The 2022/23 season will see 3 new faces to the Executive Board and the introduction of a new "Advisory Board" made up of 5 BMHL veterans. The new advisory board members will help when there is a vote or decision that needs to be made that affects the league. The new executives are being brought on as some of the older execs are nearly the end of their historic BMHL careers.



Brent Sherman-President/Webmaster 
Evan Lambrecht-Vice President
Steve Bolton-Treasurer
Jordan Bray-Treasurer/Media Relations
Tim VanMiddelkoop-
Luc Chambers-
Garrett Lowry-Media Relations
Brodie McDonald-
Brandon Wilkins-
Taylor Sisson
Matt Clark

Advisory Board

Mike Kicks
Ryan Tamming
Steven Beanackers
Ian VanMiddelkoop
Jake Van Eerd