Eagles Board Meeting Minutes from 4/02/24

Eagles Board Meeting
April 2, 2024
Board Members Attending: Jeremy Ohlsen, Katie Ohlsen, Morgan Jimenez, Rick Jimenez,
Jackie Gable, Teri Levitt, Erin Noel
Meeting called to order at the Ohlsen house
- Erin reported that we made $9342.59 from the fundraiser. Our account balance is
currently $14,334.
- Erin presented a breakdown of what our costs were to run the Eagles program for the
Summer and Fall seasons for 2023, and what is cost per player. We lost money for all
teams. Our break even amount from last year for the 17u was 1143.00 per player and
the 19u was $1828.00 per player. It was $450 for Fall ball. This doesn’t include
expenses for insurance, equipment, and field maintenance.
- Discussion regarding what to charge for this summer given the amount of money lost per
player last year. It was decided to charge 17u $1500 and 19u $2000.
- Morgan will work on the flyer regarding try-outs and a parent meeting to gove over why
the increase in fees. Parent meeting May 2nd @ Belotti @ 5:30 and try-outs will be May
20th and 21st sign-ups starting at 5:30, on the field at 6:00.
- Teri to check-in with Jessica re: Valley Pacific logo patch
- Morgan to check-in with Billy at VFW re: paying for balls
- Balls need to be ordered now for the season. Erin made a motion to spend up to $3000
for baseballs, Motion was seconded by Jeremy. All voted in favor.
- There is a delay in getting our taxes filed. An extension has been filed.
- It was brought up about doing a golf fundraiser in the fall and that Billy from the VFW
may be able to help. Jeremy will reach out to Billy regarding organizing it.
- Sam took the Eureka High Varsity footbal position so he will no longer be able to be the
17u coach this summer. Discussed possible options for 17u coach. Board members to
reach out.
- Meeting adjourned. Next Meeting May 7th at the Ohlsen house.