Greater Johnstown Youth League Registration 2025 |
Date of Registration _______/_______/ 20_____ |
Every child must have an individual registration form completed. A child playing on two teams will be treated as two individuals in the same |
household and will have to submit two separate registration forms. |
Player's Name _________________________________________________________________ |
Player's DOB _______________________ |
Street Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
City _________________________________________________________ |
Zip Code __________________________________________ |
How many years of baseball/softball experience does the above player have? _____________________________________________ |
Did the above child play in GJYL last year? (Circle One) Yes No |
If "Yes", write team name here ______________________________________________________________________________________ |
Parent Information |
Parent/Legal Guardian: |
Parent/Legal Guardian: |
Home Phone: |
Cell Phone: |
Home Phone: |
Cell Phone: |
Email: |
Email: |
Emergency contact if Parent/Guardian cannot be reached |
Name/Relationship: |
Name/Relationship: |
Phone: |
Phone: |
***Please choose shirt size and number choices*** |
Shirt Size: |
(Circle one) |
Youth: S M L |
Adult: S M L |
Shirt Number: |
1st Choice _____________ 2nd Choice ______________ 3rd Choice ______________ |
Consent and Release |
I/We, the parents/legal guardian of the above-named candidate for a position of Little League team, hereby give my/our approval to participate |
in any and all Little League activities, including transportation to and from the activities. |
I/We know that participation in baseball or softball may result in serious injuries and that protective equipment does not prevent all injuries to |
players and do hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify, and agree to hold harmless the local Little League, the organizers, sponsors, supervisors, |
participants, and persons transporting my/our child to and from activities for any claim arising out of any injury to my/our child whether the |
the result of negligence or for an other case, except to the extent and in amount covered by accident and liability insurance. |
I/We will furnish a certified birth certificate of the above named candidate to League Officials if required. |
Concussions |
I/We, the parents/legal guardian of the above candidate agree to review the Fact Sheet For Coaches, Fact Sheet For Athletes, Fact Sheet For Parents, |
and Clipboard With Concussion Facts for Coaches. This information can be found on the internet at: |
under HEADS UP to Youth Sports. If you are unable to access the internet, upon request, the league will provide you with the above Sheets. |
A player who has sustained a head injury must visit a licensed health care professional for evaluation and clearance, and a head injury awareness |
sheet must be signed by the participant, or if youth, legal parent/guardian. |
Coaches agree to completing a course that addresses concussion awareness and managing potential concussions prior to being allowed to coach. |
Online training can be found at the above internet address. Proof of completion will be submitted to the league. |
Medical Information |
Is the player allergic to any drug or medication? |
Y N |
If yes, please list: |
Is the player currently taking any medication? |
Y N |
If yes, please list: |
Is the player covered buy health/accident ins? |
Y N |
If yes, please list: |
The above Player and Medical Information is accurate, and I/We have read and understand the Consent and Release, and have read |
and understand the Concussion requirements. |
X |
Parent/Guardian Signature |
Date |
Official Use Only |
Division |
___________________________________ |
2025 Little League Age __________________________2025 Softball Age ________________________________ |
Pmt Method: |
Check# ________________ Cash: _________________ Amount Paid:______________________ |
Payment received by: _____________________ |
Ticket Numbers: ____________________________________ |
If applicable, age verified? ______________________________ |