


Members eligible for office must meet the following requirements:

· Be a parent or guardian of a current Cedar Ridge baseball player, or of a student who will attend Cedar Ridge during the next regular school term, who is or plans to be involved in the baseball program at Cedar Ridge High School during the upcoming election term.

· Be an Active Member (see Article VIII) of the Baseball Booster Club, who participates in activities supported by the Baseball Booster Club.

· Must be willing to serve and abide by the Baseball Booster Club bylaws if elected.


President: Sonia Perez (Current officer), 512-947-4200,

         President shall:

·       Prepare an agenda and preside at all general membership meetings, Executive Committee meetings and Special meetings 

·       Call Special meetings as deemed necessary 

·       Meet regularly with campus representatives regarding Baseball Booster Club activities. 

·       Meet regularly with the Treasurer of the Baseball Booster Club and/or the Executive Committee to review the organization’s financial position. 

·       Represent the Baseball Booster Club at ceremonial and other events 

·       Be authorized to sign on bank accounts 

·       Serve as an ex officio member of any and all Baseball Booster Club committees except the Audit Committee and the Scholarship Review Committee if the President has a student eligible for consideration for a scholarship. 

·       Appoint the chairperson of each committee 

·       Select a member, subject to approval by 2/3 vote of the Executive Committee, who is not a signee, to receive bank statements through the mail or electronically, and to review, initial and date a hard copy of these statements. The designated member shall deliver the hard copy to the Secretary as a record of the review.


Vice-President: Paty Ayala (Current officer), 414-672-0974,

Vice-President shall:

·       Assist the President and perform all duties of the President in that person’s absence. 

·       Take over the responsibilities of the President in the event that the office of President is vacated. These responsibilities will be relinquished when the position of President is filled by a majority vote of the membership present at a meeting called for this purpose. 

·       Be authorized to sign on bank accounts 

·       Perform other duties as assigned by the President 

·       Assume the duties of the Secretary, VP of Communications, VP of Sponsorship or Treasurer in their absence

Secretary:  Ellen Daniel (Current officer), 512-796-9425,

Secretary shall:

·       Keep an accurate record of the minutes of meetings (including general membership, special, and Executive Committee meetings), approved Bylaws, and standing committee rules. 

·       Maintain records, conduct and report all correspondence regarding the Baseball Booster Club. 

·       Maintain the current membership list, the Executive Committee and Sponsor contact information, the current committee listings, and records of member attendance at meetings. 

·       Maintain a current copy of the Bylaws and be familiar with their content. 

·       Advise on matters of parliamentary procedure when requested. 

·       Be familiar with and possess a copy (current version) of Roberts Rules of Order

·       Attend to any duty assigned by the President. 


Treasurer:  Heather Wilber (Current officer), 585-355-5664,

Treasurer shall:

·       Receive all funds and disburse those funds as approved by the Baseball Booster Club 

·       Issue a receipt for all monies received and deposit said amounts on a weekly basis, daily if receipts on hand exceed $250. 

·       Keep an accurate and detailed record of all funds received and disbursed. 

·       Present a current financial report at all Executive Committee meetings and general membership meetings. Copies should be available for review by the general membership within a reasonable time frame, if requested. 

·       Oversee the collection and deposition of all money by means of receipts; keep complete ledger accounts of the finances, including data logging and properly classifying expenditures. 

·       Be responsible for disbursement of funds with 2 signatures per check and be custodian of the books, vouchers, and financial records of the organization. 

·       Be authorized to sign on bank accounts 

·       Reconcile all bank statements as received and resolve any discrepancies with the bank immediately, including any questions which result from the independent membership review of the bank statement outlined in Section 5.1. 

·       Submit books to the Audit Committee and ensure that an audit of the books be done at the end of each fiscal year by the Audit Committee and present their findings and a full financial report at the first meeting after the audit has been completed. 

·       Establish / maintain the bank account and ensure that proper forms and documentation are filed to initiate and maintain non-profit status. 

·       File current financial reports at the end of each semester (December & June) with the campus principal / campus bookkeeper and the Director of Financial Services in RRISD Administration.










VP of Sponsorships, Sherri Monroe (Current officer), 512-903-4859,

VP of Sponsorships shall:

·       Assist the President as required

·       Be responsible for all Baseball Booster Club activities related to the following, but not limited to, fundraising, sponsorship, game day program/brochure

VP of Communications, Sam Rufenacht (Current officer), 512-799-5767,

VP of Communications shall:

·       Assist the President as required 

·       Be responsible for all Booster Club activities related to publicity including, but not limited to, game day activities, media relations, philanthropic involvement, elementary and intermediate school involvement 

·       Coordinating and updating all information to be posted on the Baseball Booster Club website and all social media outlets

·       Must be proficient in word, google drive and website background