The 2023 Coventry Basketball Summer Program is open for registration:

Please navigate to Youth Sports->Summer Basketball Program on the Rec Department site

Coventry Rec Department Catalog

Please register for "Session" based on your child's grade during the 2023-2024 School Year:

(on the rec site the "age" column will show your child's current grade for 2022-2023 school year)

Boys Grades 3-4:  Monday nights 7/10-8/14

Girls Grades 3-4:  Tuesday nights 7/11-8/15

Boys Grades 5-6:  Thursday nights 7/13-8/17

Girls Grades 5-6:  Wednesday nights 7/12-8/16

Boys Grades 7-8:  Monday nights 7/10-8/14

Girls Grades 7-8: Thursday nights 7/13-8/17