2023 BCYFHL Junior and Senior Game Information  (8/28/23)


**JEWELRY:  Though HS rules for jewelry was new for 2023, the NJSIAA does NOT govern youth sports therefore any player with wrist/neck items, beads/items in hair or wear other items determined by the official to be a safety issue to that player or another person then that player will remove the item before playing in the game. There are no methods to make an illegal item legal. Any player who violates this rule after being informed and plays in the game with the item worn will receive a green card. (2 minutes suspended from the game).Players cannot play in game till item is removed.


PARENTS/FANS: Spectators are to sit opposite side of the team benches. They cannot sit on the END LINE (unless outside a fence) or on BENCH side with players. Spectators must follow the HOST site designated areas for fans. Each Team’s Coaches are responsible for the behavior of their parents/fans/spectators. Refs can use yellow or red card as needed for any fan behavior.


“Rolling subfor JR and SR: player comes off field BEFORE a sub can enter the field. Exception: after a goal or Timeout player can come on field. Players can sub 10 yds on either side of the 50 yd line. No coaches or non-subbing players are to be in the substitution box. Officials may help as needed so players understand the rules of game.


SENIOR Games: 2, 25 minute halves; 11 v 11 with GK; 1 Timeout/game called at any time (stop clock). Whistle/VERBAL warning at :50 (teams prepare to be on field); 2nd whistle teams ready to play & clock resumes.


JUNIOR Games: 2, 20 minute running halves; 9 v 9 with GK (10 v10 if opponent agrees); 1 Timeout /game called at any time, 1 minute stop clock timeout.  Whistle & VERBAL warning at :50 (teams prepare to be on field); 2nd whistle teams ready to play & clock resumes after 1 minute.  More leeway for the Jr subs (15 yds either side of 50 or can sub on a 16/25 yd hit if multiple subs and coach calls out to inform ref). Jr games use football sidelines for games.


Mercy Rule: SRs: 6 goals  JRs: 5 Goals. (goal differential). No coach should allow their team to score at will or let a player continue to score multiple goals without regard to the game outcome. Coaches are to be aware of game score and have their team be creative for scoring/passing when necessary. The ref will note any abuse of the mercy rule. Coach’s Director is notified for any violation of mercy rule. This is Recreation league, not championship.


NO coaches on the playing field at any time except injury/TO; parents are not to be “coaching” in any area around field.


SENIOR Coaches: Can ONLY coach from the sideline of their team bench area from the substitution box to the 25 yd line on their sideline. No coach can be outside team bench or be in substitution box.


JUNIOR Coaches:  MUST have 1 coach stay in team bench area with players; other coaches may be on opposite sideline and/or on either end line but MAY NOT interfere with another team’s coaches on any boundary line or with the players on the field. JR coaches CANNOT be on opponent’s bench area side of 50 yd line to their end line.


Rules: National Federation HS rules. (NO penalty strokes) No reverse chips allowed that lead to raised balls. Players using the reverse side of stick to pass or dodge must keep the ball close to the ground and under control.  Defense: 5 yds away from opponent Free Hit. If not, do not play the ball. For any violations of defense for violating the 5 yds for free hit a card will be issued (green= 2 mins, yellow = 5 or 10 mins; red is ejection if needed.).


REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: shin guards that cover to lower part of the knee and a mouth guard worn properly in the mouth with NO protruding attachment nor be attached to the  goggles!  Goggles are a town/team choice.


Officials: will use cards for unsporting behavior from any player/coach/ spectators (green 2 mins; yellow 10 mins; red is ejection where a player is to sit out for remainder of the game.


ALL WEATHER ISSUES /Cancelled games: Updates will be on the website as soon as possible. Every effort is made to make up postponed games. Whenever weather, etc impacts any game all town Directors will be informed asap by text or call so that they can inform their teams/coaches. The Host site director makes the initial determination to play especially if it is a grass field. Games are played in the rain; games are not played if there is thunder/lightning.