New CBA and the future of the league

January 2, 2023

Happy New Year! We can't wait to play some wiffle ball this year! We have some breaking news reguarding the future of CLMLB. For the past few years, we have been playing our Season 3 schedule and we have thoroughly enjoyed each and every game that we have played up to this point. But to save time, the league has decided to immediately skip the season and head straight into the postseason. This was not an easy decision for the players, but changes needed to be made. The league will use the playoff format that has been used for the past couple seasons to complete Season 3. But after this current postseason is over, the following "season" (Season 4) will have a completely new and exciting format that will allow all teams to participate in the run for the World Series title. From now on, unless there is a new CBA agreement in the future, there will no longer be a regular season schedule. More details about the new Postseason format will come at a later date. The league has also agreed that there will be a four-run mercy rule implemented during each inning for the current postseason. TBD if it will be implemented in the future. The rule was previously used during the regular season and the players seemed to like the rule, mostly because it shortened the times of games substantially. The league is excited to announce that they have implemented a structural strikezone that will greatly help the strike/ball calls during games.