Subscribe to our NewsletterThe History of Baseball in Fort Lee
The Fort Lee National Little League was organized in 1953 by
The Athletic Committee of the Fort Lee A. C. After the 1953 season
there were so many boys who wanted to play that the league applied
to Little League Baseball at Williamsport to expand from 4 to 6 teams,
they said Fort. Lee's population was large enough for 2 leagues, we
therefor started the American League in 1954. Main Street was the
boundary line, later changed to Tom Hunter Road, between the leagues, the American being south and the National north of Tom Hunter Road.
Our sponsors originally were Babe's Taxi, Fort Lee A. C., Lions
Club and Palisades Amusement Park. We have retained the same
sponsors except that Cutrupi and Co. replaced Babe's Taxi in 1962.
Our first field was the Fort Lee A. C. Field which was used unti1
the Little League Field on Anderson Ave. was ready.
The property for the Little League Field is leased from the Mayor
& Council of Fort Lee for a term of years. The field is used by the
Major League teams of the American and National Leagues.
Our minor league teams used the Fort Lee A. C. field after the
major team went to Little League Field until 1959 when it became a
parking lot. Our minor section used the east end of the High School
'Field. However, in 1961 and 1962 our minor league played on Fort
Lee School No.2 Field and the major section played a nine game schedule
on east end of High School Field in addition to Little League
Field on Anderson Ave.
Our league growth has kept pace with the growth of our town
and we have endeavored to make baseball available to all boys whose
ages range from 8 thru 12 as of August 1st in the year that they play.
We started with 60 boys and 4 teams, in 1962 we have about 200 boys
and 12 teams, 4 Major and 8 Minor.
Our league is financed by our sponsors. Proceeds of yearly Fund
Drives which our boys participate in are turned over to Little Leagues,
Inc., for the operation and maintenance of Little League Field On Anderson Avenue.
We are grateful to our sponsors for providing the funds to keep
our program going, and to The Fort Lee Board of Education for giving
us permission to use school fields for our boys. We appreciate
the yearly assistance provided by Mr. Lewis F. Cole, Superintendent
of Schools, and his secretary, Mrs. Ethel Meyn, in circulating our annual
registration forms.
We are thankful for the large number of men who have managed
and coached our teams over the years. We shall continue to provide the best for our boys in the years ahead as we have in the past 10 seasons.
The Athletic Committee of the Fort Lee A. C. After the 1953 season
there were so many boys who wanted to play that the league applied
to Little League Baseball at Williamsport to expand from 4 to 6 teams,
they said Fort. Lee's population was large enough for 2 leagues, we
therefor started the American League in 1954. Main Street was the
boundary line, later changed to Tom Hunter Road, between the leagues, the American being south and the National north of Tom Hunter Road.
Our sponsors originally were Babe's Taxi, Fort Lee A. C., Lions
Club and Palisades Amusement Park. We have retained the same
sponsors except that Cutrupi and Co. replaced Babe's Taxi in 1962.
Our first field was the Fort Lee A. C. Field which was used unti1
the Little League Field on Anderson Ave. was ready.
The property for the Little League Field is leased from the Mayor
& Council of Fort Lee for a term of years. The field is used by the
Major League teams of the American and National Leagues.
Our minor league teams used the Fort Lee A. C. field after the
major team went to Little League Field until 1959 when it became a
parking lot. Our minor section used the east end of the High School
'Field. However, in 1961 and 1962 our minor league played on Fort
Lee School No.2 Field and the major section played a nine game schedule
on east end of High School Field in addition to Little League
Field on Anderson Ave.
Our league growth has kept pace with the growth of our town
and we have endeavored to make baseball available to all boys whose
ages range from 8 thru 12 as of August 1st in the year that they play.
We started with 60 boys and 4 teams, in 1962 we have about 200 boys
and 12 teams, 4 Major and 8 Minor.
Our league is financed by our sponsors. Proceeds of yearly Fund
Drives which our boys participate in are turned over to Little Leagues,
Inc., for the operation and maintenance of Little League Field On Anderson Avenue.
We are grateful to our sponsors for providing the funds to keep
our program going, and to The Fort Lee Board of Education for giving
us permission to use school fields for our boys. We appreciate
the yearly assistance provided by Mr. Lewis F. Cole, Superintendent
of Schools, and his secretary, Mrs. Ethel Meyn, in circulating our annual
registration forms.
We are thankful for the large number of men who have managed
and coached our teams over the years. We shall continue to provide the best for our boys in the years ahead as we have in the past 10 seasons.