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Frequently Asked Questions (Version 2 – March 2024)
When was the MVSSA formed?
The Merrimack Valley Senior Softball Association began play in 2015.
Where and when are the games played?
Games are played at Riverside Park in Haverhill. We use 3 fenced fields at the park. We play doubleheaders on Sunday mornings, beginning at 9 AM.
When is the MVSSA season?
We play from mid to late April through early October. The regular season begins this year on April 30th, and runs through mid-August. Playoffs are scheduled from late August through early October. We do not play the weekends of Memorial Day, the 4th of July, and Labor Day.
Does your league use umpires, or is it a self-umpire senior softball league?
We employ USA Softball umpires for all our games. The game fee for the umpires is included in the fee we collect from all players as part of registration.
How old do you have to be to play in the MVSSA?
You must be at least 48 years old by 12/31/24 to play this year. For purposes of assessing age eligibility, your “Senior Softball Age” is the age you attain during the calendar year of our season. For example, anyone born in 1974 who reaches the age of 50 by December 31, 2024 is considered 50 for the 2024 season.
Is the MVSSA a men’s-only league?
No, women are welcome to play. We are a league for men and women who love to play competitive softball.
How are new players evaluated?
MVSSA typically conducts 2 pre-season workouts in April to evaluate new players. The dates this year are Sunday April 16th and Sunday April 23rd. We will look at basic running, fielding, and hitting skills through some short drills, and play a short scrimmage as well.
How are players placed on teams?
The MVSSA strives to create balanced teams with skills evenly matched and positional strength evenly distributed. The league shuffles team rosters each year by a draft. The primary role of the coaches is to ensure balanced teams across the league. Coaches make an initial assessment of skills, and they work together to balance all the teams based on skill levels and positional needs.
How many players are on each team?
The goal for the coaches each year is to create rosters with 13 players per team.
What if I need to miss some games?
We all have other commitments and most players miss a few games during the season. We target our team rosters at 13 to accommodate these absences. By joining MVSSA, you are making a commitment to your teammates. Each team depends on about 75% participation, so we ask everyone to manage conflicts as best they can, and to let your coach know well in advance if you will be unable to attend a game.
My buddy and I would like to play on the same team. Is that possible?
We will consider such requests, but we cannot guarantee it. Register and let us know that you want to be on the same team. We will try and make that happen in the first year. In following years, we will balance team skills by shuffling rosters each year.
How good do I have to be to play in the MVSSA?
We expect everyone to have some minimal skills for safety reasons, but we welcome anyone who can compete. New Members must be able to meet the following five required skills:
- Have sufficient mobility and reaction time to field balls without being a safety concern.
- Consistently throw a ball over 50 feet in the air with reasonable accuracy.
- Consistently catch a ball thrown from more than 60 feet away.
- Consistently hit a slow-pitch softball out of the infield.
- Run to first base in under 10 seconds.
If I show up, will I play in every game?
League rules require that all players that show up must bat in the lineup. Coaches are encouraged to play every roster player 3 or more innings in the field. Field assignments and lineup positions are the coach’s decisions. The MVSSA does not have any hard guidelines governing minimum play.
What kind of bats can I use?
The MVSSA is a USA Softball league, so only USA/ASA bats are allowed. Players that have a senior softball age of 60 or older may use senior bats with the SSUSA stamp.
What are some of the senior softball rules that you play by?
We do our best to align with SSUSA rules for senior softball, in conjunction with basic USA/ASA rules, with a common-sense approach to competitiveness and safety. Here are a few “senior” rules:
- We use a strike plate at home plate. If a legally pitched ball hits the plate, it is a strike.
- There is a 2nd home plate approx 8-10 feet in foul territory that the runners must advance to so we can avoid collisions at home plate.
- All pitchers must wear a face mask for protection. This is not optional.
- Teams may only score 5 runs per inning, except in the open inning (7th or extra innings).
- For a complete set of rules, go to the Forms tab on the home page of our website, then click on Handouts.
How do I register to play this season?
Go to the league website – www.leaguelineup.com/mvssa and look for the registration link on the home page. Completely fill out the form and press Submit. That’s all there is to it. You will be contacted by the commissioner via email, and provided updates as the season approaches.
How much does it cost to play in the MVSSA?
The fee is $150 for 2024. This includes the umpire fees, uniform shirt/hat, softballs, access to the website, field rental fee with the City of Haverhill, USA Softball team registration, the umpire assigner fee, a prize fund for the winning team in the playoffs, and miscellaneous expenses (scoreboards, bases, spray paint, field maintenance equipment, etc). Each team sponsor pays a fee that helps offset a portion of the player fee. Thank you sponsors!
What forms of payment do you accept?
Currently we are only accepting payment by check or cash. Our goal is to expand to electronic payment options in the coming years.
Do you offer any discounts or payment plans?
We welcome anyone who wants to play senior softball and we don’t want to exclude anyone because they can’t afford it. The MVSSA may waive or reduce fees for any member who is experiencing financial hardship. Please contact the Commissioner to discuss.
What if I get injured and can’t play after the first few weeks? Will I get a refund?
Members who incur an injury that prohibits play for a substantial portion of the remainder of a season may petition to receive a refund. Conversely, if a player joins the league mid-season because of a roster spot becoming available, the player fee will be pro-rated based on the number of games left in the season.
Who can I contact if I have additional questions?
On the league website, under the ABOUT tab, click on Contact Info. You may get in touch with one of the names on the list, or simply click on the Contact button, fill out the form, and click on Send Message. We will get back to you within a day or two.