





Powell, TN 


REVISED: June 2020
















Powell Rec Basketball Bylaws




The Powell Rec Basketball League is a not for profit organization founded for the purpose of providing children interested in basketball a chance to play basketball under a properly organized and supervised program. Powell Rec Basketball will be known as PRB through this document.




This organization shall be known as the Powell Rec Basketball (PRB), a Tennessee Non-profit organization. The correspondence address is PRBL, 103 East Copeland Dr. Powell, TN 37849. 





The purpose of PRB is to serve the children of our community, by providing a nonprofit basketball education and league competition for youth in grades Pre K-9. 


The goal of this organization is to provide youth with social contact, to implant firmly in the youth the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect for authority, so that they may be well adjusted, stronger, and will grow to be decent, healthy and trustworthy adults. The objective will be reached by providing supervised competitive athletic games and good coaching. The coaches shall bear in mind at all times that the attainment of exceptional athletic skill or the winning of games is secondary, and that the molding of future citizens is of prime importance. Coaches will be responsible at all times for setting the example and atmosphere necessary to promote and obtain the objective stated above. 


This organization subscribes to a policy which extends to all persons, without regard to race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, physical or mental disability, an opportunity to participate in all areas of the Powell Rec Basketball. program. 






PRB shall be structured in a manner to administer basketball. The board of PRB shall establish various basketball related programs. The individual team structures shall be determined in accordance with PRB rules and guidelines. The by-laws shall apply to all programs except where specifically excluded or amended by the board. 





The Board shall consist of a minimum of at least three members. Board positions shall be established every two years. Board members will include at least President/ Commissioner, Vice President, and Treasury. All matters of policy, or business transactions, concerning PRB shall be decided by the vote of the board. Any board member can be removed from office by the two-thirds vote of the remaining active board members.





A formal and legal meeting of the PRB board shall be a meeting called by the PBR President, and attended by one half of the active board members which constitutes the quorum needed for conducting the normal and/or business needs of the league. Regular meetings will occur as needed or as decided by the President. The following are guidelines for conducting PRB meetings. 


General Meetings: 

All general meetings will be held once each month, to be set by the President or Vice-President, and to be announced by email or a phone call, by the secretary, one week prior to the meeting. The meeting will discuss PRB business and plan for upcoming events. 


Emergency Meetings: 

This type of meeting will be held at the board’s discretion. Emergency meeting sessions may be called by the President, Vice-President, or Treasurer. A majority vote (2/3) of the active board members present will be passed, providing all members have been properly notified prior to the meeting. 


Special Action:

 For situations requiring board action that occurs where there is not time to hold a special/emergency meeting, the President may call for a vote via email, text or online meeting on an issue. In this instance, a majority of the active board must vote affirmatively for the action to be declared passed. All emails will be sent to the Secretary.


Meeting Rules: 

All meetings are to be conducted by the President, or in case of the President’s absence, the Vice-President. Each meeting will begin with a recap of the last meetings minutes and also an overview of what is happening in the current sporting activity. The Secretary will record the minutes at every meeting: those minutes are to be reviewed at the following meeting.  Financial reports will also be 

available at every general meeting.


Voting Privileges: 

Each active board member will have one vote on any subject.  The board of directors is charged with the following responsibilities and states of fact. 


1. Board members are charged with administering any disciplinary actions handed down by PRB to any coach, player, or team representative of any team. 


2. For obtaining in writing, a coach’s interpretation of any given play or situation that resulted in the ejection of a coach, player or team representative. This documentation is to be obtained within 24 hours of the incident. 


3. Control and enforcement of the code of conduct at gyms where PRB is represented. 


4. The board by an affirmative majority vote may suspend or permanently remove any coach, player, team representative, fan, or a specific team. The Board will determine the suspension for a specific or indefinite period. 





The board shall decide all matters pertaining to the finances of PRB. It shall be general policy to place all monies in a common treasury as follows. 


• There will be one bank accounts maintained at a Knoxville Federal Credit Union, with which PRB will conduct business. This account will be used for all PRB activities. 

• All financial records will be available for review at any time by any board members. 

• Registration fees for PRB will be determined each season based on cost history from past seasons and new fees etc…determined by the board . 





 All coaches, asst. coaches, referees and Team Representatives will be approved by the board. The Board’s decision is final as to whether the individual will be allowed to coach or not. Coaches will be responsible for the conduct of themselves, their assistants, their players, and their fans at all times. Background checks will be conducted on all referees, coaches, assistant coaches and team parents. 


All coaches and team volunteers will adhere to a “Three Person Rule.” This “rule” is defined as follows: All coaches and team volunteers should never be alone with a single youth player that is not a relation or family member. For example, there must always be two (2) youth players present with one (1) adult or two (2) adults present with an unrelated youth. This will always apply when unrelated youth players are present with an adult making a minimum total of three (3) individuals in situations such as 1) before and after games and practices; 2) transportation and travel to and/or from games and practices.



Coaches will be required to pay for the cost of their own background check. The background check will cover the coach for two years (24 month period). PRB reserves the right to run additional background checks within the year period at no cost to the coach. 


Referees will be required to pay for the cost of their own background check. The background check will cover the referee for the two years (24 month period). PRB reserves the right to run additional background checks within the year period at no cost to the referee. 


Background checks will be overseen by Knoxville Parks and Recreation. Completed checks must be returned and in the possession of PRB and Knoxville Parks and Recreation before the coach can begin to practice with their team. 

PRB shall maintain a Background Check Guideline that may be updated or changed each year to set the guidelines on background checks. PRB will review all background checks. 


Coaches must read, sign and follow his/her Coaches’ Code of Ethics/Conduct agreement (Attachment 1) prior to being allowed to hold practices or games. This will include an agreement to follow the guidelines and rules set forth by PRB and other affiliated organizations.


The following is a partial list of coach responsibilities: 


1. All complaints on referees, coaches or team representatives should be presented to the PBR Board in writing. After a careful review the PBR board of directors may suspend or remove any coach, assistant coach, or any other team representative from further participation in the League. 


2. Any coach or team representative ejected from a game by the referee or game official or board member will be subject to the following suspensions: 


A. 1st offense – at least 1 game suspension (PRB Board to determine disciplinary action)

B. 2nd offense – at least 2 game suspension (PRB Board to determine disciplinary action)


C. 3rd offense or more – Board Voted Disciplinary action





Participation in PRB activities should be considered an extra-curricular privilege. It is each player’s responsibility to follow the rules of play, and to comply with the guidelines of conduct adopted by PRB. Failure to conduct themselves in a proper manner can result in loss of playing privileges. Players and parents must sign and follow The Players’ and Parents’ Code of Ethics/ Conduct Agreement (Attachment 2).






Player Selection

 1. All players who register on time are put on teams. 

2. Any child who registers after the “official” registration date is considered a “space available” and is not guaranteed a position. Therefore, for the sake of fair play, if a player has signed up to play after the try-outs, the program commissioner can place that player on a team when the spot becomes available for the player of his/her playing ability. The order does not necessarily have to go in order of first call, but of ability and availability. 

3. Players must be grade appropriate for the league they are registering.


Team Formation 

1. League representatives will be selected from the board members to represent each league. 

2. League representatives will attempt to divide the teams in a fair manner taking into consideration: 

a. Skill 

b. Height 

c. Grade 

d. Gender balance if co-ed teams. 

3. League representatives will not put more than 8 players per team, 

4. League representatives will determine if there are enough players to implement an advanced league. 







Players will be 14 years of age or younger to participate in league play. Age is determined by the participant’s age as of September 1st, of the current year. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of PRB Board. 

Players will be divided (to the best of our ability) into evenly split teams based upon age, ability, and skill level. All player assignments will be the sole discretion of PRB board.

Each team will have one (1) practice per week. Contact your coach for day & times of your practice.

A player may only be listed on one roster per season. 

A player may choose to play up one age division, but he/she cannot play down an age division.

Illegal players playing during league play will result in the forfeiture of the game. 

Refunds will NOT be issued after uniforms have been ordered.





All players on each team must wear jerseys that are matching in color and which have a permanently affixed, non-duplicated number on the front and back of jersey. PRB will provide jerseys and shorts for all registered individuals.

Players must wear shoes that are designed for indoor wood court surfaces. NO “turf shoes” or other black-soled shoes will be allowed. Players may not play barefooted or in stocking feet.

Referees may ban any equipment that they deem as unsafe or illegal.

Jerseys must be tucked in at all times during games.

No jewelry may be worn at any time during the game.


League Rules

 PRB follows Knox County Parks and Recreation Guidelines for game play. (Attachment 4)



There will be no Protests of calls. All calls made in a game are final.



Article 10

Conduct/Discipline Policy

Any player, coach, or manager ejected from any league game will be suspended for a minimum of one league game.

Players, coaches and managers who have been ejected must leave the facilities and grounds immediately or the team will forfeit the game Failure do so will result in a call to KPD authorities.

Players, coaches and managers who have been suspended from a game must not attend or be on the property of said game. If this happens he/she will be asked to leave immediately or the team will forfeit the game Failure do so will result in a call to KPD authorities.

Physical violence, especially attacks on a game or league official immediately before, during, or after a game, or fights/confrontations between players/teams will result in disciplinary action that may include a minimum of one (1) year loss of eligibility in all league play or indefinite suspension in all league play; subject to an annual review if requested.

Referees have the authority to remove players, coaches, or spectators from the game and/or forfeit the game due to unsportsmanlike conduct. Unsportsmanlike conduct shall include, but not be limited to, profanity, threats of any kind toward the referees or scorekeeper, fighting (before, during or after the game), or any flagrant foul as determined by the referee.




PRB reserves the right to add, delete or amend the rules/regulations/polices for the betterment of the program.








Attachment 1




 The term “Coach shall include but is not limited to Head Coach, Assistant Coach(s), Manager(s), or any other person in a team leadership role. 


I must never put the value of winning over the safety and welfare of players. Winning should be the result of preparation and discipline with emphasis placed on the highest ideals and character traits. 

I shall instruct players to play within the written laws of the game and within the spirit of the game at all times. 

 I shall not seek unfair advantage by teaching deliberate unsportsmanlike behavior to players. 

I should not tolerate inappropriate behavior from players regardless of the situation. 

Demands on players’ time should never be so extensive as to interfere with academic goals and progress. Motivation for excellence should include academics as well as athletics. 

 Under no circumstances should coaches authorize or encourage the use of medicinal or performance enhancing drugs. Players should be directed to seek proper medical attention for injuries and to follow the physician’s instructions regarding treatment and recovery. At no time should a player be put at risk by returning from injury prematurely or by being forced to play while injured. 

I will adherence to all league rules and policies, especially those regarding eligibility, team formation, recruiting and guest players. It is the responsibility of every coach to know and understand these rules and the PRB bylaws. 

I will adhere to all PRB Board decisions.

I understand Player development and the growth of the player through participation are essential to the growth of the sport. Additionally, the coach must behave in such a manner that the principles, integrity, and dignity of the sport are maintained. 

 Officials must have the support of coaches, players and spectators. Criticism of officials undermines their purpose in the game. I must always refrain from criticizing officials in the presence of players. 

 Comments regarding an official or other coach should be made in writing to the PRB Board. There will be no immediately after game complaint conversations of competing coaches, or referees. Written complaints will be read and then I will be contacted for resolutions.

The coach shall respect and support contest officials. The coach shall not indulge in conduct which would incite players or spectators against the officials. Public criticism of officials or players is unethical.

The coach should meet and exchange cordial greetings with the opposing coach to set the correct tone for the event before and after the contest.

 I understand that all calls made in a game are FINAL!

 I will insure that all of my parents and players have read and/or understand the Parental Code of Conduct.



It is the responsibility of every coach to know and understand these rules. 



If I breach any part of the PRB Code of Ethics or Bylaws, I agree that the PRB Board in its sole discretion may hold me accountable for so doing. I further agree that my accountability to the PRB for any breach may include sanctions, such as but not limited to warnings, suspensions or termination of coaching privileges. 







Coach’s Signature______________________________________





Coach’s Printed Name__________________________________





Date _____________________________








Parental Code of Conduct


Youth sports programs play an important role in promoting the emotional and physical development of children. It is therefore essential for parents, coaches and youth athletes to embrace the values of good sportsmanship. Moreover, adults involved should be models of good sportsmanship and should lead by example. I therefore pledge to be responsible for my words and actions while attending a youth sports event and shall conform my behavior to this code of conduct: 


I will remember that children participate to have fun and that the game is for youth, not adults. 

I will inform the coach of any physical disability or ailment that may affect the safety of my child or the safety of others. 

 I will learn the rules of the game and the policies of the league. 

 I (and my guest) will be a positive role model for my child and encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy, and by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials and spectators at every game, practice, or sporting event. 

 I (and my guests) will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, players, or parent such as booing and taunting, refusing to shake hands, or using profane language or gestures. 

 I will teach my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflict without resorting to hostility or violence. 

 I will demand that my child treat other players, coaches, officials, and spectators with respect regardless of race, creed, color, sex, or ability. 

 I will teach my child that doing one’s best is more important than winning, so that my child will never feel defeated by the outcome of a game or his/her performance. 

I will praise my child for competing fairly and trying hard, and make my child feel like a winner every time. 

 I will never ridicule or yell at my child or other participants for making a mistake or losing a competition. 

 I will promote the emotional and physical well-being of the athletes ahead of any personal desire I may have for my child to win. 

 I will respect the officials and their authority during games. 

. In the event of a disagreement, I will not question, discuss or confront coaches at the game field, and will take time to speak with coaches at an agreed upon time and place. 

I will refrain from coaching my child or other players during games and practices unless I am one of the official coaches of the team. 


I hereby agree that if I fail to conform my conduct to the PRB Code  of Conduct I will be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to the following depending on the severity of the offense: 

Verbal or Written warning 

 Suspension or ejection from current youth sports games 

 Suspension from future youth sports games 

Suspension from youth sports season 







Parent Name Printed______________________________________




Parent Signature__________________________________________



















Player Code of Conduct


PLAYER: I hereby state that: 

I, as a player, will use every effort to be a positive member of my team and exhibit good sportsmanship at all times. 

 I will keep in mind that this is an extra-curricular activity and will keep my grades and behavior at an appropriate level so that I may participate. 

 I will attempt to attend and actively participate in every practice and event scheduled. If I cannot make it, I will inform my coaches as to why I am unable to attend. 

 I will practice and play to the best of my ability. 

 I recognize that I am playing a team sport; as such the interests of the team shall take precedence over individual exploits. 

 I will not criticize the performance of another teammate, a coach’s decision, a referee’s call or an opponent. 

 I will conduct myself in a respectable manner at practices and at games. 

 I will not attempt ever to deliberately injure another player. 

 I realize that failure to comply with the above regulations will result in loss of game time, suspension or expulsion from PRB participation. 




Player Name____________________________________________



Player Signature__________________________________________


