Eagles Board Meeting Minutes from 3/5/24

Eagles Board Meeting
March 5, 2024
Board Members Attending: Jeremy Ohlsen, Katie Ohlsen, Morgan Jimenez, Rick Jimenez, Jackie Gable, Jessica Collins, Teri
Meeting called to order at the Ohlsen house
- Teri Levitt wants to join the board as a general board member for the year. Jackie made a motion to vote Teri in as a
general board member for 2024. Morgan seconded the motion. All present voted in favor.
- Jeremy noted that this will be his last year as president and that he is looking for a replacement. He will stay on another
year as a general board member to help with any transition for the new president next year.
- In order to have a corporate sponsor and have their name on the jerseys, we would need to know by the end of April
for summer of 2024.
- Fundraiser Promotion: Teri to call Rowland for the radio, approach Redwood News, Northcoast Journal
- Coast Central Credit Union sent a $500 donation. Discussed about using the money to pay for the other half of the
fishing trip to auction off for the fundraiser. A motion was made by Katie to use the money for the fishing trip. Morgan
seconded. All present voted in favor.
- Rick reported that we are able to do the fundraiser at the Crabs vs. Eagles game in the beer garden. All servers will have
to get their alcohol serving certificate, which can be done online.
- Discussion on what to charge for beer and wine after tickets. It was decided to charge $5 for both beer and wine.
Tickets for extra drinks will be purchased at the door.
- Need to start thinking about pricing for upcoming season to be discussed after the fundraiser.
- Discussed sending the 17u team to the Reno tournament and it was decided to sign them up for the Reno tournament
this summer.
- Jeremy gave an update of possible changes to American Legions Area 1 and Area 2 that are being discussed at the Area
- Will discuss/finalize fundraiser volunteer duties at next meeting.
Meeting Adjourned
Next Board Meeting March 19, 2024 at 5:30, place TBD