Green Hornets Basketball



Gym Use Rules

·        Absolutely No Food or Drink in the schools except water for players only

·         All trash must be disposed of properly

·         Children must stay seated next to guardians in gym at all times

·         No bouncing/throwing of balls in hallways

·         All spaces except for Gymnasium and restrooms are off limits for everyone

·         Be respectful of school staff and follow their directions/requests

·         Do not move chairs/tables or any other items without permission from school staff

Your cooperation is essential for us to be able to play this year.  

We cannot stress enough that we are able to use the schools at the pleasure of each individual school.  It is a privilege not a "Right" to use these facilities and without them we cannot have a basketball season.  If the following rules are not adhered to the school is within their right to kick us out and revoke all permits.  If we lose just one school we cannot have a season