COED PreK & Kindergarten Rules

Central Junior Basketball


1.   The basketball goal is to be set at 7.5 feet high.


2.   The basketball used in a junior size basketball. (27cm)


3.   The games will consist of four 8 minute quarters. The clock will run continuously.


4.   Each player will wear a colored wristband that matches an opposing player’s wristband to identify individual offensive/defensive match-ups.


5.   Only man to man defense can be played. No zones or double teams are allowed.


6.   The defense cannot engage until the ball crosses the three point line. Once the ball crosses the three point line, defense can be played throughout the entire half court.


7.   Steals or stripping the ball directly from another player is not allowed. However, passes can be stolen.


8.   Each team must have one coach on the floor at all times to provide the dual roles of coach and referee. Each coach will need a whistle.


9.   No competitive score will be kept. Instead, when either team scores, both teams will be credited with a basket so that the game is tied at all times. No free throws will be shot. Fouls will result in a free in bound at half court.


10.   Playing time must be distributed as equally as possible between all players. (The only exceptions are if an injury occurs or disciplinary action in the form of “pine time” is required in the coach’s opinion.) Every player must play at least two uninterrupted quarters. One in the first half and one in the second half. If mathematically possible every player must sit at least one quarter.


11. If a player rebounds the ball that player will bring the ball up the court (point guard). If a player is making all the rebounds, please ensure another player who hasn’t had an opportunity to bring the ball up is given the ball to do so. 


12. NO FAST BREAKS, let the defense and offense, minus the point guard, go to the other end and set up before the point guard/ball handler proceed.