Eagles Board Meeting Minutes from 5/07/24

Eagles Board Meeting
May 7, 2024
Board Members Attending: Jeremy Ohlsen, Katie Ohlsen, Brandee Mitchell, Jackie Gable,
Jason Gable, Erin Noel, Jessica Collins
Meeting called to order at the Ohlsen house
- Erin reported that it looked like the insurance may have double charged the fee. Jeremy
reported that it was glitching when he was renewing it and he will look into it.
- Erin reported that the account has apx. $12,000.
- Discussion regarding 17u coach. Chris Levitt has volunteered to coach. Garrison Fink
had expressed interest, but declined. Matt Tomlin has offered to take the team until July
1st and then let somebody else take over when he leaves for Alaska.
- Baseballs have been ordered.
- The extension had been filed for the taxes, Keith DeMello will start working on getting
them filed soon.
- Billy Long is willing to do a golf tournament in the fall as a fundraiser.
- Jessica has gottne approval for the patches and will start patching the hats and
- Discussed about sponsoring Humboldt Sports. Jason made a motion to send Humboldt
Sports $500 sponsorship. Teri seconded the motion. All voted in favor.
- Jeremy presented an updated coaches contract incorporating a code of conduct. An
updated player code of conduct was also presented. Board members reviewed both and
it was voted to approve both forms by all present.
- Tracy Mac would like to volunteer.
- Mick Moulton with Redwood Acres reported to Jeremy that CR will not be using Belotti
Field anymore. With losing the income from CR, Redwood Acres may have to raise the
price of using the field.
- Brandee to get the updated player code of conduct to Morgan to put on the website.
- Caden Vance has expressed interest in wanting to play, but he has aged out because he
will be 20 in Dec. Will discuss after try-outs whether to allow him to play, knowing he
would not be allowed to play in league games.
- Reminder for try-outs May 20th.
- Meeting adjourned. Next Meeting June 11th at the Ohlsen house.