Definition of an ineligible player.

  1. Any player who is registered competitive in another league ie: WOSL, league 1, CSA, or to 2 or more LOSL teams.
  2. Any player who is not registered to the team they are playing for.
  3. Proof of registration is provided by 3 things.
    • Valid photo ID with photo, name and date of birth.
    • The player is shown on the game sheet specifically for that game
    • The same player is shown on the master roster provided to each captain and brought to each game.
    • All of the above 3 must match. If any item is missing the player is deemed illegal on a player check. 
Ways to ensure your players are legal
Bring with you to each game:
  1. Filled out and a completed game sheet for each game you play.
  2. Ensure your players ALL bring a photo ID.
  3. Bring your most recent team list to every game. This will be emailed to you from the registrar.
  4. Do not allow illegal players to play even if the team insists!

Penalty for illegal players: forfeiture of that game by a score of 3-0.


When to check for cards

  1. At the earliest opportunity preferably at least 15 minutes prior to the Game start.
  2. Inform the referee of your intention.
  3. Any new players arriving late can be checked prior to the start of the second half.
  4. Again inform the referee of your intentions.
  5. Any new players arriving late into the second half, ID to be check before player enters the field.
  6. Individual players, or whole teams can be checked prior to the Game start.
How to report Illegal players
  1. Advise the referee of the findings. They will make a note on the game sheet.
  2. Play the game knowing a protest will be raised. Do not abandon the Game.
  3. Email Chris, Greg or Manny with the results after the game.
  4. The executive will conduct an investigation and award the outcome as needed.