Greater Johnstown Youth League Registration 2025
Date of Registration _______/_______/ 20_____
Every child must have an individual registration form completed.  A child playing on two teams will be treated as two individuals in the same  
household and will have to submit two separate registration forms.          
Player's Name  _________________________________________________________________ Player's DOB  _______________________
Street Address  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
City  _________________________________________________________ Zip Code  __________________________________________
How many years of baseball/softball experience does the above player have?  _____________________________________________
Did the above child play in GJYL last year?  (Circle One)       Yes          No        
If "Yes", write team name here  ______________________________________________________________________________________
Parent Information
Parent/Legal Guardian:       Parent/Legal Guardian:      
Home Phone: Cell Phone:   Home Phone: Cell Phone:    
Email:         Email:        
  Emergency contact if Parent/Guardian cannot be reached  
Name/Relationship:       Name/Relationship:      
Phone:         Phone:        
  ***Please choose shirt size and number choices***  
  Shirt Size: (Circle one) Youth:     S          M          L   Adult:     S          M          L  
  Shirt Number: 1st Choice  _____________     2nd Choice  ______________   3rd Choice  ______________    
  Consent and Release  
    I/We, the parents/legal guardian of the above-named candidate for a position of Little League team, hereby give my/our approval to participate
in any and all Little League activities, including transportation to and from the activities.      
    I/We know that participation in baseball or softball may result in serious injuries and that protective equipment does not prevent all injuries to  
players and do hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify, and agree to hold harmless the local Little League, the organizers, sponsors, supervisors,
participants, and persons transporting my/our child to and from activities for any claim arising out of any injury to my/our child whether the  
the result of negligence or for an other case, except to the extent and in amount covered by accident and liability insurance.    
    I/We will furnish a certified birth certificate of the above named candidate to League Officials if required.      
     I/We, the parents/legal guardian of the above candidate agree to review the Fact Sheet For Coaches, Fact Sheet For Athletes, Fact Sheet For Parents,
and Clipboard With Concussion Facts for Coaches.  This information can be found on the internet at: http://www.cdc.gov/concussion/HeadsUp/index.html
under HEADS UP to Youth Sports.  If you are unable to access the internet, upon request, the league will provide you with the above Sheets.  
     A player who has sustained a head injury must visit a licensed health care professional for evaluation and clearance, and a head injury awareness
sheet must be signed by the participant, or if youth, legal parent/guardian.        
     Coaches agree to completing a course that addresses concussion awareness and managing potential concussions prior to being allowed to coach.
Online training can be found at the above internet address.  Proof of completion will be submitted to the league.    
  Medical Information  
Is the player allergic to any drug or medication? Y      N If yes, please list:      
Is the player currently taking any medication? Y      N If yes, please list:      
Is the player covered buy health/accident ins? Y      N If yes, please list:      
The above Player and Medical Information is accurate, and I/We have read and understand the Consent and Release, and have read
and understand the Concussion requirements.            
Parent/Guardian Signature       Date      
  Official Use Only  
      Division ___________________________________      
  2025 Little League Age   __________________________2025 Softball Age  ________________________________  
  Pmt Method: Check#  ________________  Cash:  _________________  Amount Paid:______________________  
  Payment received by:  _____________________ Ticket Numbers:  ____________________________________  
  If applicable, age verified? ______________________________