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Coaching Applications - Due June 5/21

The BJGHA is now accepting coaching applications for the 2021-22 season.  We are accepting applications for Atom, Peewee, Bantam and Midget age groups.  The 2020-21 season was very challenging due to COVID-19 restrictions and the OWHA has not committed to a full season of 'normal' hockey but is preparing for as normal a season as possible.  Next season could be anything from a normal competitive season in the Lower Lakes Female Hockey League to reduced 'extended group play' similar to this past season to an in-house Bancroft league.  This will not be determined until later summer or we hear more from the OWHA.  The BJGHA would like to prepare for the 2021-22 hockey season with coaches selected for each age group.  Without knowing how many teams the BJGHA will be able to support and what format our hockey season will take, we would like to be as prepared as possible for next season. Applications are due no later than June 5/21.
Please feel free to contact Paul Hedley (President BJGHA) @ 416-278-9042 With any questions.
Please submit coaching applications to
Thank you,
Paul Hedley
President BJGHA