Walker Homesites Park Improvements - Looking for Input

December 6, 2022 – 09:45 AM

The following was posted on Windsorite.ca. For the full story click HERE.

The City of Windsor is looking for input on plans for Walker Homesite Park.

The city is developing a new Functional Design Plan for the park with upgrades aimed at mitigating current drainage issues, upgrading the existing parking lots, improving public safety, improving park accessibility, and enhancing the existing sports facilities.

A new concept plan and a brief summary of the proposed improvements is available on the city’s website. You will also find a link to share your thoughts via SurveyMonkey.

The deadline for comments is Saturday, December 17th, 2022.

We've been working with the City on many of these improvements and now is the time for you to be heard. This is exciting news for Walker Homesites Park and our community. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey at the following link.

Link To City of Windsor Survey