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The Ohio Valley Elite Football Club is continuing its progression as the kickoff to
the inaugural tournament is less than six months away. League founder Fred
McDaniels can’t wait to get started.
“The realization of the league finally coming to fruition is beyond exciting,” he
said. “This is something I first thought of several years ago when I was on the
board with the Beavercreek Youth Football program. We are almost there.”
Tryouts will be at Ankeney Middle School in Beavercreek on October 16 and
17. Participants need to show up with cleats, shorts, t-shirt or whatever they’re
comfortable wearing. Among the drills they’ll be partaking in include passing,
running and receiving.
The team will consist of 25 players to include traditional positions including a
place-kicker and punter. There will be a squad for sixth, seventh and eighth grade
Football fields have been secured with tournament games scheduled for
Beavercreek High School, Xenia High School, Centerville High School and a pair of
middle school fields in Beavercreek.
The club has notched their first sponsor in Troni’s Italian Restaurant out of
Kettering. Their first fund-raising event will be July 17 at Locust Hills Golf Course in
Springfield. A tee time of noon is scheduled with more information coming in the
coming weeks.
The league has also set up shop in Tampa with their tournament currently
scheduled for March 18-20 of 2022.
McDaniels said the Tampa location is ideal because of the wealth of football
talent the area has to offer. His ultimate goal is to continue to see the league
thrive and someday retire to the Sunshine state.
Board members include Amanda McQuade in Communications, Vice President
Ricky Youngblood, Tournament Director Anna Robinson, Tampa Tournament
Director Chris Hug and Tampa Assistant Tournament Director Jerome Dozier.
For more information you can search and follow Ohio Valley Elite Football Club
on both Instagram and Facebook as well as www.ohiovalleyelite.com. You can
also contact the club at 937-321-5965.
Written by James Baker
Print journalist
Ohio Valley Elite Football Club