Capital  Division 2024 Schedule, photo  and league information below.

All games to be played in New Scotland at 5:30 pm. Contact Jazz for information at 

  5/19/24  Played.        
  6/2/24    Played.
  6/9/24    Played.
 6/23/24   Played.
6/30/24    Played.
7/14/24    Played.
7/21/24    Played.
7/28/24    Played.
8/4/24      Played.
8/11/24    Played.
8/14/24  A Diamond 7pm.
8/18/24   Postponed
8/25/24   Played
9/8/24     Played
9/15/24   Played
9/22/24   Played
Recap from 9/22 game
We have had some great weather and turnouts for baseball over the past few weeks.
We had a great game Sunday that ended in another tie, 7-7.    
Pitching for the Cap City Blues - Dalton 2, Maione 2, Plew 1, Kidd 1 and Barna 1   
Pitching for the Albany Reds - Radzik 2, Reed 2, and Hall 3
The Reds struck first with singles by Hall and Romero, with Hall scoring on a FC. A walk and a DP ended the top half of the 1st. The Blues responded with a leadoff triple by Barna and a single by Reel. 
1-1 after 1
The Reds got a double & SB by Ansel and an RBI single by Kennedy against Dalton to take the lead. The Blues then got singles by Barton and Witting but left 3 runners on, as Radzik completed his work for the day. 
2-1 after 2.
The Reds then got singles from Radzik & Hall but failed to score off Maione. The Blues down 2-1, then got things going in the third with doubles by Parker and Barna followed by singles by Jaz, Maione & Reel to take a 5-2 lead off Reed to end the 3rd.
The Reds responded with doubles of their own by Reed and Relyea followed by a triple by Tice. Nelson then singled to score Tice to tie the score. With 2 on, Maione then induced a 1-2-5 DP to end the top half with things knotted up at 5 all. The Blues got 1 base runner to reach on an error, who was stranded at 2nd leaving the score 5-5.
Plew started the 5th against the Reds giving up a single to Radzik but helped himself with a quick pick off. A third single in the game by Hall, a HBP of Taveras and a wild pitch put runners on 2nd & 3rd with one out. A K of Reed and a L6 and the threat was eliminated. Hall took the mound for the Reds in the 5th and gave up a single to Kidd and a BB to Parker. Dalton laid down a sac bunt to move runners into scoring position. Barna walked to load the bases and Jaz then hit into a 1-3 FC that cut the run down at the plate. Then with bases loaded Hall got the 3rd out on a reverse K stranding all 3 runners on base all knotted at 5 after 5. 
Kidd came on in the 6th Reds and got 3 quick outs before the Reds got something going with a two out single to Kennedy. A SB and then a single by Pannone gave the Reds the lead back. Another single by Aiello put runners on the corners but a 6-3 ended any further damage. Hall recorded 2 quick outs before Gianakos reached base. Maul was then HBP. Maione came to the plate with a chance to tie things up or take a lead but a pickoff attempt by the catcher ended the threat and left 2 runners on. 6-5 Blues after 6.
Barna came on in the 7th down 1 to try to keep things close and started the inning with a leadoff walk. A 6-4 got the 1st out. Hall stole 2nd and then Barna got the K for the 2nd out but not before Hall stole 3rd. An errant throw by the catcher Jaz led to Hall scoring. Reed then battled for an 8-pitch 3-2 count before earning the BB. A wild pitch and Reed was on second with 2 outs. The ever-dangerous Relyea, who had a double previously, worked the count to 3-1 then pitch out was called for and he was walked. Tice, who hit had hit the triple earlier, was not given any good pitches and the bases were loaded again. Then the legend Ansel, who had a double of his own earlier, came up and snapped a hard one back to the pitcher that Barna was able to make a great snag of for a 1-3 leaving the Blues down 7-5. Hall came back out for the 7th to try to close down the Blues and get the save. Kidd and Parker led off with singles and with a SB & PB the Blues had the tying runs in scoring position with no outs. An F6 had was followed by a Barna pass to load the bases. Jaz hit a tailing liner toward 2nd that hit the glove but was not handled for an E that resulted in a run scoring. Hall got the next batter out swinging. But with 2 outs he then hit Plew forcing in the tying run and loading the bases with 2 outs. He got the next batter out swinging to end the inning and the game all knotted up at 7 for the 3rd tie this year 
 Recap from 8/25 game
We had another great day for baseball this past Sunday with a great game. If we kept an official scorebook and did not use my memory, more guys would get credit for their accomplishments. No slight intended. Maybe someday there will be an AI app that just records our game and does all that, lol. Until then forgive me if I missed your hits and great catches, as there always are some.  
Maione, Ansel and Barna pitched for the Blue team and Plew, Hall and Dalton pitched for the red team. 
The battery of Maione & Ring started for the blue team. The red team coached by Jaz came out swinging and jumped out to a 5 run lead with some timely hitting by Jaz, Lee, Hall, Potash. The battery of Plew & Dalton started for the Red team. The blue team managed by Barna responded in the bottom of the 1st with hits from Maione & Nelson scoring 3 runs. With 2 outs and a runner on Plew got behind in the count to Barna 0-3. He threw a high breaking ball that Barna was able get a hold of and launch over the fence in left center to tie the score at 5 and leave the teams tied after one.
Maul proceeded to start the 2nd with a lead off line drive to right center. With the lefty Maione on the mound he quickly made a pickoff attempt to 1st to catch Maul just a step off 1st distracted by the banter of 1st baseman Ansel. A couple of quick outs and the red team went down scoreless. Dave Plew returned the favor with a quick inning and after 2 the score remained 5-5. 
In the 3rd inning Jaz laid down a perfect bunt just down the 3rd base line that spun in the dirt and looked to be going foul. As the catcher got to the ball and waited a second for it to go foul it just continued to spin in the dirt and settle in fair territory allowing time him to reach 1st safely without a throw. A stolen base and a hit by Tice the lead was 6-5. Hall came in and was able to make quick work of the blue team. 
With Ansel pitching the Red team went quietly in the 4th. A quick inning in the field gave some momentum to the blue team and they got hits and runners on base scoring 3 runs to jump on top for the 1st time in the game at 8-6. The blue team had multiple hits and runners reaching base to contribute including Fabian, Middlestead, Nelson and Reed.
Ansel started the 5th the Red team responded was able to get a runners on with Reel reaching base and taking 2nd. Dalton then hit a ball down the 3rd base line that was lost by the fielder and came to settle next to the bag. The crafty Reel with 1 foot on the bag placed his other foot in front of the ball conceling for a few moments and all runners were safe. This was enough for the pitcher who traded places with the 1st baseman Maione who came back in to pitch.  Jaz came up with 2 on and with the green light Dalton took off for 2nd and took the base uncontested. Jaz then took a pitch and lined it to deep left just over the glove of the left fielder for a double clearing the bases. With 4 runs the Red team jumped back on top for a 10-8 lead after 5-1/2. Dalton continued in the 5the and struck out the 1st batter but the ball bounced away for the catcher allowing the lead off runner on. The blue team then recorder a couple of hits and the red team recorded an error giving up 2 runs and having a tied score after 5. 
Alec Barna came in to pitch in the 6th and was able to retire the side without allowing a run. Dalton returned the favor in the 6th and the teams went to the 7th knotted up at 10. 
The red team was able to get Reel & Clark on 1st and 3rd. With 1 out the top of the order came up against Barna and was poised to take the lead. A quick breaking ball and Jaz was down 0-1, a second pitch came in and was lined foul down the left field line 0-2. Jaz was looking for a Pete Rose single. Barna was looking to shut things down. A breaking ball was swung on and missed with a passed ball 2nd out. Now runners were on 2nd & 3rd with Tice coming up. A foul tip and a foul ball and Barna was quickly ahead of Tice. Barna came with the high fastball and ended the threat with another K and a chance for a walk off in the bottom of the 7th. The Red team made a pitching change bring Plew back in the try to shut things down. The Blue team started at the top of the order. Plew made quick work and the blue team went down 1-2-3 and ended the game in a tie in what "seemed" like save or win. But still a just tie. If only.....  
Recap from 8/11 game.
As we got ready you take the field the clouds were looking ominous and it looked like rain clouds were rolling in. We had 2 full squads of 12 and started the game. Maione took the mound for the Blue Team.  The blue team got a couple quick outs but a shaky start at second allowed a couple of batters to get on. The red team took advantage with a few timely hits and aggressive base running and a couple more miscues that allowed them to hit the 5 (unearned) run limit in the top of the 1st. Koster took the mound for the visitors and helped himself with a 1-3 and then allowed a couple hits. He got a K and settling in to end the inning and get out of a jam. 
In the 2nd Maione settled in and shut down the side in the 2nd. Koster got the 1st out and then the blue team bats came alive, with a couple of hits and then Bileci lined a base clearing gapper to right center that rolled to the fence with him racing around to score. Koster was relieved by Hall and the Blue team closed out the scoring with another run hitting the 5 run limit.
A rain shower rolled in and playing was delayed for about 10 minutes. The rain was gone as quickly as it arrived but the dark clouds hovered around. Play resumed and Maione continued to sit down the batters on the red team with a tied score. The blue team had leadoff hit by Barna who quickly found himself on 3rd. A free pass and there were runners on 1st & 3rd with no outs. A K, timely line drive to 2nd followed by a 6-4 left the runners stranded. 
The Red team went down again in order in the 4th. The blue team was able to add another run to give the edge of 6-5 to the blue team.   In the 5th a newcomer to the league Greg Kennedy,  came in proceeded to set down the 1st 2 batters. After a walk he was able to induce the next batter into an easy 6-4 to end the inning.  In the bottom of the inning the Blue team was able to add an insurance run taking a 6-5 lead after 4. 
Aiello took the mound in the top of the 6th  the blue sky was gone with dark clouds in the twilight. The red team strung together a number of hits and aggressive base running to put themselves in position for a 2 run double. A few more baserunners and at red team had a 9-6 lead.  I high pop up in the dark sky was hard to field and all runners were safe with the 5th run scoring.  As much as the players would love to finish the inning the game was called for the safety of all involved. 
Our next game is this Wednesday evening at 7PM at the A Diamond (Arrive early Hotdogs & Hamburgers pregame). 
I am also asking for replies on who is in on Sunday 8/18 at New Scotland. 
Jim Jaz
 Recap from the 8/4 game and pinic.
After a late morning/early afternoon rain shower, things cleared up & dried up enough for a late day game and a great picnic. Thanks John Reel for field work. 
Thank you, Mike Giglio, for bringing the professional grill, tables, sodas, deserts and those great sausage & pepper sandwiches, not to mention the help and extra fans. Thank you to everyone that bought tables, beverages, food & snacks to share. Every effort is greatly appreciated.
Unfortunately, we don't keep a scorebook nor do I have the memory I used to have (ask my wife, lol). But here are the highlights, as I remember. 
Vinny Koster started for the Blue Team and the Red team scored in the top of the 1st inning. In the bottom of the 1st the first 2 batters for the blue team were able to scrape their way on against Jim Dalton. The third batter Alec Barna came up with 2 runners on and lined a shot deep down the third base line and with visions of Carlton Fisk in the 6th game of the 75 series the ball traveled the 295 feet to the foul pole with Alec wiling the ball to stay fair. The only question was not if it was far enough to go out but whether it would it go foul or fair. With a loud doink it made its mark on the foul pole for a 3-run shot. It was the hit of the week. JD was able to get out of the inning and settle in from that point on.  The blue team chipped away and after a few innings the score was 4-3 in favor of the red team. After 3 innings Doug Hall came in and relieved Jim Dalton. Artie Gianakos came in for Vinny Koster. After a couple of walks, a sacrifice hit, and an infield hit the red team was able to plate a runner to tie the score. With 2 outs & runners on 2nd & 3rd Jim Jaz hit a line drive down the left field line to plate 2 runners. Seeing the left fielder a few feet from the ball as he rounded 1st he decided to stretch the single into a double. The left fielder retrieved the ball and quickly hit Alec Barna the shortstop who turned and fired a bullet to the 2nd baseman nailing Jim Jaz for the final out of the top half of the 4th inning. Red Team 6- Blue team 4. Alec Barna came in for relief of Gianakos. The red team added a few more to stretch the lead over the next 3 innings. The blue team tacked on a couple more and in the bottom of the 7th they found themselves down 10-6 with 2 outs. At that point they started their rally. They loaded the bases and the tying run came to the plate creating a save opportunity for Hall. The blue team was looking for another last inning rally to win. However, the batter hit back to the pitcher for a 1-3 game ending play. 
Recap from the 9/15 Game
Sunday, 9/15 (New Scotland NY) -  In a well played game at New Scotland yesterday, the Albany Reds beat the Capital City Blues, by a score of 9-5, a perfect afternoon for baseball in the Capital Division.
Both teams were loaded with pitching, and a great mix of youth and 
CD-MSBL veterans.
Jack Radzik took the bump for the home standing Blues, while Brad Maione toed the slab for the Reds.  Each worked the first two innings.
The Reds broke on top with a quick 2 runs, with an Anthony Nelson Triple along with Carlo Belici & Doug Hall hits. The damage was limited by a quick throw by catcher Witting to catch an unsuspecting Red at third.  Blues answered right back with 4 runs, as Vinnie Koster, Ed Tice, Alec Barna and Mike Aiello sparked the uprising.  Both Radzik and Maione, posted scoreless second frames.  The score stayed that way as pitchers Hall, (Reds) and Greg Kennedy (Blues) posted zeroes.
The Reds scratched out a run in the top of the 4th using hits by Rick Knipper and Matt Relyea to pull with in a run.  Another run in the 5th, on hits by Jim Jasiewicz, Belici and Maione made it 4-4.  After an unexpected mid-inning pitching change, Hall came back on to retire the Blues but not before they grabbed a 5-4 lead. 
The Reds were aided by stopping a steal of home by Vinny Koster and turning a 6-4-3 DP that ended the threat the Blues mounted to add to their lead.  
Reds took the lead back in the 6th with a 2-run tally. Rick Nipper started the 7th with a hit and SB to help add some insurance in the 7th with a hit by Matt Relyea and then subsequent doubles by Jim Jasiewicz & Carlo Belici tacking on a total of 3 runs pushing the score to 9-5.  
Reds pitching held up over the final 2 innings with Brenden Lee getting an important shutdown by striking out the 3rd & 4th hitters in the bottom of the 6th to end the inning and get through the heart of the Blues lineup. Jimmy Dalton came in in the 7th keeping the hitters off balance for a quick 1-2-3 inning to close things out on a beautiful night for baseball. 
Next up is Sunday, September 22, and as these games have gone, another good one is anticipated!
Email to follow on game specifics Tuesday. 
Players showed up to have some fun playing baseball and enjoying a picnic together. There were a number of great hits, catches, and plays made throughout the game.  The players ranged in age form 19 - 77 years of age. You might wonder how that works. Because we have a great bunch there who just want to play baseball for the love of the game.
Who is in for 8/11? (Except Debbie who is to stay south or make her way into the Atlantic.)
Jim Jaz
Who am I and what is my role? 
My name is Jim Jasiewicz. I have volunteered, with support of the league, to help organize and sustain the Capital Division. I do this because I love playing baseball and I know there are others that just want to play some baseball or more baseball.
What is the Capital Division all about?
The Capital Division of the Capital District Men’s Senior Baseball League (CD-MSBL) consists of multiple age group division. The Capital Division is just one of those divisions.
The way the division is run, how it operates, and goals have changed over the years. The division has always tried to balance teams and provide good balanced baseball. Some players have no other opportunities to play, some are trying to reacclimated to the game due to long layoffs or recovery from injury, some just want more at bats and playing time, some are using it as a steppingstone, some want to tune up for tournaments, some want to extend their season and others just want to play as much as possible.  The division continues to change to try to accommodate everyone involved in meeting their playing goals and continuing to offer low-cost organized baseball.  
This division is open to multiple age groups and skill levels. With all this in mind, the goal is to provide organized quality baseball that supports & encourages players, offers multiple at bats, flexible positions, and understands we are all human. In baseball, success in batting is considered great when one gets out more than 6 out of 10 times at bat. I am as competitive as the next guy, but we don’t want lose sight of the fact that we are playing baseball not curing cancer. Although the comradery & friendships can go a long way in improving quality of life.   
When and where do we play ball? Are there other levels of input or assistance opportunities available?   
We plan to play most of our games on Sunday late afternoon at approximately 5PM at the Town of New Scotland Park baseball field (address below). The goal is to get about 15 or more games in. We are also hoping to get a game or two at the A Diamond in Schenectady’s Central Park. We are open to other field options if anybody has info on that. 
Like last year, the appetite for baseball grows in the late summer so continual baseball until fall is always a goal, especially after divisional playoffs and preparation for fall & winter tournaments. The Capital Division games will likely start in a couple of weeks. We may have late afternoon Sundays available in April if we get enough commitment to the season and weather permits.
Traditionally we do not play Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Father’s Day, Independence Day weekend, and Labor Day.  There may be a few other scheduling conflicts. Plus, I have a few conflicts and could always use assistance to ensure baseball when I am away. Helping is not a club for a select few. I can use some help with administrative things and game management. I am not looking for any heavy lift assistance but commitment to different tasks. If interested in stepping up to volunteer as an assistant, PLEASE let me know.  We can talk to the Commish about that.
What does it cost to play and what do I need?
Last year the league was gracious in covering fees. This year’s cost for a season commitment is $100 and will include jerseys. This helps cover Fields, Umps when we have paid umps, baseballs and other expenses. More importantly it guarantees those committed and paying $100 fee up front guaranteed playing time should we have a couple dozen people show up. In lieu of a season commitment the cost will be around $10 a game. Players are expected to have a batting helmet, wood bat(s), baseball pants, baseball cap, red jersey and blue jersey. I do have a few extra wooden bats available for community use. The league may have some extra equipment available.
How Can I make payments?
$100 payment can be sent via
venmo @JimJazz
check to
Jim Jasiewicz
93 N. Pine Ave
Albany, NY
How do I sign up?
If you decide you want to commit for the season OR if you are just thinking of playing a few games, please complete the registration for the Capital Division
CD-MSBL has moved into the 21st century for rosters and registration, with an On-Line Form.  If I can do it, anyone can!  It takes about 5 minutes.
You must complete the CDMSBL Registration & Waiver form for the Capital Division regardless of if you have completed paper copies in the past or if you play for more than one division and already completed a form for that division. You must complete one for each team or division in which you play.
To complete:
1)  Go to
2) From Tool Bar on Home Page, select "Official Rules"
3) Use QR code, or click on 2024 CDMSBL Waiver & Release, directly beneath the QR code.
4) Complete form as instructed. 
        e.g.   Capital Division
Again, if you play for another team like me on the 55+ Pirates, you must submit two forms.
5) When you submit the smart waiver, you will receive a verification email for your electronic signature.  
You will need to access your email to confirm your electronic signature through that email.
6) You will receive an e-mail confirmation that you successfully completed your form, and it was accepted. Keep this for your records as it indicates that the submission is finalized.
NOTE: Download the confirmation within 72 hours as the link expires in 3 days.
What do I do next?
Once you have registered and paid, this is the most important part.
Send me an email to confirming you registered and paid, include your age at your 2024 birthday,  Jersey size, desired number(s),  positions you can play and cellular number for text. On Game day, it is best to reach me by call or text at 518-253-1913. I generally do not have access to my email.
What can I expect next?
Getting commitments to ensure enough players for a couple teams and getting jersey info impacts how quickly we can get started and secures paid umpires. We can start sooner without jerseys, provided each player brings a red jersey and a blue jersey of their own with them.  I put out emails early in the week to confirm weekly commitments. Once we have enough to play a confirming email will be sent that the game is on. We know life happens, but it is very important that if you commit you make every effort to come out and play. Your teammates are counting on you.
If you played last year, you know I work hard, along with others, to ensure that we play ball utilizing various formats and try to do my best to ensure it is organized, balanced, competitive, low pressure & fun baseball for everybody. I am approachable and love playing baseball and want to do my best to offer you the same opportunity at whatever level you are at.
What if I no longer want to get emails from the Capital Division?
Just send an email to and I will simply remove you from the email distribution list.
Thank you and have a great season.
Jim Jaz
Field location is Town of New Scotland 148 Swift Rd, Voorheesville, NY 12186
Here is the expected schedule. Currently all games are at New Scotland Park. We may be able to add other dates later in the year. 
To everybody on the email, please respond directly to me as to which dates you will play.  Early in the week of a game an email will be sent indicating who has responded that they will play. There may be subsequent emails to encourgae participation. As soon as we have enough for a game, an umpire will be sought and a confirmation that the "Game is on" will be sent.