid hits 2b up the middle to score Turbo, we are back in the mix, 3-1 Primetime....after a hit batter and a 1b, we make a bad throw and 1 runs comes across, KoolAid then retires next batter on a pop up behind the plate followed by ground ball to Tazz, chasing again down 4-1.......then it happened, Squinky walks, Tazz line drive 1b to score Squinky....Turtle 1bs up the middle and KFC 2bs them home on line drive to center....T Bird hits line drive to left to cash in KFC, Turbo 2bs  and TBird goes to 3rdPep crushes it to left and chases Turbo and TBird home, KoolAid stays hot and 1bs to push Pep to 3rd...Kandy chipped in with line drive of her own and we pushed 7 runs across, 8-4 good gals after 3......then we had our requests of position changes, though it caught me off guard, I thought Coach Aaron put the girls up to it, I didn't flinch, changed 6 positions, all while staying to my plan of sitting different player every inn, Turbo took the rock without a question, and struck out 3 of the 4 batters she faced, only runner reached on an error....this is where the girls are used to me moving them, and knowing to play with confidence no matter where I ask them to play, and we made it work.....wecontinued to hit on our turn at the plate, TBird 1b and Turbo 2b chased Tazz and Gemini home that started on the bases to change things up....we pushed 3 more across to take command 10-4....Coach Aaron once again changed it up. he loaded the bases to have girls perform with stress, we get a pop up to Kandy, a fc, and line drive to Gemini to start a double play and get out of the bases loaded jam with only 2 runs across, we limited the damage.....our at bats started with only runners on first and second, after 2 quick out, KFC blasted the first pitch about 220' for a 3 runs bomb........awesome way to close out the scoring and finish ahead of a really strong Primetime Krew....job well done....

Pitching: Tazz 3 inn/ 4 runs/4 hits/1 walk....Turbo 2 inn/4 runs/3 hits/ 4ks

Hitting:  Tazz 2-3/ Turtle 1-4/ KFC 2-4/ TBird 2-3/ Turbo 3-3/ Pep 1-3/ KoolAid 2-2/ Kandy 1-2/ Squinky bb

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Game 2 vs Mayhem

After a short break, we were back at it, we got sticks and went to work....Tazz reached on a 4 pitch walk, but we then hit into a double play, 2 down.......KFC and Gemini both hit line drive 1bs to get us going, TBird triples them home with a bomb to right field, Turbo chases TBird home with line drive of her own and we plate 3 runs......then we struggled on the mound......4 walks, 2 errors and 1 hit, we flinched and were down 4-3 with bases loaded and 1 out, we made a pitching change, 5 pitches later they hit a 210' bomb to push the score to 8-3....next two batters were retired, we limit the damage to give us a chance to get back in it......we then immediately matched their big inn.....Kandy 1bs to center, Tazz singles to left, Turtle reaches on a dropped fly ball at first, it loaded the bases, and brought our hottest hitter to the plate.....on a 2-2 count, KFC again launches a 220', this time with the bases loaded to match their grand slam in the first inn, it put us back on top.....Gemini then walked, TBird tripled again, and Turbo chases her home again with line drive to left ....9-8 good gals.....Turbo continued to pitch the next 3 inn, and only faced 11 batters the rest of the way, defense was making plays, KFC snags a line drive, Squinky catches fly ball and keeps runner at third, Turbo throws to Kandy to retire the inn......KFC then catches fly ball in shallow center, Turbo strikes out next batter, Tazz retires hitter with a throw to kandy, defense getting it done......Turtle gets pop up at first, and with runner at 2nd, KFC snags line drive at short and throws to Gemini at 2nd to end game on a double play......DEFENSE did their JOB!!!!!! 

Pitching: KFC 1/3 inn/ 7 runs/ 1 hit/ 4 walks....Turbo 3 2/3 inn/ 2 runs/ 3 hits/ 1 k

Hitting: Tazz 2-2/ KFC 2-3/ Gemini 2-2/ TBird 2-2/ Turbo 2-3/ Pep 1-2/ KoolAid 1-3/ Kandy 2-3

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