Thursday, September 9, 2021Pennsbury 2, Bensalem 0

The Pennsbury Falcons opened up their 2021 season at home against the Bensalem Owls. With the sideline filled with friends and family, the PHS players and coaches came into the game with grateful hearts and a fire in their bellies. The first half of the game was a high energy battle with the orange and black having numerous opportunities to score, but they just could not finish. The Owls had strong block tackles and filled their defensive end with players, making it difficult for Pennsbury to crack the code. It was not until the third quarter when forward, Meg McClure used her magic to create offense - McClure passed into the circle to Chelsea Todd, Todd put the ball on goal, and Liz Jordan finished it off for the first score of the game. It was as if Pennsbury broke the seal on the bottle of first game jitters and were finally ready to calm down and connect. McClure added another goal in the final quarter on a cross from Jaclyn Gorgo putting them up 2-0 and the score would stay that way until the final buzzer. Falcons coaches are happy to start with a win, but feel that there is far more potential in this group as a whole than was demonstrated today. Pennsbury dominated most of the game, but need to take it to the next level -  make faster adjustments and finish on attack. Now that game one is in the books, the team can use the 60 minutes as a series of teachable moments to carry forward and improve upon each day.  Stand out performances for the Falcons include Meg McClure, Molly Murray, Olivia Graebner, Sophia Curtis, Jaclyn Gorgo, and Liz Jordan. Molly Murray's control of the center of the field was excellent today and her connecting with Gorgo helped to create many chances throughout the game. Junior captain, Graebner, and Senior captain, Curtis, were solid on defense, shutting down breakaways and circle play for the Owls. McClure and Jordan brought speed, strength, and smarts to the midfield and forward line. Goalie, Jordan Vradenburgh, despite not seeing a ton of action, directed in the circle  and was consistently vocal to her defense using her vital leadership from the cage to help the Falcons succeed. Pennsbury travels to Hatboro Horsham on Friday for a back-to-back battle and continue to set the tone for the 2021 season.  

Friday, September 10, 2021 - Pennsbury 2, Hatboro 0

The entire Pennsbury coaching staff are shaking their heads after walking away with only 2 goals against Hatboro. Hats off (pun intended) to the Hatboro-Horsham field hockey team for digging deep, listening to their coach, never giving up, and implementing a defensive strategy that held the Falcons to only two notches in the score column. Despite Hatboro barely crossing the 50 yard line offensively, they stayed strong and kept fighting.  Pennsbury was not able to capitalize on opportunities until the fourth quarter. The orange and black severely struggled on the slow grass field to push through ten Hatters packed into the circle along with the goalie to put that little orange ball into the big cage. Horsham's keeper had some great stops to keep the game tied 0-0 into half time and boy did they fight hard to the very end. The Falcons made several adjustments throughout the battle in attempts to read and react to the situation at hand, but it seemed that the Hatters defensive focus and determination was just enough to continue stopping all Falcon offensive attacks. The Hatters had heart. Nineteen corners for PHS resulted in only one of the goals, and after almost 20 shots the second goal came, which means we know what PHS will be practicing in the morning and every day moving forward. Meg McClure scored both goals for Pennsbury - her first was a deflection on a pass from Liz Jordan across the goal and the second was off of a strong corner shot from Sophia Curtis. McClure picked up the rebound and put it right back in. Games like this, although frustrating in many ways, are vital learning experiences as our team evaluates itself and re-centers in preparation for the next step.  The most glaring fact that came out of this contest is that turf fields are an absolutely necessary part of growing this sport and setting teams of all ability levels up for success in learning and playing the game the way field hockey is supposed to be played. Playing field hockey on grass is archaeic and not allowing teams to keep up with the way the game is rapidly changing. Standout players for the Falcons include Meg McClure and Jaclyn Gorgo on attack, Sophia Curtis & Olivia Graebner on defense, and Molly Murray in the center of the field. The Falcons will travel to face Neshaminy for another grass game on Tuesday for what is historically an extremely intense, hard fought contest. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021 Neshaminy 7, Pennsbury 0

It's difficult to sum up today's game for the Falcons, but the score should say it all. We knew this game was going to be a different level of challenge than we had seen, but the coaches were not expecting the team to respond (or not respond) the way they did, said head coach, Traci Curtis. Unfortunately, Pennsbury did not rise to the occasion and that annual mental block that gets in the way when playing the Skins took over - it's a horrible gift that keeps on giving. Neshaminy is an incredibly fast, skilled, polished, united team with talent throughout every layer of the field. It rocked us to the core and our girls just did not find a way to relax and play our game. We forgot that we are also a fast, skilled, polished, and united team, Curtis added.  The mental part of the game for high school kids is tough to coach and can send a game spiraling out of control and that's what happened from the first whistle. We are wracking our brains as a coaching staff trying to find ways to convince our girls that they are worthy of competing at this level, but it ultimately has to come from within.  Neshaminy opened up with a goal in the first 5 minutes of the game, but the Falcons kept it at 1-0 into the second quarter and seemed to be gaining a little bit of momentum and confidence. That was all shattered in the second quarter when Neshaminy racked up three more goals to give the Skins a 4-0 lead at half time. That hole is too deep against a team like Neshaminy and although the Falcons continued to make an attempt to combat, they just could not find a formula that worked. Neshaminy went on to score three more goals sealing up a 7-0, well deserved victory.  All we can do is move on - it's so cliche´to say that - we have no other choice. This is our division, our conference, our competition and the challenges are only going to get more difficult. There is so much to learn from these sixty minutes about ourselves as individuals and as a unit. It is imperative that we get stronger and build up a thick skin - there is no room to crumble in the SOL.  Goalie, Jordan Vradenburgh, was battered with 21 shots and numerous scuffles at the goal mouth which resulted in a few of the goals. It is games like this that test a goalkeeper's resilience and ability to rise up and fix what needs to be fixed between the posts. At the same time, the field players need to do the same and find that fire to forge ahead. There were a few Pennsbury players whose presence on the field made a difference today and helped to provide sparks along the way - EB Rafferty, Jaclyn Gorgo, Olivia Graebner, Molly Murray, Sophia Curtis, and Rylie Borgman. Pennsbury will regroup and start preparing for Friday's game against CR South on turf. Congrats to Neshaminy on a great showing and thank you to all of our fans who continue to follow and support us along the way. 

Friday, September 17 2021  Council Rock South 8, Pennsbury 0

It was another tough day for Pennsbury field hockey as they got stomped by Council Rock South in their first meeting. CR South is an incredible team - we are just not at their level. There is a huge skill gap that caused us to be outmatched against a team like that. We were outplayed, outsmarted, outskilled, and out trained. There were a plethora of factors that put us far behind the eight ball before the game even began, said head coach Traci Curtis, but we never make excuses, we just do our best in the moment. If losing 8-0 was our best today, then it is what it is - so many players worked really hard, did the job they were asked, and took ownership of their role. We focus on celebrating the good that happens along the way, the progress, the application of what we've taught, and we set our sights on winning the small moments. We had a few good small victories within the big loss today.  We were missing essential starting defender, Olivia Graebner, in the center and that made a huge difference in the back field. Sophia Curtis did a tremendous job filling the center, a change of scenery from her usual left back position. Curtis made some strong stops, took a majority of the free hits, and played a part in both offensive and defensive corners. A few more players were absent today who could have contributed fresh legs and that hurt us as well, but it gave a variety of players a chance to get into a varsity game and get a feel for the level of competition. This was our first turf game of the season and making that transition from grass can take some time to adjust to for some. In addition, when a game like this is scheduled right after a holiday the problem of transitioning to turf is compounded. We were not able to practice and prepare for today the way we wanted to and even if we did have the time, not having a turf field for training is a huge obstacle we face at every turn in the SOL. The Falcons definitely moved the ball far better today than they have in previous games, but it just wasn't enough. The 50/50 balls killed us and running out of steam in key positions is a battle we are fighting every game, Curtis added. The midfield is where we need the most growth and that is a difficult place to not have solid. I think we could have dug a little deeper today in some facets of the game. CR scored a third goal  in the final seconds of the first quarter and that was like a shot to the heart. If we just could have found a way to keep it to two goals at that point, it would have felt more hopeful. That was a disappointing moment. South slammed four more goals into the cage in the second quarter and then added one final goal in the third. South even had a penalty stroke, but put it wide left missing the cage. Our JV goalie, Kayla Shaffer, came in for the third quarter and did a nice job with her varsity opportunity, then she went on to play the entire JV game. Starting goalie, Vradenburgh returned to the cage in the fourth quarter and helped to hold South scoreless. She collected some good saves off of the battery of shots that came her way in her 45 minutes of play today. A game like this is actually great for our goalies because it gives them a high level challenge and opportunity to learn, grow, and make adjustments to their play. Sometimes the best way to learn is to simply be in the thick of it getting fired with shots.  Pennsbury stand out players today included Rylie Borgman (who continues to contribute positively when we need it most), Avalee Shumski (who stepped up on defense for us today), EB Rafferty, Meg McClure, Liz Jordan (who was a great utility for us as we moved her all over the place to fill gaps), Jenna Outcalt, and Gabby Darling who notched a fantastic defensive save.  In perfect Falcon field hockey fashion, we will walk away from this game with a lot of homework to do and be sure to focus on, not where we failed, but where we succeeded and what we can pull from the experience that will help us to be better in hockey and in life. PHS will host Truman on Monday for another league contest and then travel back to the turf to face Council Rock North on Wednesday. 

Monday, September 20, 2021   Pennsbury 6, Truman 0

It was a gorgeous day for field hockey! The Pennsbury Falcons hit the field with fire after coming off of two confidence killing losses. Liz Jordan connected on a pass from Meg McClure halfway through the first quarter to start off the scoring. The Tigers held the score to 1-0 going into the second quarter as it seemed to take PHS a little time to fully connect and finish. Head Coach, Traci Curtis, was pleased with how the game progressed. We found our groove in the second quarter and moved the ball beautifully, making transitions across the field, putting the ball into space, and using some big hits from defense to gain momentum on attack. Meg McClure started the second quarter scoring on an assist from Lily Abraham. Senior, Lily Morgan scored her first goal of the season on an assist from McClure and EB Rafferty notched the fourth goal before halftime on an assist from Reagan Ward. Senior Captain, Pranita Madaka, added another goal in the third quarter on a cross from Mia Popovich then McClure added the sixth goal, unassisted, in the fourth to finish out the game. Meg McClure is amazing on the field for us. She has a hand in almost every successful play and is just getting smarter and smarter with the ball. She is taking chances and truly getting better with every minute. We are so excited about her contribution and her efforts. It was nice to have five different girls contributing to the scoring and certainly a confidence boost for many. It was great to see all of our players across the both Varsity and JV get playing time today - we can honestly say it was a full team effort. Truman had some girls in the backfield with strong sticks and that helped them tremendously with some strong stops. We have so much respect for that team of players and coaches who work so hard and despite having light numbers, fought to the end in both Varsity and JV with girls putting in so many minutes for the afternoon. We still need to capitalize on our penalty corners more and we missed a bunch of cross deflections in the circle. We will continue to practice hard and hone our skills in every way possible. It felt good to win, but we also know how a shut out feels - we've been on the other side of that score twice already this season and it's humbling. The Falcons know that every game is important, especially as we dig further into the season. Our focus is one step at a time, one game at a time, and to find a balance between our heads, our hearts, and our hockey. Our job now is to switch gears and prepare to play on turf on Wednesday at CR North. This next game is huge for us and our mentality - consistency will be the key.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021  Pennsbury 1, Council Rock NORTH 0

As the clouds rolled in and the winds of change cautioned a coming rain storm, the Pennsbury Falcons and CR North took to the field at Walter Snyder Stadium for an incredible field hockey showdown.  It was like today's game was pulled from the script of a (low budget) sports movie - Pennsbury returning to the turf where they were hammered by CR South not long ago, both PHS and North having beaten and lost to the same SOL opponents, and the Falcons players and staff filled with anxious energy about the crossroads of this moment in time. It was a great cinematic ending with a dramatic 1-0 victory for the Falcons and that score reflected the great contest that played out for 60 minutes. Coaches, Curtis, Sheenan, Mallon, and Aker had been pumping their girls full of inspirational stories, quotes, and analogies for days leading up to this game, as they searched for every way possible to encourage their team to rise to the challenge of playing at a higher level. We knew today would be a defining moment for us in believing we are worthy of competing and capable of being, not just good, but great, said Curtis. But honestly, that doesn't just apply to the kids, it applies to us as coaches as well. Sometimes it is difficult to be confident in coaching skills when you are not getting the results you think you should. It was really tough for us to bounce back from those two big shutout losses - they really stung. It takes a lot of effort to not let that seed of doubt take root. Our coaching staff never stops studying, researching, learning, questioning, and working together to do what we think is best for our entire group. We arranged to practice on turf on Tuesday and I think that made a big difference for us in our preparation. We also took some chances and made some big changes in our set up that sparked momentum across the field. Rock came out strong forcing corners right away and creating many offensive opportunities, but the PHS defense came up big. The score remained 0-0 into halftime despite Rocks numerous corners (15 documented) and shots (14) and Pennsbury's multiple breakaway opportunities. It was a very evenly matched game with strong performances on both sides of the ball, but Curtis had a feeling that the game would follow this script. North was dominating a little more in the first half solidifying the fact that nothing would not be easy. Curtis cannot recall exactly what she said at halftime, but she is sure it was some sort of inspirational concoction from Rocky, Rudy, Miracle, and Hoosiers - a rant about believing, digging deep, rising to the challenge, destiny, and how this all applies to life itself. Whatever it was, it worked. About halfway through the third quarter with the score still tied at zeros, Pennsbury was on attack penetrating the circle. As the ball was about to go over the end line right next to the cage, Junior forward, Reagan Ward, completely dove to keep the ball in play. She swept it up to Jaclyn Gorgo, who tapped it passed the goalie for what would be the only score of the game. Add to that stand out play and a defensive save for Sophomore defender, Gabby Darling, and an absolutely stellar performance by goalie Jordan Vradenburgh, and the movie played out with the Falcons riding off (on a very delayed bus) into the sunset. The moment when Ward dove was transformative for us all. The assist was as powerful, if not more, than the goal. Her decision in that moment sent a strong message to all of us about what needed to happen - she sent a shockwave through our team that carried us to the final buzzer. Every single player stepped up today and rose to the occasion and now that we did this, we can continue to grow sparked by a bit of confidence. Cheers to North for an awesome game in every way. Their girls are always stacked with talent, grit, IQ, and strength. It makes us proud knowing that we held our own against a team like that. Other impressive Falcon contributions were displayed by Meg McClure, EB Rafferty, Rylie Borgman, Olivia Graebner, and Sophia Curtis. Pennsbury will close out a three game week as they host North Penn on Friday 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021  Pennsbury 4, Pennridge 2
There was nothing typical about the lead up to this game. Pennsbury set out for Pennridge late in the afternoon for an hour plus bus ride and arrived with about fifteen minutes to spare for JV to warm up for their game, which was being played first. The varsity team, used to playing first, settled in to cheer and support their teammates during the early game, and as darkness fell they prepared for their first battle at night on turf under the lights. The Pennridge stadium has a great vibe and it was exciting to be there at night, but coach, Traci Curtis, could not help but wonder how her team would respond to the situation. Our home game on Friday was canceled because our grass field was too wet and then the weekend was upon us. Yesterday we practiced on turf to get ready, but we were worried about the girls being in the right mindset with the three days off in conjunction with the other non-typical facets of today's match up. The Falcons responded with nothing but strength as they notched the first goal of the game halfway into the first quarter. Reagan Ward tapped one in, sending a message that they were ready to fight no matter what was sent their way. With 3:35 left in the first quarter, Meg McClure sent a beautiful cross ball into the circle and EB Rafferty one timed it, passed the Pennridge goalie with authority. The orange and black held onto that 2-0 lead through the second quarter, into half time, and all through the third quarter as well. It was a pretty evenly matched fight going end to end the whole time. Pennridge had more corner opportunities throughout, but Pennsbury's defense held up incredibly well, supported by the dominating performance by goalie, Jordan Vradenburgh.  Pennsbury had more shots on goal, but the Rams had really strong sticks everywhere. Little did anyone know that the game was FAR from over. It was the Rams' turn to light up the scoreboard. Those girls dug their heels into the ground and gave PHS the horns. Two minutes into the fourth quarter, Pennridge scored on a tip in the circle making it 2-1.  There was so much game still left to play, you could feel the tension rise on the Falcons' sideline.  Both teams were playing great hockey - it was so exciting to watch and the intensity was at full tilt. With 5:49 left to play in regulation, Pennridge earned a corner and scored from the top of the circle tying the game 2-2. The crowd went wild!  When that goal went in and the fans lost their mind, my heart sank, said Curtis. I've seen this before so many times and was literally running through speeches in my head that I would have to give if we lost in this way. I knew that we were in trouble. Giving up a lead in the end like that is so often how you find yourself on the heartbreaking side of a game losing headline. Not with this group. Not today. One minute after Pennridge tied it up, PHS senior, EB Rafferty, found her way into the circle using breakneck speed and dumped a pass to Liz Jordan who tipped it in. The selflessness exhibited in that pass was beautiful and everything I love about this game and these players. We are getting smarter, stronger, more intentional, and reading and reacting to game situations like never before. The Falcons were up 3-2 and were not ready to stop - there were still five minutes to play.  Pennridge did not let up at all, firing shots and getting penalty corners making it a serious nail biter! The Falcons earned only two penalty corners the whole game and one of them was with 1:15 left in regulation. Curtis could not be more proud of the execution of those two corners, but especially that final one that ended in a fourth goal.  Junior, Molly Murray, perfectly placed the ball for senior captain, Sophia Curtis to get her shot off. Curtis did not score the goal, but put it on pads and Liz Jordan finished it off scoring her second goal of the game. Pennsbury kept composure and handled the ball well until the final buzzer walking away with a 4-2 victory.  Pennridge played an awesome game - to come back like that is admirable. They should be so proud and keep their heads up. They made us work so hard for every single minute of that game. Our coaching staff is proud of everyone for so many different reasons. Jaclyn Gorgo contributed for the entire 60 minutes, Olivia Graebner owned the center of the field like a champ, Rylie Borgman steps onto the field and just gets the job done every time, Sophia Curtis keeps the defense glued together. Meg McClure works magic, Helena Sosa had an amazing defensive save. Molly Murray is a crazy smart player who just does what is asked of her and does it well. Gabby Darling is the brickest of brick walls in the back and Jordan Vradenburgh was born to be in the goal cage. Rafferty and Liz Jordan teamed up to make things happen out there for us in addition to Reagan Ward, Jenna Outcalt, Pranita Madaka, Lily Morgan, Riley Henderson, and Chelsea Todd.  It was a full team effort guided by the underlying principle that everyone owns their role and carries it out. Our bench was incredible tonight as well - you could feel the positive energy rippling from the bench to the field and that was impacting and so important. Pennsbury will now get ready to return home to face Souderton on grass Thursday and then turn around and play on turf again as they travel to CB West on Friday.
Thursday, September 30, 2021  Souderton 7, Pennsbury 0
Intimidation is a funny thing. Synonyms for the word include 'frightening', 'menacing', 'terrifying', and 'alarming'.  Souderton was none of those things, but for some reason our team responded to the game today as if they were all of those adjectives at once. The Falcons came out ready to play their game, however somewhere along the way the foundation began to crumble and we lost our focus. Souderton scored in the first five minutes of the game putting them up 1-0. Soon after that, Pennsbury senior defender, Helena Sosa, went down with a ball driven into her head during a penalty corner. Sosa was taken out and could not return.  That moment rocked us to the core. The game was stopped for some time to treat her and I don't think our girls ever snapped out of that injury delay. This is where the mental barriers get the best of us - we have to learn to navigate this aspect of our game better. We were losing 1-0 at that point and putting up a good fight, but then the Big Red tipped in another making it 2-0 going into the second quarter. Losing Sosa on defense was a huge blow to us today. We just got her into our lineup after her being out at the start of the season - it just broke my heart to see that happen to her. She is so solid on D and brings an element to our game that is so imperative for our backfield. Coach Traci Curtis said she could see it in her players' eyes that they were just not all present mentally after that. Souderton continued to dominate scoring two more in the second quarter taking a 4-0 lead into halftime. The Pennsbury coaching staff was scrambling to make the proper adjustments, change strategy, and continue to encourage their squad to stay in it. Unfortunately, as PHS spent time deciphering the mystery of their players, Souderton just got more comfortable and strong in their already high level game. They are incredibly fast and skilled in every facet - passing, receiving, hitting, dodging, decision making, movement, and more. The third quarter was much of the same with the Big Red tallying two more goals and the Falcons found themselves being shut out from end to end. We earned one penalty corner and executed it really well, but we were not able to finish and put one in. One more goal in the fourth quarter from Soudy brought the final score to 7-0 and another big shut out loss for PHS. Today was the first of a five game stretch for the Falcons. With only the weekend to rest and recover and a slew of difficult cross over games, it will be a great challenge and intense test of strength, both in hockey and self. Shout out to two Falcon players who were a continuous spark throughout the battle, never succumbing to intimidation - junior forward, Meg McClure and junior captain midfielder/defender, Olivia Graebner. There are not enough words to describe the gritty effort put forth by these two girls. They handle whatever comes their way and contribute above and beyond every single day. All we can do is put one foot in front of the other and be ready to play tomorrow against CB West. It will be a "Friday Night Lights" game on West's turf and another chance for us to learn and grow together to write the story of our season. 
Friday, October 1, 2021  CB West 2, Pennsbury 0
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...then it was okay times, and then not so bad times with some great times mixed in. It has been the "tale of two Pennsbury FH teams" this season - the coaching staff's big question is, "Which one is showing up and how will the "times" be described?" Tonight, despite the loss, was an awesome showing for PHS under the Friday Night Lights in West's turf stadium. Set against a beautiful October 1st sunset, the Falcons rose up brushing the dirt off from Souderton's shut out and found a way to put a confident foot forward giving CB West a strong challenge. Winning is measured by the numbers on the scoreboard, but tonight our Falcon defense had a victory in the stats. The Bucks dominated much of the game, but both teams were hard pressed to score in the first half. The score was 0-0 well into the third quarter and that is due to Pennsbury's stand out defensive unit and goalkeeper, Jordan Vradenburgh. West scored the first goal of the game with six minutes left in the third quarter off of their 15th penalty corner. Aside from committing the fouls in the circle, the Falcons were a solid brick wall up until that corner play when they went down 1-0. They went on to tally up a total of 21 corners total. The score held 1-0 into the fourth when West added another goal to go up 2-0.  We cannot say enough about our core defensive unit - senior captain, Sophia Curtis, junior captain, Olivia Graebner, and sophomore, Gabby Darling. They work so well together as a cohesive trio and have settled into a rhythm that works. They are lacrosse defenders as well so it is great to watch them operate in the two environments. Darling had two incredible defensive saves tonight and truly has no fear when going in for a block. She is super strong and as she learns and grows, her timing is perfect. Curtis has the experience to lead the crew and take charge in so many facets including flying on corners (21 times), free hits, and offensive corners as well. Olivia Graebner is one of those kids you just wish you had a thousand of on your team. She does it all and simply leads as a quiet force through her actions on the field. Add a dash of Vradenburgh in the cage and it is a wonderful homemade recipe for success. Vradenburgh notched 17 saves and the shots came in all forms - high lifts, fast bullets, scuffles, rebounds, and more. She had a rough time against Souderton and we are extremely proud of the way she bounced back in 24 hours to protect the net like she did. That took mental strength and we know she worked hard to shake off yesterday's loss. Pennsbury had a few break away opportunities and earned six penalty corners, which they executed well, but just not well enough. The Bucks are a great team with lots of skill, smarts, and speed. We are working hard to get to that next level and meet these crossover teams where they are. It will take time.  As Coach Taylor would say in the show, Friday Night Lights, "Clear Eyes. Full Hearts. Can't Lose."  We can honestly say we walked away with full hearts tonight proud of who we are and how we fought. After a short weekend breather, Pennsbury will travel to CB South on Monday, play North Penn on Tuesday, and finish a 5 game run with CB East on Wednesday. 
Monday, October 4, 2021  CB South 7, Pennsbury 0
The last time Pennsbury FH scored a goal was September 28th during a great win against Pennridge - the Falcons actually scored four goals that night. Traci Curtis wishes she could have bottled up that awesome showing and sprinkle it like magic dust on her players for every game that has followed. We have been shut out by the last three teams we played and the competition is only getting more intense. These crossover games make me feel like we have crossed over into another dimension, Curtis says only half jokingly. The gap in talent between us and them is so wide and it is difficult to understand the best way to fill that space.  Our coaching staff is working overtime trying to concoct a formula that works. CB South scored on us in every quarter with rebounds, lifts, penalty corners, and more, moving around us with precise expertise. The score was 4-0 going into halftime but the Falcons did have two big stops on corners when the clock ran out before the break. That was a winning moment for us to not allow them to get another goal right before halftime.  If the books are correct, South had 13 penalty corners and over 50 shots on goal. The Falcons defense is the most solid part of their game right now. They are holding up with grit against three incredibly difficult teams in a row. Sophia Curtis got her stick on several of the corner shots as the flyer and disrupted, allowing them to score on only three of the baker's dozen. Strong D was also exhibited by Riley Henderson and Gabby Darling. According to the records, goalie, Jordan Vradenburgh, had over 30 saves from South's rapid fire offense. Every girl on the CB South team is so well trained and highly skilled in technique, tactic, IQ, and fitness. Pat Toner has a legacy of success that trails behind her and it is awesome just to be coaching opposite her in the same league. It is tough to be beaten like that, but she is a legend and there is so much to learn from her. She is a great human and friend and inspires me to be the best I can be for the sport of field hockey as a whole. PT was the coach of Council Rock (when there was only one) back when Curtis played for Neshaminy in the late 80s and now Curtis is studying Toner's drill cards to help build her own program at Pennsbury and in the surrounding community with youth programs. All we can do is aspire to be better and keep working harder. Challenging games like this are teachable moments and provide the gift of real perspective. We know where we stand and what it takes to improve. We have a huge mountain to climb to get where we desire to be, and only we can decide how we are going to get it done. Pennsbury will have their fourth game in six days as they host North Penn and then turnaround 24 hours later and will face CB East at home on Wednesday. We hope the crossover curse is broken in one of our next two games! Winning does come in more ways than one - PHS FH will be holding a food drive over the next three days to help stock the shelves at a local food pantry - losses aside, that is certainly something worth celebrating! #PHSFH2021 #whatsyourWHY 
Tuesday, October 5, 2021  North Penn 3, Pennsbury 0
The Pennsbury Falcons returned to their grass today after being away from home for four straight days. The field was damp from the rain, but not unplayable like it was the first time these two teams were scheduled to meet. Today's make up game marked the fourth crossover contest for Pennsbury in six days.  Just 24 hours earlier the Falcons were being dominated by CB South and walking away from a 7-0 loss. Today had to be better, and it was. We did not win and we did not score, but we showed up and proved that we have the ability to bounce back and be resilient, said head coach Traci Curtis. North Penn scored four minutes into the first quarter with a beautiful tip on a penalty corner. It was picture perfect and amazing placement - there was not much we could do to defend it so we just learned to look out for it and be ready if it happened again. Two minutes later North Penn struck again taking a hard shot from the top that unfortunately deflected off of a Falcon defender's stick to put the Knights up 2-0. We did not hang out heads or fall into a funk, which is a great improvement for us as of late, Curtis explained. Our focus was on small moments and taking baby steps, and we finished out the first quarter holding them to two goals. There was so much hockey left to play and our girls were prepared to stay strong. Their mindset was different and you could feel it in each one of them. Once again, North Penn scored off of a penalty corner in the first four minutes as the second quarter clock ticked away and the Falcons were down 3-0  before they could blink. Historically, this is where we would fall apart and succumb to the pressure, allowing our mental game get the best of us. The coaches cannot express how proud they are that history did not repeat itself today. The Pennsbury Falcons went on to hold the North Penn Knights to those first three goals, not allowing them to score for the remainder of the game. Nineteen shots and seven corners  met the strength of the PHS defensive unit, that once again proved to be the strength of this squad. Goalie, Jordan Vradenburgh, denied 14 shots and led the backfield through actions and words. Senior, Helena Sosa, who was carted off the field last week against Souderton  with a ball to the head, returned to play today and was an awesome example of grit, strength, resilience, and determination. She is a difference maker and it filled us with joy to have her back out there today. She had a great defensive save and inspires us all. EB Rafferty has stepped up big time for us in the midfield and really grown this season, contributing more and more each game. It is fun to watch a player make progress like Rafferty has since August. Meg McClure and Olivia Graebner gave their always full tilt, consistent full 60 minute effort from end to end. The Falcons earned two corners and executed well, but are yet to capitalize and finish - we just keep at it and try, try again. We are pleased with how the girls played today - to hold a team like North Penn to 3 goals is huge for us, especially during this intense part of our schedule. We will celebrate what we can and hold tight to it as we move forward. We would like to shout out a BIG thanks to the North Penn team for their generous donation to our food drive today for a local pantry. Their contribution means a lot and was a great reflection of the field hockey community and bond that we all share. The Falcons finish out their five game streak tomorrow at home against CB East. 
Wednesday, October 6, 2021      CB East 2    Pennsbury 0
It was Groundhog's Day at Pennsbury as the Falcons lost 2-0 in a crossover match up against Central Bucks East.
Fifth loss in a row. Fifth shutout in a row. Fifth unsolved mystery in a row.
However, on what was said to be National Coaches Day, the Fab Four Pennsbury staff focused on the journey rather than the destination and refused to miss a chance to model resilience and grit. Coaches Traci Curtis, Brittany Sheenan, Aly Mallon, and Hannah Aker have found a way to let their philosophy guide the process and use the last seven days as a very powerful teaching tool.
“We knew that East would be another huge challenge and so we made some changes to our lineup to maximize our strengths across the layers,” coach Traci Curtis said. “We are making smarter decisions as coaches and improving our overall approach to each game.
“Our girls have been so flexible and open to doing whatever is best for the greater good. It makes us proud to see their willingness to implement change and not fear it.”
The Patriots started off the scoring in the first quarter when they connected in the corner, beating a defender and PHS goalie Vradenburgh. The score did not stay 1-0 for long as East added another goal right at start of the second quarter. Trailing 2-0, the Falcons stayed confident, positive, and united in their efforts from end to end. Pennsbury's defense shone brightly once again as they helped to deny 21 shots on goal and stop 11 penalty corners.
“Sophia Curtis got her stick on the ball to disrupt many corner shots and she protected the defensive end with smart playing,” Curtis said. “Helena Sosa, Rylie Henderson, Gabby Darling, Jenna Outcalt, and Vradenburgh were a force to be reckoned with as well in the back. Midfielders Olivia Graebner, Molly Murray, and EB Rafferty fought a great fight, and forward attackers, Meg McClure, Jaclyn Gorgo, Liz Jordan, and Reagan Ward worked with intensity for breakaways and chances in the circle, but just could not dot the i and cross the t.
“East is a tough, physical team with strong hits, accurate passes, great sticks, and the ability to score. We were excited about stopping them from scoring after their early second quarter goal and then through the entire second half of the game. The past five games have been an extreme rollercoaster ride with some upside-down loops along the way. The Falcons are keeping their heads held high and celebrating the progress made along the way and the winnable moments that remind them of who they are.”
The orange and black are hoping to break the scoring drought on Monday night as they exit the "crossover dimension" and return to the Patriot Division to play Bensalem.
“Huge shoutout to CB EAST for their contribution to the PHS FH Food Drive,” Curtis said. “Your generosity is greatly appreciated and makes a difference beyond the field! Thank you!”
Monday, October 11, 2021  Pennsbury 2, Bensalem 1
Monday night lights proved to be just as exciting as Friday can be in Bensalem Memorial Stadium. Set against a sea of purple in the stands, the Pennsbury field hockey team battled their way to their first win in six games and scored for the first time since Sept. 28th. It was an adrenaline filled event as Bensalem dedicated the game to raising money for one of their families faced with a fight of a different kind, pancreatic cancer. It was an honor to be a part of the whole evening and a great reminder of why our team shirts read, “More Than The Sport”, explained coach, Traci Curtis.  The whole Bensalem community came together for the cause and created a really fantastic atmosphere of hope, strength, and camaraderie. The Pennsbury FH team wishes the family the very best as they face this difficult obstacle. It is nice to know that they have that amazing community behind them to hold them up and help them through. Bensalem came out with a fire in their hearts and everything to prove. With three minutes remaining in the first quarter, the Owls scored the first goal of the game and went up 1-0. It was a beautiful cross and tip goal that was executed very well. The excitement in the stands was unbelievable and a little intimidating. We knew this was not going to be easy - you can never underestimate Bensalem and especially on a night like this. It took a bit for our girls to adjust to the stadium, the lights, the fans, and the field, but once we got in a groove, we dominated with great passing and ball movement. One minute into the second quarter the Falcons answered back tying the game 1-1 on a penalty corner deflection by Meg McClure.  The Owls never let down and continued to capitalize on breakaway scoring opportunities, but Pennsbury’s defense held up the back field like a brick wall once again. Graebner, Darling, Curtis, Sosa, and goalkeeper, Vradenburgh denied shots and the few penalty corners Bensalem earned, holding them to that single goal. We are so proud of our defensive unit and how they work together. They are staying strong in their layers, supporting one another, stepping to the ball better, and distributing out as needed throughout the game. Each of those players has a role that they have naturally fallen into and it just works. Liz Jordan pushed the Falcons ahead 2-1 on a pass from EB Rafferty with seven minutes left in the second quarter. That was the last of the scoring from both teams. Big shout out to Bensalem’s goalie who had an outstanding game. She made a dozen saves that were really game changing. Despite PHS having 15 corners and 20 shots on goal, the Owls held us to two and scoreless in the second half. They should be so proud of themselves and what they did out there tonight. They made our girls work for everything on that field. The Falcons coaching staff is proud of their team’s progress across all layers and how well they executed penalty corners. We ran through all of our plays multiple times, but just need to take it to the next level where we finish inside the chaos in the circle after the initial shot.  Jaclyn Gorgo and Molly Murray were outstanding in the midfield tonight being very creative with the ball and playing confidently. It was really nice to see that pair step up and use the mighty talent they have from start to finish. They did exactly what they needed to do and be that important connecting piece. It makes me really happy to see kids getting to that place in their game at this point in the season, Curtis added. Tonight was the whole package - great community, great hockey, exciting match up, and an awesome focus on things that really matter. It was the best way we could have started off the week and prepare for what comes next. Sincere thanks, once again, to Bensalem for a wonderful night of field hockey and family. The Falcons have another busy week ahead of them. They host Neshaminy on Wednesday for their second meeting and will be celebrating PINK OUT to raise money for breast cancer. Friday is the senior game against CR South at home and then they continue playing into the weekend with their only Saturday game against Conwell. That game will be a GOLD OUT game for PHS to raise money for Mini THON! 


Wednesday, October 13, 2021  Neshaminy 2, Pennsbury 0

There were two very different battles that took place at the PHS - Neshaminy field hockey game today. First was on the field -  the intense, high energy, historical rivalry that always draws a larger than normal crowd to witness the matchup. The second battle was off the field as the Falcons dedicated this particular game to the beautiful and wonderful warriors who fight breast cancer every day. The PINK OUT theme provided much needed perspective as we approached this second meeting with Neshaminy, explained Coach Traci Curtis. We have come so far since we first played them at their place and shifting the focus today helped us with the mental aspect of this contest. We were so happy to be helping Pennsbury's Wink For Pink organization raise money and it allowed us to unite for something greater than ourselves and much larger than the game. With pink gripped sticks and pink ribbons in their hair, the Pennsbury Falcons took the field with a fire in their hearts and a renewed purpose. The coaching staff was very intentional leading up to today to give the girls rest and just take a collective exhale. Our practice the day before the game was super laid back and filled with non-hockey activities and we think it was the perfect way to prepare. We were ready, rejuvenated, and so realistic in our expectations for the game. Our captains helped to set various performance goals at the start and it truly worked. There is still a sour taste in our mouths after losing 7-0 to them almost exactly one month ago, but that reminder has only helped us to work harder, get better, and want to prove ourselves even more. And that we did. We are not the same team were were back then. From the first whistle the game was a nail biter as it went back and forth. Neshaminy did dominate in penalty corners, but the Falcon defense denied them time after time. The first quarter was scoreless for both teams and as they entered the second quarter, the orange and black felt like they had actually rattled the Skins a little bit. At halftime the score remained 0-0 and our kids were exploding with excitement and confidence. Our philosophy was being played out right in front of our eyes and a fresh chapter of our story was being written in that moment - this was HUGE progress for the Falcons from back in September and the coaches could not have been more elated with the team's performance. So many great things were happening and we did see some scoring opportunities, but we just were a second too late each time. Just knowing it was possible put wind in our sails and the girls kept fighting hard. Our defense continued to hold them until halfway through the third quarter when Neshaminy's, Olivia Roscoe, connected and put Nesh up 1-0.  Pennsbury did not skip a beat and continued to surprise Neshaminy at both ends of the field. The score was still 1-0 at the start of the fourth quarter. Two minutes into the final quarter PHS goalie, Jordan Vradenburgh, had a great save on a lifted ball going over her head, but Neshaminy was quick on the rebound when the ball was batted down and put their second goal in to go up 2-0. There was still tons of hockey to play and Pennsbury did all they could up to the final second of the game. With one minute left, one of Neshaminy's players was carded and had to sit out so Pennsbury was up a player. The Falcons earned their first and only penalty corner as the clock ran out and had a chance to at least get one in the books.  Curtis laughed, "You would have thought we won the game when the refs called that corner for us". We were just so happy for our girls who worked so hard against this amazing team and continued fighting to the very end. It was a winning moment for us as a whole. You have to grab hold of those moments when you can and although we did not score on that corner, the joy we felt setting it up will carry us far.  Neshaminy has so many strong, talented players who I have a ton of respect for. Their big ball hits are crazy good and their sticks are so solid across every layer. We are proud of how we handled all of that today.  Falcon fighters with stand out performances include Vradenburgh in the goal, Jaclyn Gorgo, Sophia Curtis, Jenna Outcalt, and Gabby Darling. A big shout out to the Pennsbury Wink for Pink club for coming out and cheering for us as they raised money for breast cancer. Pennsbury will get one day rest and then face CR South on Friday (Senior Day) and have a quick turn around playing Conwell-Egan on Saturday.  


Friday, October 15, 2021  Pennsbury 2, CR South 0

Senior Day games are wonderfully exciting and very special, but also extremely distracting and a little chaotic. Photo shoots, disrupted warm ups, and sentimental announcements shift the player and coach focus of pregame and the rattled routine causes coaches like Traci Curtis to feel out of sorts as the clock ticks to 3:30. The sound of the starting whistle today was like a jolt to my already pounding heart, Curtis admits. I just don't like feeling unprepared when we hit the field and senior days can do that to you - especially this year because my daughter is a senior on the team. I was in (a very proud) parent role right before we started and then had to jump back into coach mode in the huddle. The first time we played CR South we lost 7-0 so we anticipated the level of challenge and our captains set small goals for the team. There were things we just wanted to walk away having done better than the first meeting. Exactly the same way they went into the Neshaminy game on Wednesday.  The Falcons not only met those small goals, but they walked away with an upset against the top team in the Patriot Division. It was like a "Miracle" movie moment, just without the ice, Olympic theme, or Hollywood stars. Although there was much less at stake than the referenced movie, it was transformative for this Pennsbury squad and felt just as cinematic.  With every senior in the starting line up, the Falcons held the Hawks in the first quarter and went into the second tied at zero. Back on Sept. 17th, South had already racked up three goals in the first fifteen minutes. This was progress in action once again. We tweaked our lineup a tiny bit after the first quarter to capitalize on our speed as we were getting offensive opportunities, but needed to up the pace of our playing. The score was still at zeros going into the half and it was feeling a little bit like deja vu. Curtis recalls how the Neshaminy game went the same exact way. "We were just trying to stay hyper focused, but calm and capitalize on every opportunity we had". We definitely had South rattled and off their game so it was up to us to take advantage and embrace the success we were having. The game was pretty even from end to end with the Hawks earning more penalty corners (8) than the Falcons (1). Our defense is just incredible and they have really become a tight knit unit who recognizes what each other needs in any given moment, explained Curtis. Goalie Jordan Vradenburgh played so smart in the cage for 60 minutes and is the backbone of the defensive 25. Today she dove, slid, cleared, and popped up for rebounds really well - it is so much fun to watch that kid just own her space. She is extremely talented and a game like today is proof of what is inside of her. Gabby Darling, Sophia Curtis, Olivia Graebner, Helena Sosa, and Jenna Outcalt are the builders of the brick wall that denied South's offensive attempts. South comes into the circle strong, but we proved stronger today and did it together. The Cinderella story started to take shape with 4 minutes left in the third quarter when EB Rafferty crossed the ball and Meg McClure found the back of the cage to give Pennsbury the lead.  Those two worked so well together in this game and truly made such a difference for us. The score remained 1-0 into the fourth and PHS seemed to have the upper hand in possession as well. The coaches were working double time to be strategic with formation, clock management, and a 15 minute plan to hold onto the fragile lead. The strategies worked and a minute and a half  into the fourth, Meg McClure did some more damage on another assist from EB Rafferty. The Falcons now led 2-0 and were playing like a well oiled machine. McClure is such an overall amazing player. She is scrappy, smart, fast, and knows how to handle the ball on the right like a champ. We were not content or feeling safe even with a 2-0 lead. There were still 13 minutes left to play and knowing CR South, a lot could happen. With the help of Jaclyn Gorgo, Molly Murray, and Liz Jordan, PHS found a way to take care of the ball and keep possession using incredibly accurate passing and communication. Those three players have taken their game to new heights in the past two weeks. We love the decision making and creativity they have brought to our game. They have such important roles and make a huge impact. As the final seconds ran out, the Pennsbury sideline went crazy and the coaches stood speechless. This was the biggest win we have had since starting here three years ago.  It brings us joy that the seniors shared this experience today and will have this memory to take with them. Congratulations to Sophia Curtis, Liz Jordan, Pranita Madaka, Lily Morgan, Jenna Outcalt, EB Rafferty, and Helena Sosa.  

This game goes out to all the underdogs out there - Yes. You. Can. 

The Falcons host Conwell at 3:00pm today and then travel to Truman on Monday. 


Saturday, October 16, 2021  PENNSBURY 5, CONWELL-EGAN 0
(Article submitted by Pennsbury field hockey)
The Falcons rolled up to their first Saturday game of the season just about 24 hours after their huge Senior Day win and celebration. Still on fire and in great spirits, the team prepared for this non-league contest with an extra spring in their step.
Saturday’s game was chosen as a GOLD OUT in efforts to raise money for Pennsbury's Mini THON organization - we were playing FOR THE KIDS (FTK). The team wore shirts they had tie-dyed together and spent some time taking pictures and setting up to fundraiser.
“Once again, the focus was on much more than the sport,” coach Traci Curtis said. “Days like this are rejuvenating and refreshing when we can come together for a reason beyond ourselves and enjoy the moment.
“Some girls had taken the PSAT in the morning, so it was great to have this game for them to play and blow off steam. Conwell-Egan was fielding only a varsity team today, but we had both Varsity and JV girls dress and be ready to play. The coaching staff wanted to give a variety of girls an opportunity to see the field, and with the logistical magic of coach Aly Mallon, we succeeded in playing 32 girls throughout the four quarters. It was a complete team effort today and really great to see everyone contributing and working together.”
EB Rafferty started off the scoring soon into the first quarter with a nice tip off of a pass from Meg McClure. Rafferty went on to score two more goals for a hat trick in the first quarter.
“EB was finishing well in the circle, which is where we have been struggling lately so it was nice to see that happening for the offense,” Curtis said.
Helena Sosa contributed an assist for Rafferty's third goal by coming up from defense and moving the ball into the circle really well. Lily Morgan was right in there helping EB put pressure on the goalie in the first 15 minutes. The score was 3-0 going into halftime as Conwell-Egan held the Falcons scoreless in the second quarter.
The PHS coaches were rotating the lineup like a complicated math problem. About halfway through the third quarter, Kendall Kealey connected with a deflection off a pass from Reagan Ward. It was so great to watch the JV and Varsity players sharing the field and celebrating each other along the way. EB came back into the game in the fourth quarter and tallied one more goal to make the final score 5-0. Lily Morgan assisted for Rafferty on that final goal.
“Conwell-Egan worked hard and had some really nice breakaways,” Curtis said. “Their stick skills and passing in the middle were strong and forced us to adjust defensively. Kayla Shaffer did a nice job for us in goal today as she share the cage with Vradenburgh.


“The weather held out just long enough to get the full 60 minutes in - just as the fourth quarter was ending, the sky turned black, and we think we saw Dorothy and Toto fly across the field as the wind whipped up and the temperatures dropped dramatically. We were so lucky to end when we did! The field was cleared in a flash and the Pennsbury Falcons bolted home powered by the energy from their second win in a row.”


Monday, October 18, 2021  Pennsbury 7, Truman 0

Pennsbury's pre-game had a different look on this chilly Monday afternoon. Due to the shortages surrounding busing and drivers, the team was forced to arrive at Truman three hours before the starting whistle. The Truman team's senior night was slated to begin at 5pm on the turf instead of the typical 3:30 start. Curtis & Co. did not mind the early arrival and made the best of it while hanging out in a classroom that the Truman AD was so gracious to set up for them. Everyone did their own thing - while the coaches worked on the line up, some players did homework, others hung out talking and laughing, a few took the opportunity to have a dance party, and everyone filled up on snacks. The people at Truman were very kind and accommodating, helping us to be comfortable inside while waiting, said head coach, Traci Curtis. Once we hit the field for warms ups and the senior ceremony, Truman's hospitality continued with flowers for our seniors and the announcing of their names. With only a varsity game planned for the evening, the PHS coaches made plans to work in all of their players across both JV and Varsity rosters, similar to how they had navigated the Conwell game on Saturday. The starting line up came out strong as Reagan Ward connected from the stroke mark on an endline pass from Meg McClure two minutes into the game. Five minutes later, Ward struck again with an assist by Liz Jordan. The score was 2-0 going into the second quarter. Fresh faces and feet filled almost every position in the Falcons' second quarter line up and Mia Popovich added an un assisted goal ten minutes in. Jessie Martin assisted a Chelsea Todd goal with two minutes left and the Falcons went into halftime with a 4-0 lead. The Tigers held us scoreless in the third quarter with the help of their goalie who had an outstanding game. She made over 20 saves throughout the game and made us work hard for the goals that we were able to finish. It was fun to watch her play out there. The temperatures were dropping as the game went on and by the fourth quarter players, coaches, refs, and fans were all chilled to the bone, but PHS was not done yet. Reagan Ward notched a hat trick halfway into the final quarter on an assist from EB Rafferty to bring the score to 5-0. Ward played so confidently tonight and she did some really nice things out there on offense. For the finale, Meg McClure landed two beautiful unassisted shots into the far corner of the goal using her signature move that really deserves to be named. She is like an entertainer on the right side of the field. McClure puts on a great show and it's always got us on the edge of our seats! Pennsbury was able to work 29 players into the 7-0 win and once again JV and Varsity came together to earn the victory. The Truman players worked very hard and did some very nice things throughout the game. We have the utmost respect for their program and the dedication they have to getting better. Shout out to their seniors and to their goalie who did such a great job. Best of luck to them as they finish out their season. Pennsbury will host CR North on Wed. for their final regular season game and is keeping fingers crossed that some sort of magic happens in the standings to allow them to squeak into playoffs. We are not ready for it to end yet, says Curtis, our story is just getting started!
































Wednesday, October 20, 2021  Pennsbury 2    CR North 0

We knew this day was coming, but it didn't make it any easier. In the comfort of their own home field, the Falcons shut out CR North 2-0 for their final game of the regular season. Despite the exciting win, as the clock ran down to zero and the twilight sky turned pink, you could feel the heaviness in their hearts. Through the pre season pressure, grass and turf practices, and all 18 games, these girls won together, lost together, laughed together, and shared some tears. It may have taken us a bunch of games to find our groove, but we sure did gain momentum over the last couple of weeks, said coach, Traci Curtis. This group played some of the best hockey I have ever seen Pennsbury play and that is just so exciting. What makes us most proud is our team's response to that rough patch of crossover game losses. We lost five in a row and were scoreless in all five of those games, yet we picked ourselves up, brushed off the dirt and won five out of our last six match ups (including an upset over the top team in our division, CR South). Nothing can be a greater life lesson than that sequence of events and we wouldn't want it to happen any other way. Pennsbury emerged from that mid season struggle a transformed team and they did it as one solid unit.  We accomplished everything we hoped for and more, Curtis beamed. I just don't want it to end. Today was the exclamation point we were looking for, but it came with a lot of planning and strategizing with our line up. We did not know what to expect from North because we played them way back in September on turf. So much time had passed and they were coming to our field on grass so it was going to be a completely different contest. Our coaching staff set up a formation to play to our strengths offensively, while still keeping a solid defense in place. The decision worked as EB Rafferty and Meg McClure connected for the first goal of the game in the opening 2 minutes. Meg crossed the ball and EB tipped it in, which is why we put them on the field where we did - they are a good offensive match for us and have only gotten better with each day. McClure is one of our best weapons and she proved it by scoring a second goal for us with three minutes left in the first quarter on an assist by Jaclyn Gorgo to give the Falcons a 2-0 lead going into the half. Pennsbury sat on that lead for the remainder of the game and closed out 2021 with four wins in a row. The game was pretty even from end to end with both goalies being challenged with a handful of shots and each team earning a few penalty corners. North has strong sticks making it difficult to get the ball through them. Our girls did an awesome job with the small passing game and big transfers when necessary to work the ball around. We had opportunities to score in later quarters, but just did not find a way to finish. There was a beautiful goal called back that would have made it 3-0 - McClure made a long stretch to save the ball near the endline and dumped it to the stroke mark where Liz Jordan deflected it right passed the goalie perfectly, but unfortunately, it was called out of bounds back where McClure had handled it. We were so excited about how they had worked to make that play happen that we didn't even care that it didn't count. The process and progress of our team has blown us away. When we think about how far we have come in two months, it gives us the chills. It was a strong finish for our program, for the team, and for individuals. Senior, Jenna Outcalt, played one of the best games we have seen her play. Senior captain, Sophia Curtis, dominated the defensive end and Junior, Jaclyn Gorgo, used her talent perfectly in the midfield to possess the ball and distribute selflessly.  EB Rafferty and Meg McClure rose to the occasion to get us on the scoreboard and Jordan Vradenburgh protected the cage with agility and intelligence. The book may be closed on the Falcons' season, but the story will live on for a very long time for this family. Our theme this season forced us to search for our WHY and we believe that the journey we took, helped us to discover that and more. We wish our seniors and all of the seniors who are finishing out 2021 the best as they move on and say goodbye to the high school hockey field. Best of luck to all of the teams who will enter playoffs and battle beyond the regular season.