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16u Travel Team for this Summer
This will give the boys an opportunity to play. We will be playing in a few weekend tournaments (War at the Shore) and also be playing a handful of weekday games. The estimated number of games will be 15-20 (tournaments have a 3 game minimum with weather depending). Our first tournament would be the weekend of July 11-12 and our last would be at the end of August. We will practice twice a week Tuesday and Thursday 5-7pm at Fitch. The price for the Summer will be $500 due to us already having jerseys and not having to supply baseballs, umpires, etc. because of tournament play. If you are interested please contact me at either by email connclipper@gmail.com or by cell (860-271-3677) and I will have more information on specific dates and times
Remember, weather is always an issue and cannot be controlled. Any games canceled may or may not be made up.
COVID 19 Guidelines- A waiver will also need to be signed.
- No handshake or personal contact celebrations
- Water cannot be provided by the team. Be sure to bring plenty to practice and games.
- 1 spectator allowed at field per player (if more must exercise social distancing)
- spectators will not be allowed in bleachers or within 120 feet of the dugout (also no parents directly behind the backstop)
- no sharing of drinks or snacks
- players must maintain 6 feet of distance when not in the field of play
- if dugout does not allow for 6 feet of distance between personnel, you must wear a mask or stand/sit out of play
- no sharing any equipment
- players/coaches will wear face covering when coming in close contact with others (i.e., mound visit or talking to players)
- all players, coaches and umpires temperatures must be checked prior to the start of each game by each teams head coach
- baseballs should be rotated and sanitized on a regular basis (ideally every inning)
- all personnel involved in pre-game meetings must maintain social distancing or wear a mask
- no sunflower seeds, gum or spitting allowed
- teams must bring own hand sanitizer and sanitize in between each inning.