
Welcome to yet another season of Fair Haven Men's Basketball.  
I'll get right to it.  Here are the captains for the 2024 season: 
John Iovino
After taking hiatus in 2023 due to injury, the perennial MVP of the 2010's has returned to attempt writing perhaps the greatest comeback story this league has ever seen.... And what better way to preface this tall tale than to give the kid his own squad.  Recently blessed with the birth of his first son, John must now peer deeply into his soul to battle his competitive demons, potentially take a lesser role and draft a winning team.  Rumor has it that newly reinstated league legend Steve Rumph will find his way onto Iovino's squad.  John, you are the captain of your destiny.  Only two things are certain: this team will be the league's great volatile mystery and the Greek will pleasure himself with screenshots of JI's roster.  Whatever gets you there Alvin.  It's a fucked up world out there.  No judgments pal.  

Ryan Maloney
That's right, 2024 is the year of the backcourt comeback.  Once regarded as one of the top backcourt players in the league, Ryan will lace 'em up and serve as the third backcourt captain of the 2024 season.  This guy is no nonsense and has led many teams to glory over the years.  If anybody is standing toe to toe with father time and asking for seconds, it's this man.  An unselfish, workmanlike attitude and high basketball IQ should serve him well as he leads his team through the war of 2024. 
Phil Conover 
Once a surefire 25 PPG guy, Phil will also get the chance to rewrite his recent league history.  After a semifinal collapse by his poorly coached squad last season, Phil will look to relocate his shooting touch and lead a team back to the finals.  He is no stranger to the big game.  Let's see if he can draft the pieces he needs to compliment him and if he can shoot better from the free throw line than from beyond the arc.  
Ryan Finnegan
Taking his first crack at the captaincy is one of the league's quiet talents.  A tender kind soul at heart,  can Finnegan overcome his natural nonchalance and "chillness" to light fire to the asses of 7 shitty basketball players?  His skills and ability are vast.  Let's see if he takes the reins and makes an example of his lesser foes this year.  That will be the key to his team succeeding.  
Marc Raffensperger
While he suffers the curse of being a likable guy, make no mistake about it... Raff will smile at you, pat you on the butt, and take your lunch.  Marc has a balanced inside/out game and with the right team around him, he should contend for the crown.  Mike Roberto was on his team last year and that's why he lost.  What a mush...
Kyle Phelan
Having gone from league fill-in to number one overall pick to league champion in a short time, Kyle is checking A LOT of boxes early in his FHMB career.  Hopefully league members are growing collectively restless of this bullshit and will focus on ensuring his demise.  Is it just me or does this guy wear weird socks?   Joking aside, Kyle is succeeding for a reason.  Opposing teams will find out the hard way for sure.  With Kyle at helm, look for this team to be formidable, at worst.  
I look forward to seeing everyone next Friday.  Bring your green hat.  
Ryan Seuffert will replace Jon Iovino as captain due to lingering injury.